IPhone 4s: the same but different


New member
Aug 14, 2011
New iPhone in June. Oh wait, we mean July. Oops, our bad August. Well, actually October.

Oh, and did we mention the same retread design with a few extra bells and whistles we copied from other OS'?

Now be good little sheep and go line up to buy your new iPhone.

Sent from my non mindless sheep iphone Samsung Focus using Board Express
This is why I made the ios to WP switch.

Sent from my non mindless sheep iphone Samsung Focus using Board Express
I was looking for a refresh of design [Bigger scree], but other than that, what else could they add. They have a solid OS. I think WP7 is going to hit that point next year. Everyone's going to get to a point where new features isn't going to be the main selling point. It's going to be who has the better/complete overall ecosystem.
New iPhone in June. Oh wait, we mean July. Oops, our bad August. Well, actually October.

Oh, and did we mention the same retread design with a few extra bells and whistles we copied from other OS'?

Now be good little sheep and go line up to buy your new iPhone.

Sent from my non mindless sheep iphone Samsung Focus using Board Express
The Xbox tv thing will be huge.

Sent from my non mindless sheep iphone Samsung Focus using Board Express
yeah sorry but apple has NOTHING on MS`s ecosystem...... they dont evan have a Console. and the Ipad has no chance VS a FULL BLOWN Windows OS tablet....

Iphone 4gs = FAIL!

apple : Iphone +ipad-mac
MS: WP+PC+XBOX+Tablet ( im surprise they havent made a MS tv yet , but samsung has a nice MEDIA intergration with the TV Witch works better with BADA but Windows still works too ))
Can I borrow this crystal ball you're using to compare successful RELEASED devices with unreleased devices. I'd like to know who will win the Super Bowl.
Can I borrow this crystal ball you're using to compare successful RELEASED devices with unreleased devices. I'd like to know who will win the Super Bowl.

the STEELERS are wining the super bowl ... hope that works for you? lol.....
its all here in my book of 25years of sports i got when i went back in... i mean... hmm . nothing...<

let me show you my crystal ball...... im not saying MS will otu sell apple , but its with out a DOUT gona be better. it alredy is . lol

can a Ipad do more or as much as a MAC OS? no

can the FULL BLOWN windows 8 tablet do the same as a full blow PC ... YES.
cause they are the same ( aside from actual hardware, just dont expect to play F1 2011 on your tablet, lol)

i win.

Steelers are 2 -2 with Harrison out for a few weeks and a old offensive line. [They are the team I root for]. I think your crystal ball is broken. Big Ben is gimpy too.
This is what makes me cringe when I come to technical forums hoping to have an intelligent discussion: Fanboyism
Yet it has 4G, dual core processor, retinal screen, 1080p video capture, gesture based multitasking, not to mention tons of apps. WP7? Not so much.

And a full blown windows 8 tablet is going to be as inefficient, as loud and as expensive as a full blown PC. I am sure Apple is worried.

I can't see how M$ can beat Apple at their own game.
It's not everyone. But facts don't really count for much around here. LOL

facts dont count f r nothing around here, thats why6 i posted my rent to show people actual facts....

seriously i have WAY more trust in my prediction ( someone that reads EVERY single news coming out of : android central, WPcentral, crackberry, weboscentral and TIBP then random people that have a total of 5 post and is basically writing what some stupid store rep told him.

Faulty fact:
like the guy up there telling me the Windows tablet will cost as much as a PC.. ROLF . you already know the price?? lucky you... i paid less for my PC then an Ipad is worth today...so your saying the tablet is gona be EVAN cheaper than the Ipad! awesome!! .. HAHAHAHA i just created a RUMOR! YAY for me

Windows 8 tablet is still in PRE-beta .. we int gona know prices for an other 4-6 monthts MINIMUM.
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Well, seeing that Windows PCs are cheap, I can see those tablets being on par with a PC or a laptop. [not top of the line destops/laptops]. I think the price points will start around $450 and up.
facts dont count f r nothing around here

like the guy up there telling me the Windows tablet will cost as much as a PC.. ROLF . you already know the price?? lucky you... i paid less for my PC then an Ipad is worth today...so your saying the tablet is ogna EVAN cheaper then the Ipad! awesome!! .. HAHAHAHA
I'm sure as **** getting one. But I'm getting the el chepo model.
For a dose of reality, check out the smartphone comparison chart on Engadget. The brand new HTC Titan loses on everything bar size and a few technical details about camera lens and flash. And it loses to the iPhone 4S, the Galaxy S2 and the Bionic.

Rather than absurdly thinking that Apple releasing a solid hardware upgrade but using the name 4S rather than 5 will suddenly send people flocking to WP7 where the hardware is all less advanced than the now-cheaper last-gen iPhone 4 and the ecosystem is nowhere near as well developed, what we'd be better off doing is hoping it makes Nokia and others raise their game and get some white hot WP7 handsets out, and encourages MS to up the specs of WP7 for the next round of upgrades.

Am I switching away from my WP7 phone? No, I still like it. But I'm no ****** either. Siri is SERIOUSLY impressive, and the hardware upgrade is good. Let's not look like idiots by pretending otherwise. And we all benefit from competition.
facts dont count f r nothing around here, thats why6 i posted my rent to show people actual facts....

seriously i have WAY more trust in my prediction ( someone that reads EVERY single news coming out of : android central, WPcentral, crackberry, weboscentral and TIBP then random people that have a total of 5 post and is basically writing what some stupid store rep told him.

Faulty fact:
like the guy up there telling me the Windows tablet will cost as much as a PC.. ROLF . you already know the price?? lucky you... i paid less for my PC then an Ipad is worth today...so your saying the tablet is gona be EVAN cheaper than the Ipad! awesome!! .. HAHAHAHA i just created a RUMOR! YAY for me

Windows 8 tablet is still in PRE-beta .. we int gona know prices for an other 4-6 monthts MINIMUM.

If by full blown pc, you meant some crippled netbook which can't even watch 1080p video without getting worked out, then yeah you might be able to get those for cheap. Even then the fan would be constantly running.

In the end, you will have to make a choice. A media device that is cheap but limited (likely based on ARM since Intel is unlikely to catch ARM in 4-6 months, but you can't run legacy apps on those) or a full blown desktop replacement for some serious money. It's not faulty fact, it's basic economics. 4-6 months can't give you a miracle or Warren Buffett would be buying M$/Intel stocks as we speak.
For a dose of reality, check out the smartphone comparison chart on Engadget. The brand new HTC Titan loses on everything bar size and a few technical details about camera lens and flash. And it loses to the iPhone 4S, the Galaxy S2 and the Bionic.

Rather than absurdly thinking that Apple releasing a solid hardware upgrade but using the name 4S rather than 5 will suddenly send people flocking to WP7 where the hardware is all less advanced than the now-cheaper last-gen iPhone 4 and the ecosystem is nowhere near as well developed, what we'd be better off doing is hoping it makes Nokia and others raise their game and get some white hot WP7 handsets out, and encourages MS to up the specs of WP7 for the next round of upgrades.

Am I switching away from my WP7 phone? No, I still like it. But I'm no ****** either. Siri is SERIOUSLY impressive, and the hardware upgrade is good. Let's not look like idiots by pretending otherwise. And we all benefit from competition.

Very good post. I agree with you completely. I am no ****** either, just someone that loves good technology irrespective of who produces it.

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