Ever since Edge gained uBlock Origin, I've made it my default web browser and I'm really loving it on my Surface Pro. Great for both touchpad/keyboard and touchscreen/pen input. In fact, I've ditched Chrome all together as google keeps gimping the experience on PC+ devices like my Surface Pro (learn more here,
https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=341335 ). I only use portable Opera on the side for those once in while situations where a site refuses to load in Edge. Other than that, it's Edge all the way.
Just wish more extensions like Lazarus, Imagus, 1Password, YouTube Center, etc, were available for it to further enhance the experience. The bookmarks part could also be improved, but I'm managing with this great tool (
https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us...avorites/04db0843-71fe-417c-9381-2eae727ed424 ), and I'm sure things are only going to get a lot better with the coming Creator's update, Edge is not even up to 2 years old yet.