Introduce yourself!

Hi I am from Buffalo. Just switched from a samsung note 2 to an icon. Was very hesitant at first because of the lack of apps or so I thought. I have been able to get all but two apps that I really use all of the time. Still have a lot to get used to with the phone but I love it so far. I still have a week to decide whether to keep it, but I believe I will be trading in my samsung.:wink:
Hello WPC friends, I'm Duane I'm 25 and I live in Florida. I have been enjoying my 521 for about a week now. I like this site and the app. Regular updates on new info and friendly people.
Hello, Joe from Fl, 40, been a machinist for 23 years. First windows phone (1520) coming from Android sense its begging. Been in the moding hacking game sense the Tilt days, been there done that with android and trying something new.
Hi, I'm Eliana from Argentina. I'm 30 and two months ago left my Palm Pre 2 and bought a Lumia 520. I'm really happy with my new phone.
I'm also paleobotanist and teacher. I'm not too much in forum but I follow WP on Twitter, found it very useful. Glad to meet you!
For introductions I'm russlee (aka crazy elf) I'm 53 and have used every cell phone OS and type including tizen and sailfish. Each had their own merit and breakdowns. The past two weeks have been the worst I have had to to date. My father passed 10 days ago less than 36 hours after having my thyroid removed because of cancer. In fact he died while I was driving home to see him in the hospital. I thank my mom and wife for having the strength to space their love and support between the both of us for the last year. I can only imagine their struggle for watching the two men they love the most at their worst time. I thank you dad for waiting until you knew I would survive my surgery and get well enough to keep my promise to keep mom and Michelle safe and to be able to take care of them. Thank you dad for sculpting me into the man I am and holding me up when at times I fell short. Thank you mom and Michelle for being the woman you are and the strength you showed. And thank you communities for allowing me to say these things without fear.
Hi everyone, I'll be brief. My name is Jes?s and I live in Mexico, as you see my nickname is digorykirke because of a book I love, before I had a Lumia 710 now I changed to a Nokia Lumia 925 and its amazing and beautiful. I love WP so much! I speak English, Spanish and French, student (HS)who loves tech news, food, tennis, and movies. I really hope I receive a warm welcome in WpCentral and forums, thank you. 😊
Hey ya'll, new and very excited WP user here. Been using android for awhile and never tried apple. Just wanted to say thanks to all the WP veterans out there for sticking with it to help this OS grow. I didn't know what I was missing.
Hi...I'm Chris.
I live in Fargo, ND.
I'm studying to be a programmer. Just started but excited to see what happens in the future.
Hello fellow WP users.....I'm Lance, a mechanical engineering student/old dude/father/tech enthusiast from Louisiana. Been an avid fan of WPCentral for over a year now but never took advantage of the forums until now. Love my Lumia 920 and can't wait to have 8.1 on that bad boy!
Hello fellow WP users.....I'm Lance, a mechanical engineering student/old dude/father/tech enthusiast from Louisiana. Been an avid fan of WPCentral for over a year now but never took advantage of the forums until now. Love my Lumia 920 and can't wait to have 8.1 on that bad boy!

Hi and welcome to WPCentral. I'm glad that you've decided to join us here.
Hello fellow WP users. Name's Travis. While I am not an avid post or blog site user, I found this site while recently pulling my military hair cut hair out, my finger tips are now bleeding!!, because I have finally come to end of my smart phone charge cord (get it? cord.. not a rope... - ok, not so funny now that I type it out) due to website inaccessibility options with my Lumina 810. Try as I may to use a few search engines to ask my issue amongst the general tech population, nothing really concrete has popped up and this has been my 4th try in the last 6 months or so. I say 4th try because after spending a half hour or so each time on this issue, I give myself bald spots!...from the hair pulling. Ok, nough' fun I guess. If anyone can help, I would be much obliged and so would my scalp. Here's my issue.

About a year ago I decided to step up to an actual smart phone. Before, I spent a few years with a smart phone but one that did not do much other than allow me to check both business and personal email, text, etc. (It was a Palm). Because I use and only have ever used Windows systems (mainly due to business requirements), I felt comfortable going with a Windows phone. I even switched providers from AT&T to T-mobile because in our area, T-M. has much better reception and with AT&T it was constant connectivity issues. While it was exciting and fun to finally have a device that kinda mimicked my daily platform use (laptop), it got very frustrating trying to view the same websites and access the same type of files. My question is pretty simple: As great as Windows is, why don't the majority of companies that offer online services, allow a Windows phone as one of their device options? I mean, just try to view ANYTHING that requires FLASH, or try to log into your SiriusXM account.... today is was something as simple as finally taking a minute to say "Hey, I think I'd like to see if I can use my local cable providers smart phone capabilities to get caught up on my Walking Dead episodes..." nope, only Android and Apple products. The list just seems to get bigger and bigger with what I can't do; not what can be done, with Windows phones. So, my question is this: Do I stick it out in hopes that Windows starts adding these apps or allows access to sites via a FLASH type replacement (that could be years down the road) or do I simply walk away and join the masses of Apple users? I really don't want to figure out a new software system and I don't really want to downsize to an I phone (size of screen) as I do love what my Nokia does. Any suggestions good or bad would be grateful. Thanks! - *While I do understand that M.S. is in it for the programing it seems to me at least that they would want to always continue to attract new users especially since they tout a wonderful windows phone experience. Or, am I asking way too much with wanting a phone that will act just like the laptop and IOS that I am using? Apple seems to have that market cornered.
Hi all, I'm Anastazja, Ana for short 😏 I'm Polish but I live in Ireland for about 10 years now. I got Nokia Lumia 625, absolutely love it! I got all the back shells and colorful cover for it. I always loved Nokia phones and I'm a gamer so I love windows. When Nokia was bought by windows I knew it will be awesome! I can't wait for WP 8.1 coming to Ireland. You guys are awesome and I spend hours reading the forums. And well done to the WPC team, the app is great!
Welcome to WPCentral, Ana! It's great to have you here with us. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or share your knowledge with the rest of us.
But I'm Travis.

You'll always be a welcome member too :winktongue:
We'll call you Travis dot 1

Hi all, I'm Anastazja, Ana for short �� I'm Polish but I live in Ireland for about 10 years now. I got Nokia Lumia 625, absolutely love it! I got all the back shells and colorful cover for it. I always loved Nokia phones and I'm a gamer so I love windows. When Nokia was bought by windows I knew it will be awesome! I can't wait for WP 8.1 coming to Ireland. You guys are awesome and I spend hours reading the forums. And well done to the WPC team, the app is great!

Welcome Anastazja!
Glad to know you are having the best time with that 625!
What's your favorite color?

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