Is anyone else getting tired of waiting for MS to get it right?

How is anything supposed to be better if no one complains?

I'll bite. How does complaining in a users' forum make anything better? Shouldn't those complaints be directed toward the manufacturer instead of readers that can do nothing about it? I see all kinds of advantages in describing user experiences and documenting problems, but I admit I don't really get the rinse and repeat rants--other than it obviously makes the poster feel better or something. Just my $0.02. I wouldn't tell people not to post rants, but I do like to share my opinion that I think they are misplaced in this type of forum.
I'll bite. How does complaining in a users' forum make anything better? Shouldn't those complaints be directed toward the manufacturer instead of readers that can do nothing about it? I see all kinds of advantages in describing user experiences and documenting problems, but I admit I don't really get the rinse and repeat rants--other than it obviously makes the poster feel better or something. Just my $0.02. I wouldn't tell people not to post rants, but I do like to share my opinion that I think they are misplaced in this type of forum.

It doesn't. Doesn't mean they can't manifest their opinion either way. Not to mention you never know who's reading.

Truth to the matter is, people are only tired of it because most know that what's being said in this thread is true and they're tired of knowing it. If it was someone praising, those same people couldn't get enough of it.

You are as free to let them know that the "rants" are misplaced as they are of posting them. However, there are people that do the same as you with less, shall we say, grace. And that's not cool.
It doesn't. Doesn't mean they can't manifest their opinion either way. Not to mention you never know who's reading.

Truth to the matter is, people are only tired of it because most know that what's being said in this thread is true and they're tired of knowing it. If it was someone praising, those same people couldn't get enough of it.

You are as free to let them know that the "rants" are misplaced as they are of posting them. However, there are people that do the same as you with less, shall we say, grace. And that's not cool.

I agree with most of what you said, other than I do think readers here can handle the truth about the shortcomings of WP. A lot of it is the presentation. It's kind of like reading some of the reviews on Amazon--there's a subculture that forms that for some reason or another seeks to inject maximum drama into an otherwise knowledge-based interaction. I look at posts here a lot differently if it reads something like "Xbox Music still not working properly despite new update" as opposed to "Biggest MS fan evah has finally had it!!!"
It doesn't. Doesn't mean they can't manifest their opinion either way. Not to mention you never know who's reading.

I can answer that for you. If any of the movers and shakers at Microsoft read this forum, Verizon users would all be on 8.1, carriers would have prominent displays and properly trained salespeople and Lumias would all have removable batteries and SD slots. Oh, and Google services too, almost forgot about that one.
I disagree. Not only are users entitled to their opinion and to manifest their angst (or otherwise), but also these threads are a good indicator of what is going on with the platform. How is anything supposed to be better if no one complains?

Yes, it's repetitive, but there's a lot of facts that can't be denied around here that are simply negative.
Thank you for raising the the bar with a well written and reasoned post. I guess my point was that it's just usually the same sort of comments, saying the same thing, ad infinitum. While I won't deny the OS could stand some improvement, the constant barrage of complaints gets old, at least for me. If I was MS was reading these forums I would probably come to the conclusion that these people will NEVER be happy, no matter what we give them.
I agree with most of what you said, other than I do think readers here can handle the truth about the shortcomings of WP. A lot of it is the presentation. It's kind of like reading some of the reviews on Amazon--there's a subculture that forms that for some reason or another seeks to inject maximum drama into an otherwise knowledge-based interaction. I look at posts here a lot differently if it reads something like "Xbox Music still not working properly despite new update" as opposed to "Biggest MS fan evah has finally had it!!!"

Thank you for raising the the bar with a well written and reasoned post. I guess my point was that it's just usually the same sort of comments, saying the same thing, ad infinitum. While I won't deny the OS could stand some improvement, the constant barrage of complaints gets old, at least for me. If I was MS was reading these forums I would probably come to the conclusion that these people will NEVER be happy, no matter what we give them.

I understand that perfectly.

WP is a niche segment for now (or that's the way I see it anyway) and no one who chose the platform and enjoys it likes to discover that there's an increasing number of disgruntled users. We all recognize that there are shortcomings and that the unhappy users are free to move along instead of creating threads like these, but I always encourage myself to try and understand their points, because even though they are "ranting", they must be doing it (or at least I hope they are) because they still care in some way. Of course, judgements can be clouded on both sides after a few posts given the way some people write, but that happens to the best of us.

As for myself, the only thing that makes me unhappy at the platform is the pace at which basic functionalities get added. Although it didn't affect me at the time, the copy&paste update was something that made me "rant" to no end in other forums. And we have another example coming from just yesterday when after months of having an Action Centre, we finally got a data toggle that should've been there from the get-go. But at least we finally got it, so now I can shut up :P
MS needs to get the Store search function right. Try searching for known existing apps and search results are horrible and out of context, even inputs have been very specific. It either does not return with the desired result or give you a long funny list of irrelevant apps and that specific app is buried at the bottom of the list.

No wonder, too many people, especially to the newbies, have been complaining about lack of apps when it's there.
MS needs to get the Store search function right. Try searching for known existing apps and search results are horrible and out of context, even inputs have been very specific. It either does not return with the desired result or give you a long funny list of irrelevant apps and that specific app is buried at the bottom of the list.

No wonder, too many people, especially to the newbies, have been complaining about lack of apps when it's there.

Ha, finding an app in the Store is like looking for Waldo. I often end up finding them on my computer and installing them on my WP from there.
Isn't it about time to close this posting. Haven't we regurgitated this as much as can be regurgitated?
Too much whine-fest in WC. I say "Terminate with extreme prejudice"!!!
I can answer that for you. If any of the movers and shakers at Microsoft read this forum, Verizon users would all be on 8.1, carriers would have prominent displays and properly trained salespeople and Lumias would all have removable batteries and SD slots. Oh, and Google services too, almost forgot about that one.

"Hey guys! Guess what I just found out! Our users want software updates on VZW, not just on the other carriers! Isn't that weird? I thought anyone who used Big Red didn't want any updates at all!!!"
(VZW rejected that update mind you.)

"And it looks like we have to actually sell our devices too! These people on this board have made all the decisions for us! Its incredible! We just have to snap our fingers and all the carriers will be bending over backwards to sell our phones!!"

"And removable batteries and microSD cards are a requirement now, potential design, physics, tradeoffs be screwed, since we have all seen the utter failure of the iPhone which has neither!"

"And wow! People actually use Google! We better ask nicely for Google to make their services open to us, a potential competitor, since they've been so nice in the past!"
(because MSFT sure is in a position of power here)

I'm only somewhat joking, but I highly doubt any remotely competent mover or shaker would need to read forums to get some of the obvious things, like that people are going to want an update or whatnot.
"Hey guys! Guess what I just found out! Our users want software updates on VZW, not just on the other carriers! Isn't that weird? I thought anyone who used Big Red didn't want any updates at all!!!"
(VZW rejected that update mind you.)

"And it looks like we have to actually sell our devices too! These people on this board have made all the decisions for us! Its incredible! We just have to snap our fingers and all the carriers will be bending over backwards to sell our phones!!"

"And removable batteries and microSD cards are a requirement now, potential design, physics, tradeoffs be screwed, since we have all seen the utter failure of the iPhone which has neither!"

"And wow! People actually use Google! We better ask nicely for Google to make their services open to us, a potential competitor, since they've been so nice in the past!"
(because MSFT sure is in a position of power here)

I'm only somewhat joking, but I highly doubt any remotely competent mover or shaker would need to read forums to get some of the obvious things, like that people are going to want an update or whatnot.

I think you took me out of context. I was responding to someone else with the usual whine and cheese found on these boards. I could care less about Google services (duh, I'm on Windows' ecosystem), SD cards are nice (on phones), but not essential if you have proper onboard storage. Tablets are another matter and for another thread. As for Big Red, a lot of people here bash Verizon for not sending out the updates. Verizon has sent Cyan back to Nokia because they claim it interferes with their network. The whine-and-cheese crowd here say that's bull, Nokia is perfect but I have to believe VZW because the One M8 runs 8.1. HTC found a way to make 8.1 run on VZW, why can't Nokia and Samsung?
Funny you should ask that!!! Although, it's clear, that my account here says "Newbie"... That's just precious, don't let it fool you, I've been a thorn in the side of Microsoft since 1985 when my boss dumped a desktop calculator/paperweight/doorstop on my desk. (Model 5150B) Anyone that vintage?
Yeah it had 2, full size, 5.25 360k floppies. This is when the IBM PC had all the necessary peripherals to use the thing listed as options.... (Kinda like having to buy the steering wheel and transmission for your new car) You had to buy a keyboard which, when used, sounded like teeth chattering in sub-zero weather and the monitor was a monochrome white/amber or green on black screen which emitted a glow that could heat your lunch and give you a tan at the same time. And it was my job to put a newly available 10Mb full size hard drive into the behemoth and format it with an 'active' partition and the IBM DOS 2.1 software.
I was working at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) just north of Oceanside and just south of San Clemente, California. The power plant for San Diego, etc... Now this sounded simple enough and after the hardware was installed, I flipped the red paddle and it whirred to life. Cool!!! Nope, not cool... It would get into the POST and after about 10 seconds or so it just stalled and hung... After I spoke with the Tech-Support folks, who belittled my Tech abilities they said they could not help me until I got the hard drive in, and the low-level format completed long with the partition creation and subsequent formatting. Anyone remember how the LL format was done?**
What I guessed was that the 63watt power supply was not enough to bring the PC up to a bootable state... The first thing the TS guys did me was to again chastise me for not knowing what I was talking about. But I'm a real programmer... I cut my teeth on the IBM 360/370 series Burroughs 1800's and DEC PDP-11 mainframes, using things like IBM ASM, COBOL, FORTRAN 77, JCL, WFL, DCL, X Edit etc... (Any dinosaurs out there just cringed) As well as scoring 100% on the IBM entrance exam. Suffice it to say I was not the on lacking training here.
I was right about the power supply not having the wattage... My test unplugged the two Stadium sized floppies and plugged the hard drive only and it came up but without a system. I bought a 135watt, changed it out and got to watch the system start to boot with the FD's and HD for the first time... At the config.sys it froze... MSTS (Microsoft Tech Support) Said it was the wrong power supply, and the switch settings on the dipswitch were incorrect.... Turned out they were right on that, the book listed all settings backwards. On=Off and Off=on. Also it turns out the default max files that can be open during POST/Boot is 8. With the IBMBIO.SYS, IBMDOS.sys,, ANSI.sys, along with the Bootstrap files it topped out and the DOS2.1 install diskette did not have a config.sys or the ability to write one on it. I figured out that I could cut my own notch in the boot diskette and then fix me up a config.sys file right on the DOS 2.1 Boot with files=12 buffers=16, cause by the time it got to the config.sys end it could not continue...
But, I could not use edlin to create the file, cause to open it with edlin put you at 11 files open and the buffers would take a dump, so I had to use "copy con config.sys" to create it... After that it was smooth snailing...

To create an on the fly CONFIG.SYS, You had to boot DOS and then at the "C>" prompt type:

set path=c:\dos;%path%
set prompt=$p$g$_$

at the end of the process the computer would reboot.

(It could also be c800:8 or c800:15 depending on wether you had the Western Digital or Adaptec Hard Drive controller card)

Wait, what was the question? Oh yeah:

Q> Was it troublesome interacting with Microsoft's Fledgling Technical support people?

A> Only if you called them...

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