Internet page size too large on mobile device.

andrew bainbridge

New member
Oct 19, 2015
How can I adjust page size for internet on my phone. Since last update page is huge and off screen. Lumia640 let W10 Mobile. Cheers drew.
also check display scaling settings and text display size settings

I've tried all. Just opened the new Amazon app to buy book. Page was HUGE! Difficult to buy item. No idea what's wrong. What's 'scaling' and where is it? Can't find any help on edge browser settings though. Cheers Chintan!
I've tried all. Just opened the new Amazon app to buy book. Page was HUGE! Difficult to buy item. No idea what's wrong. What's 'scaling' and where is it? Can't find any help on edge browser settings though. Cheers Chintan!

settings > system > display > change display scaling - try with the slider at the left most
settings > system > display > change display scaling - try with the slider at the left most

...i tried that but things aren't significantly different. There are few glitches after last update. That was one. Lost photos another. And live tile photo icons come and go. At present I have them....:)

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