iOS 7

Personally, I like the design much more than the previous iterations.

I've toyed with it and I like it. I'd use it, but I'm slated for a 920 within the next couple days and I've already used iOS before.
Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think iOS 7 looks beautiful and amazing. I have no idea why your wife is upset, but I guess some people just don't like some things. I remember I was so looking forward to getting the iOS 7 update. I remember looking at videos on Apple's site and being so impressed, and I scrolled down and saw that it said not available for iPod touch 4g and I died. I'm a little mad at Apple because they just dropped the 4g like that when they still have 3 generations of iPhone getting the update. I was so jealous at school today seeing a bunch of my friends with IOS 7 at school today. And that's another thing, even if you have never owned an iPhone it is much easier to see that the phone had an update. If your friend updated from IOS 6 to IOS 7 you would notice a big difference. If you see a windows phone that has been updated, you probably won't notice a thing. Windows phone needs to implement some of there own features like this, I'm an iOS user I need more features. I want my friends to notice my phone has been updated. Back to iOS 7 it looks amazing, I love the quick settings feature, my friend let me try it out today.
I use ios and w8, i dont like android but this ios 7 is the new look, some praised it and some hate it, but the point is, does it make your phone usage easier to thinker? Does it make you more productive and happy? This is only ios 7, 8 or 9 will follow, same as w8, but the quest for advancement wont stop, if i have a phone that could cross communicate with other platform, i could say this is super smartphone but 5 years from now it wont be, but time will tell, if the consumer demands, the manufacturer provides bit by bit. But the truth is, even if you get a a highend smartphone and it wont satisfy you, we felt cheated and this feeling keeps us from looking for more.
My reaction to ios7 [and apple in general] can be summed up in these gifs:

It's actually hard to believe that Jony Ive designed it!

It's almost like what happened to The Beatles in 1966-67!
I feel it is just me, but I kind of like IOS 7. I mean, not as good as Android or WP, but I like it better than 6. I like it on my iPad.

Nope Not just you. I upgraded my mini with it. I like MetroUI and it reminds me a lot of that. I also like the gestures where you can swipe apps closed, four finger task switching, and how IOS 7 ready apps look. I think they beat Windows Phone to the punch by innovating much of what I've seen in many Windows Phone "concept" videos.
I like what they did with the notification center which looks far better than what happens in android. They are rolling this out to everything down to the Ipad2.

Never mind what Cook said, it stings and will keep stinging at least till fall of 2014 or second quarter 2015. Still happy with 3rd place?
I upgraded my iPad and have been playing with the OS for several hours. I've got to say, in many ways it feels like amateur hour. It's like Apple put a bunch of amateur designers on it and failed to test usability properly. Or worse, they outsourced the bulk of it. There are violations of basic UX principles here, which is crazy because some of it was established years ago by Apple themselves.

I'd bore everyone with specifics, but suffice it to say, as a creative director I'd reject a good portion of what I saw. Not the core aesthetic, which isn't bad, but a lot of stuff related to usability and visual clarity. If you thought selecting and editing text was bad before, try it in iOS 7. Without a doubt, this release would have never seen the light of day under Jobs.

I think Microsoft needs to educate Apple in how to design a minimalist, typography-based OS. But, hey, from a marketing perspective it made the desired impact. Apple will never really admit fault, so we'll suffer until they fix some of this crap.
I updated my wife's iphone to ios 7 without my telling her I was going to do it. I handed her phone to her and she put it down for about 30 minutes. While doing some homework, she came up to me and said very angrily "the the fu#@ did you do to my iPhone"

I said " I updated it to iOS 7",

she said then "I don't like it",

I said" Get a windows phone then ;P"

I think that I will be sleeping on the couch tonight when it should be Apple sleeping on the couch. At least from my wife's perspective she thinks they "fu#@ed up". should have said, I rooted it and installed a CFW.
What I hope for the most is that after the change in CEOs, the new CEO would place an emphasis on WP updates. This has been a problem countless times and the new CEO should take action.

Petition anyone?
yeah the pale pastel colors are very feminine and like everything else... people hate change.

Except Windows Phone was actually well thought out. The flat UI in iOS 7 was horribly executed. It was flattened just for the sake of flattening.
whoa whoa whoa lets not get crazy things like WP launched well thought out lol I still remember finding out I couldn't copy and paste in 2010 haha
When was Ios launched and what can its bluetooth do today except turning on and off (yay thats innovative!), all these years after launch :/?
How about sms delivery reports?
How about the ability to drag and drop anything without needing eyetoons?

The Ios 6 looked more professional with a little casual touch, the 7 looks like some spoilet **** drawing some weird things which was liked by the designer :/, seriously it looks extremely funky now. (Have an employee who has i5, upgraded to ios 7 last night, is praising it, saw a post on this forum where a guy updated his wife's phone and she hates it)

I wish to ask the questions with this look towards anyone,
yeah the pale pastel colors are very feminine and like everything else... people hate change.

whoa whoa whoa lets not get crazy things like WP launched well thought out lol I still remember finding out I couldn't copy and paste in 2010 haha

I'm talking about the overall design concept of the UI. Not the miscellaneous little features.

For example, the iOS 7 calendar has been completely flattened. But as a result, there is no organization to the layout. Its just text placed randomly on the screen. There is no alignment, no clear color blocks to distinguish areas of interaction. And no visual hierarchy.

Also, in a lot of other native apps, all the interactive button icons have been thinned out to the point you can barely see them. Then you have the horrible transparencies that clutter the UI and often make it hard to read.

Its a mess, period. There are some nice aspects, but compared to iOS 6 and before, its horrible. Again, it wasn't thought out well. It was restyled just for the sake of restyling and attention was paid to serious usability issues.
I updated my iPhone 4S (I keep one around so that I can play with OS updates myself instead of relying on blogger pundits to get my iOS info) and I actually like iOS 7. I much prefer the flat look to the "classic" iOS look. And while they certainly took hints from WP on the appearance of app switching (but let's be serious, WP took hints from other OSs), I think they really hit it out of the park, again compared to "classic" iOS. "Double-click home and swipe up to end an app" is much better than both "double-click home, long-press an icon until it goes shaky and shows a red X in the upper corner, tap the red X" and "long-press back, select app, press back until the app closes".

I haven't used too many of the built-in apps, yet. Like I said, I keep my iPhone around only to play with iOS from time to time, all my contacts and calendars and whatnot are on my 920. But I like the look of iOS 7 so far. For what it's worth, my girlfriend hates it and has threatened great bodily harm were I to upgrade her iPhone. :D
My daughter had a Win8 phone, but traded it for an iPhone a few months ago. Her take on iOS7 was that it was quick to get accustomed to because it was similar to Windows 8. I have never had an iPhone so she showed me what she meant and it basically boiled down to the scrolling large icons for open apps and I guess the flat icons. All her teen friends are pretty much freaking out (not in a good way) about it, but I don't think a lot of them read tech blogs--they just don't want to get used to anything new on their teentextinatorators.
The design dosen't bother me so much, but the performance issues do. My 3rd gen iPad is sluggish and laggy on iOS7. Safari is a nightmare.
I updated my wife's iphone to ios 7 without my telling her I was going to do it. I handed her phone to her and she put it down for about 30 minutes. While doing some homework, she came up to me and said very angrily "the the fu#@ did you do to my iPhone"

I said " I updated it to iOS 7",

she said then "I don't like it",

I said" Get a windows phone then ;P"

I think that I will be sleeping on the couch tonight when it should be Apple sleeping on the couch. At least from my wife's perspective she thinks they "fu#@ed up".

Word for word... and almost the same exact scenario (she updated on her own). This was my experience with iOS7.

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