Is Microsoft Complete for $150 worth it?

It really depends on you, do you think the chance of the Pro 3 "mysteriously" being damaged in your hands is big enough? My gadgets are probably going to die of old age, and then there's my friend who killed 2-3 laptops drinking coke.

Considering the price of the device (and utter lack of repairability) and comprehensiveness of the program, it's probably worth a look.
I wouldn't think about it, but eh, we're all different.
It really depends on you, do you think the chance of the Pro 3 "mysteriously" being damaged in your hands is big enough? My gadgets are probably going to die of old age, and then there's my friend who killed 2-3 laptops drinking coke.

Considering the price of the device (and utter lack of repairability) and comprehensiveness of the program, it's probably worth a look.
I wouldn't think about it, but eh, we're all different.
Yea, the lack of repairability is what worries me. And that the screen is very thin.
I used to work for one of the largest insurance companies in the world, in a division where all we did was extended warranties for electronics (mostly computers). There is a reason that insurance is a profitable business. The chances of you actually needing to use the insurance is VERY low. The problem is that if you are one of the few people that needs it, you'll want to have it. Myself, I almost never buy extended warranties, just because of what I know, and the fact that I can fix many things myself. Of course, the Surface, I won't even try. I didn't buy a warranty, and if something happens down the road, I know that I will have to pay for the repair. But what are my odds?

You have to ask yourself the question if it is worth it to you. If something happens, can you afford to pay someone for the repair? Do you have the spare change to buy the insurance policy (that's all an extended warranty is) now? Myself, I tend to believe that if a person can afford to pay for the repair should it become necessary, then they're better off foregoing the insurance. If they won't be able to afford a repair when it becomes necessary (and if it becomes necessary), then get the policy.

It's an odds game, and you have to know that going in.
I got a SP3 for school and was wondering if the Microsoft Complete is worth it for me. Thoughts?
The simple answer is that although such warranties are seldom worth the investment, this is exception. I do take care of my equipment but still needed to replace both a SP and SP2 and would have been out $2500 if I paid out of pocket. It was also (within reason) hassle free. I wouldn't recommend things like the laughable warranties at BestBuy, etc., but this does have value. I must admit I also find it silly when people say if you are careful you shouldn't need anything. This is not a desktop computer or even a substantial laptop. It is a genuine mobile device. Unless you walk around with your own private security service, it is not the owner that is the only problem to consider. It the person who knocks it of a table or spills their coffee, etc., etc.. As to what it would cost to repair, I have never seen someone spell out real costs (ignore the useless teardown analyses). The fact though that Microsoft does not repair them, they send either a new or refurbished replacement for standard warranty coverage, should give a clue as to whether they can be repaired for anything close to the replacement cost of the unit....
I am going to say yes... Today I just traded my cracked Surface Pro 1 for the 3. Only cost me $50 (deductible). They also transferred my warranty to the new surface, so I have one year left.
I didn't get the Microsoft Complete warranty, but I did get one from a 3rd party.
If it didn't cover accidental drops or cracked screens, then I would have passed on it.
I would have passed on the warranty if I only paid a few hundred dollars for it, or if it was the type of computer I would mostly keep at home. Since this device is very light and portable, I transport it with me to and from work everyday.
I'm also using it around the house a lot. With it constantly being moved around a lot, the likely hood that it could become damaged is much higher than a desktop computer, or a heavier laptop that pretty much sits on a desk or table quite often.
It's also hard to determine if the kickstand will have issues, since we don't have anything to go by. They redesigned it from the previous models, yet we don't know how long it will hold up.
Just curious, when did you buy your Pro 1? Did they give you the Pro 3 instead because that particular store ran out of stock of Pro 1?

I am going to say yes... Today I just traded my cracked Surface Pro 1 for the 3. Only cost me $50 (deductible). They also transferred my warranty to the new surface, so I have one year left.
Just curious, when did you buy your Pro 1? Did they give you the Pro 3 instead because that particular store ran out of stock of Pro 1?

I bought the original Surface Pro when they released it last year (Feb 2013 I think) from the Microsoft store (Galleria, Houston, TX). Since Surface Pro 2 are in short supply, I took a chance they would be out of stock. Also they do not make Surface Pro 1 anymore. But hey I would be okay with a surface pro 2 because my surface pro had a small crack in the screen. They gave me a story about since they do not make surface pro's and they do not have surface pro 2 in stock.. they would have to send it off somewhere for a replacement. So I just told them that, that would not work for me and I need it for work and I am about to go on a business trip (true), he understood, talked to the manager and they gave me a surface pro 3. So IMO it is worth it just for the good customer service and not giving me the runaround.
I bought the original Surface Pro when they released it last year (Feb 2013 I think) from the Microsoft store (Galleria, Houston, TX). Since Surface Pro 2 are in short supply, I took a chance they would be out of stock. Also they do not make Surface Pro 1 anymore. But hey I would be okay with a surface pro 2 because my surface pro had a small crack in the screen. They gave me a story about since they do not make surface pro's and they do not have surface pro 2 in stock.. they would have to send it off somewhere for a replacement. So I just told them that, that would not work for me and I need it for work and I am about to go on a business trip (true), he understood, talked to the manager and they gave me a surface pro 3. So IMO it is worth it just for the good customer service and not giving me the runaround.

Hope Pro 3 will be sold out soon. lol
I bought it, since this is an expensive machine and I do plan to be on the go with it a lot. I plan to pay the $50 deductible in a couple of years when my brother is in college, getting him essentially a new machine for $200 (and the Pro 5 should be out by then :P).
I never buy extended warranties or accident protection. With all that money I saved, when something finally breaks, that loss will still be less than the overall savings.

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