Incredibly Short Battery Life?

Now that we have been using the HTC Touch Pro and Fuze for some time now, does anyone have a consolidated list of battery saving recommendations and tweaks? This may help a bit....

BTW, regarding my earlier comment where the phone just comes on while sitting untouched without any communications occurring, I may see a pattern that this occurs when the phone screen is left on certain applications versus the home screen. Still trying to figure this one out for sure....
I have hope about this battery thing

When I first got my HTC Mogul (Sprint), it seemed to drain the battery pretty quickly, at least according to the battery meter. It also locked up almost daily unless I did a soft reset each morning. After the first or second ROM update, the lockup problem went away and I went from <40% (remaining) to 80% or more at the end of the day and I didn't change my use habits.

I like my Mogul, but I really want a Touch Pro and may just pull the trigger on one tomorrow. The battery issue has given me pause, but I'm convinced that HTC can and will iron it out.

Let's be 100% honest. Most people, like me, got this phone knowing full well it was a power hog. I have my usb to plug it in at work or home to my laptop AND and car charger AND the regular wall charger for the night. In addition I am planning to buy a back up battery to have charged and available if needed.
If you are a normal to busy business user you are probably making 2000-5000 minutes of calls a month and hundreds to THOUSANDS of emails and texts. That is normal power business use.

I got the FUZE for the features, but knew up front the battery issues and had to plan to deal with them if I wanted the phone...

Of course I wish it was better, but it IS NOT a simple phone only unit, it is basically a mini computer. You plug in you computer when you are at work and home right. :)
The power conservation tweaks have been discussed in detail in other threads. You should look into threads like this one:

I would also disable the infrared beam receive and the updates from Pocket Express. Additionally, you can disable the data connection to conserve, and the TP will connect automatically if you need to use the 'net but won't take the cycles of keeping the connection open all the time.

I have several friends and colleagues who also carry either the TP or Fuse and we all seem to be at polar opposites as to whether the battery life is acceptable or not. I happen to be one of the group who is completely satisfied, but others can't seem to make it through a complete day on a single battery charge.

The difference seems to be in how we use our phones. To a person, the people who are dissatisfied with their battery life seem to want to keep every bell & whistle running all the time with no regard to whether they actually need them or not. They're automatically polling their email accounts every 5 minutes and have RSS feeds downloading in the background and all kinds things running which they don't really need. The first thing one of them does when he gets into his car is slap the phone into a holder and start the GPS program. He'll even do that for his drive home from work and he's been driving the same route at least 5 times a week for the last 6 years. >mutter mutter<

I turn features on when I need them and off when I don't and I don't use my phone as an entertainment device. My phone is a mission-critical tool that I use accordingly and I have dedicated entertainment devices which do a much better job of keeping me entertained. I typically make/receive 15-20 calls per day, send/receive a half dozen text messages, access my contacts list several times, acknowledge several appointment reminders, and download email a couple of times per day and my phone will do that for a couple of days on one charge. I should add that I keep Bluetooth running constantly. If I need to go online to retrieve some information, I do. If I need to use the GPS to find my way, I'll do that too, but I don't do these kinds of things simply because I can.

At the end of one of my "heavy use" days, my battery meter typically shows around 40-50%. On an average use day it shows 60-70%. My phone spends every night in a charge/sync cradle so this level of reserve power is completely acceptable to me.

I'd probably feel differently if I traveled for a living, though.


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