Is Icon unlocked? Will it work with T-Mobile LTE?


New member
Aug 30, 2011
So this is my question I know it is unlocked and I know it does work with mobile here. However I was wondering if I keep verizon active and install tmobile or at&t sim can I call using both verizon and tmobile number?
Dec 9, 2012
If you mean using cdma vzw I dont think its possible as the phones FW I assume would disable this as soon as another service providers sim is inserted(which is why you cant currently use any dual mode lte devices on prepaid for example aside iPhone) like other dual mode devices


New member
Jul 3, 2014
I recently switched a line from Verizon to T-Mobile and temporarily used my Nokia Lumia Icon. All I did was insert the sim card, setup the APN to and then restart the phone.

Lock Status: Unlocked due to regulation of Verizon LTE phones as noted elsewhere
Phone calls: Works
Caller ID: Works
SMS: Works
MMS: Does NOT work
Internet: H+ and LTE randomly displayed, reached speed tests of a maximum of 25mbps

Note: Sometimes, the signal bars indicated that no signal was present even though the phone still functioned. This is noted elsewhere online as being an issue for others with T-Mobile and the Icon.

Sidenote: I'm selling my Icon and a grip of accessories on Swappa

Nokia Lumia Icon (Verizon) For Sale - UJI726 - $435 > Swappa


New member
Dec 2, 2012
I recently switched a line from Verizon to T-Mobile and temporarily used my Nokia Lumia Icon. All I did was insert the sim card, setup the APN to and then restart the phone.

Lock Status: Unlocked due to regulation of Verizon LTE phones as noted elsewhere
Phone calls: Works
Caller ID: Works
SMS: Works
MMS: Does NOT work
Internet: H+ and LTE randomly displayed, reached speed tests of a maximum of 25mbps

Note: Sometimes, the signal bars indicated that no signal was present even though the phone still functioned. This is noted elsewhere online as being an issue for others with T-Mobile and the Icon.

Sidenote: I'm selling my Icon and a grip of accessories on Swappa

Nokia Lumia Icon (Verizon) For Sale - UJI726 - $435 > Swappa

i'm getting the same thing. if anyone can help out with MMS I would appreciate it. thanks!
Dec 9, 2012
Try setting it to hspa & see if it works other than doing what people have suggested for lumia on t-mobile(make sure sim is inserted before setup) theres not much else can be done
Dec 9, 2012
Today I happened to flip lte on and it all works(except for sharing) now dont know how(maybe vzw now has international lte roaming) but it does. Running on wp8.1.1. Denim
Last edited:
Dec 9, 2012
Good question it should as rogers always pushes their settings. I did it regular ota.
Since last post though I have since figured out that if in your area you don't have a strong fix on lte(in my area theres no pcs lte but theres lte(aws) everywhere) it drops to hspa/+. An app by ms called field medic hints at that it has the settings for the major US networks


New member
Aug 5, 2013
Today I happened to flip lte on and it all works(except for sharing) now dont know how(maybe vzw now has international lte roaming) but it does. Running on wp8.1.1. Denim

It has nothing to do with Verizon's international LTE roaming. It is because Roger's LTE bands are compatible with Icon. Both the GSM and LTE are unlocked on the Icon. If Roger's pushes the settings then all should work fine. In the US, it depends on where you are if you can get T-Mobile or AT&T LTE. Some places they support the AWS band, in most they don't.
Dec 9, 2012
I know I already knew that I was simply saying that before the update id have to choose between lte data no calling , sms or sharing vs. Hspa , calling, sms, sharing

Paul McCone

New member
Jun 16, 2015
I'm using the Lumia Icon from Verizon on T-Mobile network(swapped sim cards). It is on ave uses LTE band 4.

Bryan Wallis

New member
Sep 17, 2015
my droid turbo that came from verizon and is a verizon exclusive ONLY works perfectly on tmobile i get better 4gLTE on it then i do on my actual tmobile phone and yes the icon gets 4gLTE on tmobile I'm using on right now and its just as good if not better then the droid turbo does so your answer is wrong don't feed people the wrong answer

H Walls

New member
Sep 20, 2015
You have to fool around with the setting on Verizon unlocked phones to make them work properly on GSM networks. For instance, turn off some of the my Verizon setting to get 611 to work on GSM networks. Hotspot is locked to Verizon, so you have to you a third party app like PdAnet+ and it works just fine. Get help from your provider. You will usually still get a message that it has a non Verizon sim. You cannot completely get rid of it, just stop it for the current session but when you restart it, it will come up again. Verizon does not like the fact that they have to leave the GSM radio open on their phones so they do everything possible to circumvent it by locking some of their applications to their network. You can get around most of them. It is possible to get 4Glte in some areas, but you might have to do a hard reset. This has been my experience at least.

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