- May 12, 2014
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I already told you before, don't comment negatively about apps without trying them out for yourself. First download both the apps and then give your review please.
Well,metrotube and YouTube HD have been there since 2 years,I don't see them getting removed any time soon.
I would like to disagree here. 3rd party apps do offer more functionality than original ones, there are infinite number of cases like this.
Yeah right. Search for antivirus in the WP store. No result. In play store? Lots. Face it, you need an antivirus to run Android securely. As for calling my statement bs, look at this-
Me and generally most Android phone users don't use anti viruses, it's nice to have one in the store but not neccessary to keep your phone safe.
I mean just go over your argument, just because an app doesn't exist on a Store doesn't mean the OS doesn't need it.
I mean about an year or two ago you didn't have Instagram, does that mean you didn't need it?
@Salman Ahmed regardless of what you say, I still stand by my statement as anyone can can have access to the code, not just OEMs and Google. Would you like to have the key of your house with yourself, or in the hands of every stranger you meet?
Yes, open source can mean that people can exploit any vulnerabilities but that doesn't mean closed source software can't have any vulnerabilities.
The benefits of being open source outweigh most cons of it, there are Android devices out there that are almost 3 - 4 years old and still receiving aftermarket updates because of what? because Android is open source and can be modified.
Add to that all the amazing tweaks and software additions that people have managed to get because of Android's openness.
I mean for god's sakes, the LG G2 got 120 FPS 720p slow mo and 4k at 30 FPS because of a root tweak, Nexus 5 got stereo recording, we have Android phones that can boot different kinds of OSes.
I mean the origins of double tap to wake, I'm pretty sure they come from root tweaks, you should search up sweep2wake in kernels, etc.
Android being open makes it the OS that is filled with the most features.
@Salman Ahmad
3rd party app LOL
You can't say that about secret and 6cret.
Even 6cret works more good than secret original
Who "security experts"? Are you talking about the folks who sells mobiles and do mobile recharge
Ah yes making android open is cool. It gives us cyanogen MiUi etc
And innovations Google warned a lot of time to is developers to not use windows phone and ui in there app. Yes apps on Android are more polished that's why Facebook app eates so much memory even it's closed.
Those are the security experts I am talking about. ^
Who knows Facebook on Windows Phone also consumes as much RAM as the Android version, but Windows Phone isn't advanced enough to tell you how much RAM each program is using up, so please don't compare when you can't even tell us accurately how much RAM Facebook uses on Windows Phone.