Incredible Windows 10 (on all devices) concept found


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Nov 26, 2013
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Just one picture I found in the comment section on, but so awesome! Now that's what I call an OS of "Windows". Amazing what you can achieve with just a little change of perspective (especially the WP concept in the picture.)

It would be great if anyone that knows the source and/or the author could leave it here.


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Nov 26, 2013
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Really hope so. Just look at the WP screen in the picture vs the translucent tiles we have now in the preview and on Xbox: making the negative space transparent while the part that's big enough to actually see the background aka the tiles transparent? Utter genius!! Why haven't they thought of that before? Plus it makes W10P Start screen super consistent with how the Start menu now looks on the desktop: just an overlay on the background. Perfect combination of old parallax scrolling and modern transparency I'd say.


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Sep 22, 2013
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Hopefully there is an inverted option for the translucency & transparency. I personally prefer the translucent start menu more so than transparent tiles. I've just always felt it seems a bit messy to see the background in tiles. Especially WP8.1, I can never find a background that's not too distracting to the tiles icons unless its solid. But...options would be good. I'd be interested to see the tiles translucent on the Start Menu tiles as well.

Translucent, as displayed at Microsoft's event in January:


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Oct 19, 2011
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When looking at the tablet experience for windows 10, this render shows what issue needs to be adressed, especially on the surface pro render.

In tablet mode the taskbar and its icons and fonts are too small for a functional use in daily life. It may look nice with regards to ethics in design, but its not functional and for many users it is going to be a frustrating experience. I think microsoft should still consider core design elements used in the modern UI design from windows 8. Icons and fonts are a bigger size, relative to what Im seeing now in the render. Personally it is not necessary for me to navigate to the same info in three ways.

I think the workflow in tablet mode should be a simple experience of accessing information. This design seems to show what appears as three degrees of freedom for accessing information. Apparently for one information sourece, e.g. one app, you can access this by either glancing the live tile, pressing the live tile, pressing the pinned live tile on the taskbar or (most likely) accessing the app through the left start menu panel in the frequenly used and locations area. It still boggles my mind, because this systems increases choices which influences workflow. Everyone's different, but I can see in this case that too much choice can leave with a less good experience, because you have to make a choice of how you want to access information. But I would argue that finding and accessing information this way on one device is somewhat illogical because the user actually has to think about how to access the information rather than a clear cut and faster choice to access the information. I think the latter is what everybody would want to chose. Because it adds less layers. The info can already be accessed at a glance by just selecting the live tile. It is also a pinned function, so that makes pinned tiles/files/programs on the taskbar in tablet mode more of the same and potentially less efficient and confusing. Add the fact that for tablets the taskbar space, pinned items and the system tray are just too small for finger touch use (increased user error mouse over input due to larger input surface area of the finger) it makes a less desirable choice to have the taskbar present in tablet mode in any orientation. The user has to chose between pressing the taskbar or the live tile which, in my view, would make the tablet navigation experience more complex, especially if they're both present on the screen at the same time. I think tablet mode should be clean. One navigation style, clean out doubles. This means hide the navigation pane to the left and the taskbar below in tablet mode. Live tiles are bigger, present more info at a glance and have bigger more finger friendly button design. And what one can find in locations and frequently used one can also pin as a live tile on the startmenu screen in tablet mode. Even the many degrees of freedom gives the user the power to reorganize to groups and locations for quick access of locations and frequently used apps/programs at the users disposal, already part of wiinodws 10 technical preview.


Sep 20, 2012
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The concept shows the tiles in the same arrangement across devices, so I'm inferring from this that you set it up once and it will sync across devices. While this sounds good in theory, why would I want my tile configuration to sync across devices?

My PC start menu tile arrangement is not going to be the same as the one on my phone, and I don't think they ever will be. I don't use the same apps on my pc that I use on my phone (a few yes). That's why I'm not buying into this universal everywhere stuff. The devices just need to be able to sync and be able to keep tabs on each other, not necessarily have the same UI or even language.

Make each platform function as well as it can without any compromises. Any universal UI design I have ever seen compromises on at least 1 platform.
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Mark F24

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Oct 12, 2014
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Having a universal UI design shouldn't be an issue, we are talking pathing and layout primarily correct? I like the idea of a consistent layout and the ability to have certain applications contain the exact same data across devices.

I have programs on my w 8.1 PC that I wouldn't have on my phone, I have apps on my phone I wouldn't want on a PC, and I have another PC that I could join in and always be in familiar territory.

This is what I have always disliked about phones is that they are too different. Ubuntu has been saying they were developing a phone that would dock and be used as a pc, it interested me, except I am forced to use windoz at work so I might as well be all in.


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Nov 26, 2013
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This is what I would call better design in functionality. Offcourse the pocketnow renders look gorgeous, but my focus here is look past that and into the functional design of "tablet mode".!ABu5RSgfaINAoSk&ithint=file,pptx

The thing I like most about the concept you posted is the option for top/bottom app snapping. Oh how I've waited for Microsoft to come to their senses and implement it, given how many 16:9 Win tabs are being churned out.

Imo you shouldn't have to have a switch for that, it's so easy to just imagine it being directly available as an option whenever you swipe down and hold an app.


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Oct 19, 2011
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The thing I like most about the concept you posted is the option for top/bottom app snapping. Oh how I've waited for Microsoft to come to their senses and implement it, given how many 16:9 Win tabs are being churned out.

Imo you shouldn't have to have a switch for that, it's so easy to just imagine it being directly available as an option whenever you swipe down and hold an app.

yep. true. Had that in mind as well. But for starters I thought I would keep it a bit more.... "analogue" to start with. Great food for thought though.


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Mar 18, 2014
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na, i like the look of the pocketnow renders more;)
they are more windowish;) and a nice combination of what we have on phones (backgroundpicture on tiles) and pc (backgroundpicture behind tiles)

but i think the start menu on the desktop should have full height. so it could slide in like the notifications and fill the whole screen when clicking on all apss or something like that to get a consistent experience...


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Sep 7, 2013
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Just one picture I found in the comment section on, but so awesome! Now that's what I call an OS of "Windows". Amazing what you can achieve with just a little change of perspective (especially the WP concept in the picture.)

It would be great if anyone that knows the source and/or the author could leave it here.

Love the concept! All we need is more customization options, like inversion of transparency and translucency.

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