Is anyone still using an HTC one M8 (windows of course)?


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Apr 8, 2015
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So before everybody stays going "Windows mobile is dead, get an android" I know. Believe me I'm painfully aware of that fact. That being said I still enjoy my windows phones and regularly switch from my android back to my 950xl and elite x3. I'm really just looking for something new to play around with. I always wanted the HTC and was wondering if anybody had any experience with it. Namely does it still work OK on 8.1 and has anybody ever put it on windows 10? Did the dot screen thing work on 8.1? What about on 10? I also heard it came with an ir blaster so you could use it as a remote? Does that still work? I really appreciate any input from the community here. Thank you for your time.


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Mar 1, 2015
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I have a beat up Verizon model. Been looking for a T-mobile capable one but that model is hard to find for some reason. It can be upgraded to Windows 10 mobile. Mine is. On 8.1 it worked fine. Windows 10 Mobile was never officially supported on it though but it works too. I never used the dot screen view on 8.1 or 10. Nor the IR blaster. Keep searching the threads, some where in here some of them go into using that phone on W10M with it's ups and downs. Might find some of those other answers in detail.


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Apr 1, 2012
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The Dot Screen worked on 8.1 but I never tested it on 10. The IR Blaster doesn't work at all anymore since HTC abandoned the companion app (HTC TV). I would imagine the Dot Screen still works since W10M still supports Hall Effect sensors. My Acer Liquid Jade Primo came with a folio case that took advantage of Hall Effect to turn on and off so...... But it's just a guess at this point.


Retired Moderator
Apr 1, 2012
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I have a beat up Verizon model. Been looking for a T-mobile capable one but that model is hard to find for some reason. It can be upgraded to Windows 10 mobile. Mine is. On 8.1 it worked fine. Windows 10 Mobile was never officially supported on it though but it works too. I never used the dot screen view on 8.1 or 10. Nor the IR blaster. Keep searching the threads, some where in here some of them go into using that phone on W10M with it's ups and downs. Might find some of those other answers in detail.

Don't go crazy looking for a TMO-specific model. The AT&T variant carries the same bands as the VZW & TMO. No band 12 on any of them, only Band 4.


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Apr 8, 2015
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Thanks for replying. I looked at some of the other postings here but many of them were from quite a while ago. I was hoping to hear from someone with recent experience. I think I may get one and try it out. Whenever I get it working I'll try to remember and post the results here for anybody else who may be looking in to the m8.


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Mar 1, 2015
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Don't go crazy looking for a TMO-specific model. The AT&T variant carries the same bands as the VZW & TMO. No band 12 on any of them, only Band 4.
Yes I know of band 12 lacking in the Windows M8 for some odd reason.
It was more for the software and lack of AT&T branding.

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