IOS vs WP8: My one day experience with the iphone

REALLY??? I have only played with the iPhone, never owned one, but didn't take me very long to see it wasn't for me. I haven't owned every car I decided I didn't like- a test drive was fine. Seeing my Wife just feel the inside of a shoe (not even put it on, just feel) and decide it wasn't for her is amusing- and she never owned it. With the 30 day exchange (give or take on each carrier) you can try these things, but I do not see where you need to. It is silly for you to come on here and decide Micah's reasons for not liking a product are weak. Were you there?? Did you see her play with the phone and understand what she is looking for? Geez, man, relax. She does like WP, but gave iOS a shot anyways. Most people don't.

Fun article Micah, and I am really glad you shared it. iOS is not a bad OS at all in my opinion, very refined and extremely efficient. Love what Apple does with their ecosystem and hope we see Microsoft close to them in the next couple of years. But to me, there is just a personality and more core function in WP tiles that makes the OS more fun- maybe not better, just more fun. Maybe in a couple of years it gets stale, or maybe BB10 blows me away or I just need more functions and options then WP offers. But right now, I agree with your reasons for coming back- it just has a little more to offer the end user, depending on your reasons for owning a smart phone.

Although I do agree with @Vikram662, comment #6, on one thought- so long as the OS maker supports it, you can't really go wrong. All smart phones seem to get the main jobs done. It is just how much the OS appeals to you and how efficiently it does what you need it too.

I would like to add I am a "he" :D not a she lol
unless you were talking about someone else when you were using she...but i think you were talking about me haha.
Stranglehold is a pretty harsh/sensationalist word, don't you think maybe they like their purchase? :p
I'm also unsure whether saying people are afraid is an apt description. perhaps the more reasonable and rational conclusion would be that it's drawing some merited criticism. To say they "fear" it is too near to a jibe/baiting argument. Ie: "what's the matter? You scared?"

Then there was this:

One can only review the facts and offer personal observations based on the content.

Under specced is a flawed argument. When the device has the retina display and can happily speed through something as high definition as infinity blade, how can you use that argument? Rather, it actually makes the other OS look worse for REQUIRING larger hardware to perform the same duties yes?

iPhone 5 vs Nokia Lumia 920: spec comparison |

Check the specs yourself. The L920 has a larger screen, higher dpi, higher resolution, clear black display, should I go on? Keep going down the page and see all the ways the L920 wins the spec war. Lets be fare we should be comparing big gun to big gun but you bring up a good point why should an OS have to be over spec to run well? With Windows Phone you don't need high specs to get a great user experience. Windows Phone OS runs well on all type of devices one that is higher than the iPhone 5 and many that are below. You might find it interesting to know that 3 months ago all people wanted to talk about was how under spec WP hardware was. Its also interesting to note how even with the under spec WP7 devices WP still had the highest customer experience rating of any phone on the market at the time.

I'm not sure about what talking to a "generous" means in your last sentence. Obviously a mistake on the wp8 keyboard prediction :D

OOPS! Sorry I'm using my Surface WP keyboard would have saved on that one. :)
Comparing cpu and ram is something suitable when comparing 2 devices running the same OS. Doing so on different ones is apples and oranges. Camera, display etc are fine to compare but only until a limit is reached of what is discernable to the human eye on a 4-5" screen (like now). Camera I can't comment on. To me a phone camera is for taking silly pictures to post on Facebook. Until a phone can be entrusted with my family memories like my dslr, I doubt I'll change that opinion.

Good find on the growth chart. Despite whatever you may believe, I do wish the underdogs well. I'm just a very harsh critic when I see things that they should be addressing when they're in that position, but aren't doing so
The main reason I left Android and went to WP is because every app the WP has is beautifully designed like art, and to me Androids apps feel cheap and flat looking just like iOS. Granted both of those OS have more apps than WP and WP is missing, imo, crucial apps like Instagram and Squareup but that is easily fixable. To fix, what most would say ISNT broken in iOS and Android(The GUI), you would almost need a complete overhaul. Android would be able to do it easier I believe but IMO as far as OS design goes WP8/Windows8/Xbox has a leg , maybe 2 up on them both.
Reading threads like this are pretty funny to me. There was a mobile OS that addressed all of the issues people complain about on their respective phones. It was called WebOS - and if more people had given it a try, it may have existed on better hardware that could take advantage of its power. I really miss true multi-tasking and the best notification scheme (which was subsequently copied by everyone else) - oh, and the ability to just swipe all of those open apps off the screen!
Reading threads like this are pretty funny to me. There was a mobile OS that addressed all of the issues people complain about on their respective phones. It was called WebOS - and if more people had given it a try, it may have existed on better hardware that could take advantage of its power. I really miss true multi-tasking and the best notification scheme (which was subsequently copied by everyone else) - oh, and the ability to just swipe all of those open apps off the screen!

Oh i agree...Webos was the best OS around...i loved the software.
it was so intuitive.....

I hope Microsoft/Wp8 does not go the way of that as it be a shame to see such potential go to waste.
In my experience i played with an iphone 4s after selling my friend my hd7s because he wanted a windows phone and the only thing he could offer as payment at the time was his iphone. To me heres what i found best and worst about the iphone. i enjoyed the ability to get any and all apps available. but aside from that everything else came off as a gimick.
every smartphone can do messaging, they can all do, email phone calls, check my bank account, read forums and tech blogs, and be used as alarm clocks and calendars. so aside from having a clear advantage in developer support i didnt see much to the iphone. and android is no different to me. In my honest opinion, i believe that windows phone is the most aesthetically pleasing, fun, interactive, smartphone. Even more important than that its the most practical and the most consolidated. because im invested in the microsoft ecosystem and that makes it work even better with my stuff. and xbox music may be rough around the edges but i still think it offers the most for your buck as opposed to android music and itunes.
I agree with the OP. Nothing wrong with iphone but one cannot deny that it feels dated. If it wasn't for their app portfolio it would have nothing going for it imo. It was a basic app launcher when it came on the scene and it really hasn't evolved much since. I for one am glad that I never invested in that ecosystem. I have a bunch of android apps that I can no longer use but most were free. So happy I jumped to WP.
To be fair, the earlier point about Android being BlackBerry-like before the iPhone shipped is true. Google was showing developer betas of Android, and it was a non-touchscreen BlackBerry-6-like OS with a form factor ripped off of the BlackBerry Tour series (down to the trackball).

When Apple launched iOS, touch became the rage (rather than a supplemental feature of resistive phones like the Palm OS, Symbian and Windows Mobile phones of the time).

Google launched a crash program to alter Android to catch up for commercial release, and the code was modified. However, this was the origin of much of the lagging and crashing for which even the latest versions of Android are notorious -- the event handling subsystem for Android was never designed to accept touch or multi-touch input, nor handle the on-screen animations required for touch/swipe/gestures.

As a result, Android in its present form will always be laggy and generally lousy at touch. And it remains, largely, a clone of iOS.

Here's one of Google's first public prototypes of Android, from MWC in 2008:

Reading threads like this are pretty funny to me. There was a mobile OS that addressed all of the issues people complain about on their respective phones. It was called WebOS - and if more people had given it a try, it may have existed on better hardware that could take advantage of its power. I really miss true multi-tasking and the best notification scheme (which was subsequently copied by everyone else) - oh, and the ability to just swipe all of those open apps off the screen!

Very true. It makes me want to shake my fist at the sky and, in Angry Palm Guy parlance, scream "PALLLLLLLM!"

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