IPhone vs windowsphone vs Android in terms of graphics performance.,


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Jul 31, 2013
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Among the 3 mobile OS what os has the most HD Graphics in terms of gaming and apps..iPhone, Android or windowsphone?
I see numerous that, iPhone has the best graphics in all smartphone os..and has the. Iphone has a Capability to create many apps like video editing,and can add more features to video that to be fun.image fun editing like zombie booth,.


Apr 10, 2013
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In terms of hardware Android, because it has vast number of devices to offer, some having 2GB RAM and Quad Core Processors, since there are more screen resolutions than there are humans in the world, its completely insane to make 1 app dedicated to 1 screen resolution, which means if I install an app on a Note 2, it may look crystal clear as if there is no tomorrow and you could look at it all day long crying tears of joy, but if I install the same app on a phone like maybe Galaxy Pop or something like that, it'll look like it just came out of a gutter. To sum it up, it'll be a blind gamble.

In terms of software Ios, because it only has a handful of phones with limited screen resolutions to offer to people, so all apps are made to fit the screen size so you don't have any blank lines or missing images. So the screen size and app resolution are in sync.

Do I play games?, nayh not on the phone.


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Jan 23, 2013
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I thinks ios is the most balance among the three, I tried to compare temple run:eek:z on my moms iphone 4s and my lumia 920. I played for 15mins on the iphone and I only lost 5-7% while on my lumia 920 more like 12-15%. And in terms of smoothness they are almost identical. Maybe its the 60hz refresh rate of the 920 screen that draws too much power. I also have a nexus 7, and one thing for sure it will always stutter on random part of the game.

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Aug 13, 2011
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iOS and WP are the easiest to make for since the hardware is pretty much the same across the board. Same reason first party 360\PS3 games can look so good, you can pull every little bit out the hardware.

Android has so many different hardware profiles so you have to accommodate that. Similar how PC games must be able to run on a vast amount of different setups. Can still look great, but not all that efficient.


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Dec 23, 2012
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Any iPhone, while having an underpowered CPU, has an extremely powerful GPU. This, and the fact that developers generally target 960*640 and 1143*640 resolutions now that the iPhone 3GS and older are now obsolete. In addition, it is relatively easy to optimize for the chipsets found on iPhones.

Android? They have the most powerful CPUs (Qualcomm 800 clocked at 2.x GHz is comparable to a Core i7 in terms of speed, while an A6 can compare to an Atom.), and decent GPUs, but the platform is a mess. You have to learn to target the most popular phones on the most popular chipsets to make an impact. Considering the fact that the level of choice in Andoid far outstrips that found on desktop Windows, that's a tough choice.

Windows Phone is somewhere at the bottom when it comes to hardware. Decent CPU (Qualcomm S4 at 1.5 GHz), poor GPUs. Add to that the fact that a lot of games on the platform are mere ports, and you have a big problem on your hands. However, you have DirectX 10. Yes, THAT DirectX. Expect better games once DirectX gets accepted by devs.


Jan 14, 2013
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Windows Phone is somewhere at the bottom when it comes to hardware. Decent CPU (Qualcomm S4 at 1.5 GHz), poor GPUs. Add to that the fact that a lot of games on the platform are mere ports, and you have a big problem on your hands. However, you have DirectX 10. Yes, THAT DirectX. Expect better games once DirectX gets accepted by devs.

THAT is the problem. Anybody with DX10 chops will get snapped up by the serious game studios. They wouldn't be working with any mobile dev shop. Only a dedicated WP dev shop would be able to get a DX10 programmer to come onboard and I don't think that exists outside of Microsoft themselves. If WP supported OpenGL ES like everyone else, porting games would be a lot less work...

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