Is anyone else picking up an update on the 8XT?

Tried a hard I suspected...nothing. (I needed to do one anyway.) HTC has screwed this up big time.
It's the developer preview that is causing the problem!! The update is coming from HTC not MICROSOFT, that's why you can't install it when you have the developer preview. You have to reset the phone and check for the update and it should be there!!

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Hi, I followed the steps from the "Quick Fix for 8xt with Developer Preview" and it didn't work for me although I did not reset my phone. I didn't see in Aarons instructions to reset the phone but simply to uninstall and reinstall the Developer Preview. Can you please document the exact steps that you took to get this to work? Thanks so much for jumping in and giving us promising news. I will also make sure to thank Aaron as well.
1. "Completely" Uninstalled developer preview.
2. Factory reset
3. Re install developer preview
4. Unchecked box to opt in for developer preview updates and clicked done.
5. Turned on wifi and network, checked for updates and let the 1st install, then plugged in phone and installed 2nd update and set up phone normally and it work's. But remember it rolls out in "waves" or "batches" so you might not be in them yet also depends on region and phone Serial# ,Meid(HEX) or Meid(DEC) I believe? Hope this helps!!
Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
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1. "Completely" Uninstalled developer preview.
2. Factory reset
3. Re install developer preview
4. Unchecked box to opt in for developer preview updates and clicked done.
5. Turned on wifi and network, checked for updates and let the 1st install, then plugged in phone and installed 2nd update and set up phone normally and it work's. But remember it rolls out in "waves" or "batches" so you might not be in them yet also depends on region and phone Serial# ,Meid(HEX) or Meid(DEC) I believe? Hope this helps!!
Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Thanks for the quick reply I will give this a try and respond regardless of the outcome.

dorelse.....have you followed these steps also? Curious since I know you did a reset but was not successful.
Thanks for the quick reply I will give this a try and respond regardless of the outcome.

dorelse.....have you followed these steps also? Curious since I know you did a reset but was not successful.

Yep...he's a '1' poster Einstein...steps 3-4 can't even be done...its already unchecked by you can't Install the Prev For Dev and then 'unchecked box' (what?) to opt in? That would point you back to MS's servers for updates...

Plus, a hard reset would of course point updates to shouldn't even need to install the "Deverloper" Preview (HA!) should look at HTC's servers for updates automatically...but, yes, we're all a bunch of cry babies...


Its hard to take anyone seriously with an arrogant attitude like that..."duh & crying"...but the entire process of the Preview for Developer's is simple. Uncheck to 'Opt Out', points updates back to HTC...check for updates...we should see the HTC release at that point and upgrade.

I've gone one step farther by Opting Out, then a hard reset...should absolutely point to HTC at this point as the phone would have no knowledge of the MS preview that leaves 2 possibilities, the OS versions for those of us on the DP release are higher than the HTC OS release, so it doesn't see that we need it, or that we really aren't tagged to get it yet and will just have to wait.
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Yep...he's a '1' poster Einstein...steps 3-4 can't even be done...its already unchecked by you can't Install the Prev For Dev and then 'unchecked box' (what?) to opt in? That would point you back to MS's servers for updates...

Plus, a hard reset would of course point updates to shouldn't even need to install the "Deverloper" Preview (HA!) should look at HTC's servers for updates automatically...but, yes, we're all a bunch of cry babies...

Yeah, I know his post was certainly *****-ish but at least he was trying to help (quote "duh"!). LOL

So I'm guessing that you have tried one, the other, a mixture of all the recommended steps and you can still not upgrade correct right? What to do next?? Are you and I the only chaps left in this mix???
I'm sure we're not...really the only bug for me is Wi-Fi, and with great 4G coverage in my area...I really don't have any need for the official release. I look at it this way...I've been using Cortana since April and will continue to do so. I'm certainly not 'crying'...duh!
I'm sure we're not...really the only bug for me is Wi-Fi, and with great 4G coverage in my area...I really don't have any need for the official release. I look at it this way...I've been using Cortana since April and will continue to do so. I'm certainly not 'crying'...duh!

I have terrible service in my home area and would die to have wifi working again. in the interim I have been manually turning on wifi when i need to use my phone for a few minutes and then turning it back off before the screen gets turned off. prevents crashing and allows me to use secure wifi :/
FYI...I did try stopping by my Sprint Service Center...the tech owns an 8XT on DP. He can't get the official update either...and Sprint cannot flash our phones on the spot like they can with some Android phones...
Sorry. I was just trying to help, and I didn't mean for my comments to come out as snobby or sound like a a**!!😅

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Hey so after the update came through this is what I'm seeing on my end.
OS: 8.10.14203.306
Radio software version:

Sorry the hard reset didn't work! I thought it might be worth a try since it worked for me immediately :cry: Have you live chatted with Microsoft? They were the only ones who seemed interested in my problems when I spoke with them. Maybe if enough people start coming in with the same issues they will help to get to the bottom of it! Even if the update isn't going through them. This whole situation is so lame, this should have never happened! We wait months and months and then this bs?! Give me a break!

Anyways, best of luck! Keep us updated!
Yeah, but it never is!! And I'm also waiting on my moto g. Its unbelievable!!!😬😬😢😢😂😂

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I may have figured out a way to flash back to 8.0 for the people on dev preview. If somebody could just find or gt a copy of an htc 8xt 8.0 rom than I can know for sure and and let everyone know. I emailed htc and asked for a copy of the rom. Hopefully the will be nice and give me a copy.
Fear not me hearties!!! There is an Update downloading this very moment as I write this! Its been downloading for the past 15 minutes. I will report when its done
Yaaaaaarg! Finished Updating! This was the "21 step" update. After rebooting and scanning the SD card for errors I found my app "folders" were removed and the loaded apps returned as separate tiles on my home page. (no worries ..'an easy fix later) I didn't check the version on the about page at first, but checked back to the Phone Update page to see if there were any other updates available (just in case...) and THERE WERE! More juicy morsels? The cog wheels are rolling again...(back in a few)
About Page

OS Version 8.10.14219.341
Firmware rev. ver. 3030.00.31005.651
Radio software ver 40.50.0918

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