iOS. My move experience

I have an iPhone and a Mac (a Surface as well) and I have never connected my phone to either. Things have changed over the years. Looking at some of the comments here, it would seem as though the last iOS version most have used was iOS 4 or 5. iOS 10 and soon to be 11, though with its inherent limitations (due to Apple's wanting complete control) is not a bad OS alternative. In principle it is more similar to WM than Android is.
Thank you for providing your experience. I'm going to move to iOS tomorrow. Security is one of the bigger reasons. It sounds like your experience hasn't had any real major hiccups. There are a few concerns I have with the Windows Mobile platform that's causing me some heartburn:

1) Some of the more prominent apps I use are dropping support (Flipboard for example)
2) WiFi issues - it works for about 12 hours then I have to restart the phone. - Carrier issue as they never released the firmware
3) Stability - unfortunately there have been a few minor stability issues. Phone randomly reboots. It's not bad, but concerning when its out of the blue. Makes me wonder if I'm missing calls or messages.
History is full of examples where lesser products won out for commercial reasons rather than technical ones, and I guess this is one more. Shame really.

Kind of like how the sub par Windows XP beat out Linux or Mac back in the early 2000s. I use the Iphone only because it is slightly less bad than Android (which is based on Linux).
Years ago I felt the same way when WebOS died. It's all a matter of preference, but I feel iOS offers a much more coherent and refined experince to an ex Windows than Android.

Kind of like how the sub par Windows XP beat out Linux or Mac back in the early 2000s. I use the Iphone only because it is slightly less bad than Android (which is based on Linux).

Each to their own I suppose. Linux was never going to be in widespread use as a desktop OS as is, other than for techie types. Apple threw another layer on top so that made it more accessible to the masses.

Ironically, Macs were always kind of useless in terms of app selection. If you went to a software store there would be rows and rows of PC software, and maybe a couple of shelves of Mac software. And if you were a gamer then Mac was a non-starter. They were strong in the graphics and video world, but they've since been surpassed by Windows in that area. A lot of tech savvy people in that area have switched. I think most of the market is people who like a shiny case and a fancy lit logo on their laptop cover, and don't mind paying extra for nothing.

The trouble with Apple stuff, including their phones, is they scream "you're an ***** and we're going to treat you like one". Not my thing.

Edit. LOL, you can't say i.d.i.o.t here?
Any reasons for that comment? I use both, and have no security issue with either?

They literally have a Wikipedia page listing the security issues and many problems with iCloud, namely leaked celebrity nudes. (Apple denies that iCloud was actually hacked, but I don't trust them.)
I switched to a 7+ last year, although I still have my 950. I just received the X on Friday, and I'm in awe of that little machine. I wish it ran W10M, but it doesn't... what it does do, it does better than any other gizmo, and it does it with unmatched style.
Ios is cool but I went with pixel 2 xl its googles 2nd real attempt at a phone and its good. Updates for three years,etc , so I guess ill check back in three years to see what WP has for a phone.
I gave up on Windows phones about 8 months ago. Sold them all (except for one 1520) and first bought a used iPhone 6 Plus. Sold that and got a used 6s plus. Very nice.

Now I have 3 iPads, the 6s plus and an 8 plus is coming tomorrow. The integration is awesome, the apps are welcome, and everything just works fine. Typing this on a 10.5" iPad Pro. Best tablets available.

Windows phone is basically just a bad memory now. There is literally nothing that I miss. At this point I don't understand why I clung to WP as long as I did. Like many others here, I just had an irrational hatred of Apple.

Just let go of your hate, and come over the dark side. That's what I did, and I could not be happier.

Yes, I tried Android first. S7 Edge. While the phone itself (hardware) is awesome, Android 7 is just an ugly mess. If you liked Windows 98, you will love Android. I mean, an app to kill apps that you closed 2 days ago (because they are draining the battery STILL), and to clean the memory? Really? This stuff was all automatic on WP, and is all automatic on iOS.
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OK, I switched temporarily from my Lumia 950XL on Windows 10 1709 to an iPhone 6 on iOS 11.2.6. Assuming I survive a week or two, I will order a newer better iPhone for continued use.

First impression: Holy crap, what a fugly convoluted operating system this is.
Second impression: I can actually find and install useful apps on this thing. It supports Wi-Fi calling and a host of other features that my 950XL should have but never did.
Third impression: How the heck do I get my old SMS moved over?

With all the Microsoft apps installed including Outlook, Edge and Cortana, and the corresponding widgets enabled, I *almost* have the functionality that the live tiles gave me, just not as pretty or customizable. Office apps for some reason are complaining about old file formats, where the ones on Windows just worked. Oh well.

One thing of note: I had an iPhone before, several years ago. Fully one-third of the apps in my account are no longer available. Just to let you know that Microsoft is not the only one with some developers that don't care about their apps or users.

The only very big annoyance I'm seeing so far is I have not found a way to import my old SMS history. I guess I'm stuck carrying a WP around for a while in case I need to refer back to any of that, or rely on the fact that Skype on my desktop still has a copy of *most* of it, Skype never did work exactly right for SMS, and Skype on iOS doesn't seem to see it at all.
it had been two years since these replies. can we share our thoughts now on iOS vs Android since we have pixel now, for people who moved from Windows to eith er environments

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