Is Microsoft really going to shut down Windows Phone ?

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New member
Jun 29, 2014
I doubt it, Microsoft are just getting their business customers back onside, and I know (via a trade magazine) that currently here in the UK, 98% of blackberry customers that leave the platform are moving to WP, and if the same stats are true then WP occupies around 28% of the business smartphone market and increasing.

I've even started noticing more younger generation using WP, so SnapChat must not be the draw away then it used to be... I know in the consumer market the 640 seems to be selling like hot cakes, with some companies running out of stock!

Can Microsoft keep dragging WP along, no; it'll have to pay it's way. However they've put too much money and effort into their strategy to use give up without giving it another fight. Certainly here in the UK, it seems to be working...



New member
Jul 6, 2013
Sure, it is: 1.Nadella wanted to sell/discontinue WP. 2. They are losing money on WP. 3.App developers will not make apps for WP. 4. Market share is decreasing in the states & slightly increasing in a few markets globally. With that being said, I hope Microsoft do not give up on wp/w10m, as it is my favorite mobile os.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Giving up on Windows Mobile as a whole is like giving up in the mobile segment for Microsoft. Let'see. My guess is they are waiting how Windows 10 will improve the situtation.


New member
Apr 21, 2015
I think it's just wishful thinking on Paul Therrott's part. If you have followed him over the years he has gone from a windows enthusiast to a windows reporter. What I mean by that is his contacts and relationships are tied up in a company and products that he really comes across as being done with.

When someone is enthusiastic about something it shows, be it in their manner or tone. So when I have listened to Paul over the years his delivery (especially in audio/video) when speaking about Microsoft has become bored and monotone. Although to be fair you can hear he does like the surface pro 3. When his enthusiasm does come out at it's strongest, complete with a lighter tone voice and hand gestures is when he's speaking of Apple products.

I could be reading it wrong, but these are the impressions he gives me. As with the lightening of any burden, the canceling of windows phone would lessen the drudgery of his work and free up time to gush about the prospect of an iPad Pro with Leo.


New member
Apr 22, 2012
I thought the whole idea of 10 IS to kill off Windows phone.

One OS for all (hardware), right?


Retired Moderator
Nov 12, 2012
Bit of a crazy rumour this one and proof that anyone will believe anything.

People are forgetting that Satya has been standing on stage saying "Mobile First" as one of his key phrases. I'm not sure he'd be saying that with such conviction if he wanted to can the project.

People are also forgetting that Microsoft announced yesterday that it was letting go of Screen Ads, with the loss of 1200 jobs (although they're being transitioned to AOL).


New member
Nov 3, 2011
^ Thank you.

As far as mobile OS development is concerned this rumour is a pile of baloney.

Long Syntax

New member
Jul 3, 2012
Paul Thurrott is speculating given the information in front of him. Having said that, Paul has not come out and said that Windows Phone (Windows 10 Mobile) is being dumped. He has voiced his concerns that the hard choices comment might be directed at the underperforming phone division. I have the same concerns.

Some sort of "hard choice" must be just around the corner, or Nadella would not have used those words. When communication comes from a CEO, each word is agonized over - so this is no accident and he is letting folks know there are changes coming, and I doubt it would wait till next year or he'd hold off on this message.

I can't believe they'd dump Windows 10 Mobile or hardware just at a time when everything seems to be coming together, but something is going to happen and that's what we're all speculating about.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
I saw several sites pushing this story and I can't say this isn't by design. It seems that with each progression of this roll out of Windows 10, the more anxious these bloggers get...and it almost seems orchestrated. To me it does. I'm sure we will see a lot more of these posts in the coming days and weeks.


New member
Jan 7, 2013
Remember the rumor of a Kinect less Xbox one? At first everyone shot it down big time! " no way Xbox would make a xbox one with out a Kinect! Its part of xbox' s vision" blah blah blah! You can now buy one with out Kinect! So.....anything is possible and never say never;-)


New member
Jun 8, 2014
Seeing the latest rumors and the direction MS is heading. I am feeling really tensed. But if they were to close the mobile OS division then why invest money to make WP 10 ? Will WP10 end up as BBOS 10 ?

edited by mod:
We'd appreciate such rumour threads including the source. Instead of shutting it down I looked for the possible source myself. I suspect it's this:

I can't believe an adult would post this? You are feeling tensed. Really? If Microsoft would shut down windows phone this very minute it really wouldn't matter. Nobody is going to die.

No disrespect but you need to get a new perspective on life.

I really can't believe you posted this? Think how chaotic it would be if everybody posted what they heard? The substance of the forum would just disappear.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
Honestly speaking, how many people here think that an OS can be built overnight, and be discarded just like that. Yes, compared to iOS and Android (both in terms of features and marketshare), we seem pathetic. But can we all STOP and think about it first. iOS kind of kicked of this smartphone revolution, so I wouldn't comment much about them. Android, on the other hand, started out the same way WP did, incomplete (not that it still isn't till today), slow and NOT POPULAR. Honestly speaking, how long did it took Android to become popular ? It was around the 2.x - 3.x era of Android phones then it became popular. What I am saying here is, how long have we been around ? And how many iteration have we gone through (7, 8, 8.1). Maybe we will never be n.o 2, maybe we will forever remain at n.o 3, but all these negativity I have been seeing in this community really puts me off, and, mind you, it stems from some rumors. Lets take a look at some facts, shall we.

1. Windows 10 Mobile: If MS is getting ready to shut it down, why bother with the 940/940XL, and all the technical previews. People complain that the technical preview is pathetic, and broken, but thats software development for you. You want to be the first, sure, but there WILL BE BUGS and codes are not magically written and you can expect them to work 100% instantly. I know this because I am (a starting out) software developer, so bugs/broken features in the technical previews are acceptable.

2. The efforts they put in to court people: I mean, if they wanted to shut down WP, why bother with Universal Apps / Project Islandwood / Project Aestoria ? Why go through all the efforts of building more tools for developers, and consumers alike if you are going to discard this the next day ? Mind you, all these costs money, and I don't think they would want to spend MILLIONS, just to waste it the next day.

Point is, why would they even bother with doing all these if they just want to throw it away the next day. The fact that they are still doing this means they STILL CARE, and I think they are trying their best (although, yeah, I disagree with some of the directions they are going in some areas, but thats another discussion). So please, people, take what is being reported with a truckload of salt and think please. Life is much more than just Android/iOS/WP, so dont get all overly upset about these things. Things happen for a reason, and maybe what we are seeing here today wouldn't affect the foreseeable future, but maybe in the long term it can help us, but this is just what I think. I don't usually participate in these types of arguments, but seeing the reactions of people these past few days really made me want to say something.


New member
May 23, 2015
I can't believe an adult would post this? You are feeling tensed. Really? If Microsoft would shut down windows phone this very minute it really wouldn't matter. Nobody is going to die.

No disrespect but you need to get a new perspective on life.

I really can't believe you posted this? Think how chaotic it would be if everybody posted what they heard? The substance of the forum would just disappear.

dear sir while nobody shall die if windows shuts down windows phone but I feel every bit right to feel tensed while being an adult . Suppose you buy a new phone few days back for substantial amount of money expecting latest software updates and then you hear a rumour that the company is shutting down it mobile business. You may not feel tensed sir but I as I value my money feel tensed because I may not get security patches feature updates etc. And i asked this question based on many rumours. For your information rumours were there nokia will make an android phone and they made nokia X. Blackberry will make android phone and then comes blackberry slider or whatever. So you see if smoke has risen there has to be fire. And about perspective of life i love to be optimistic but dont turn blind eye to obvious indications . May be I have answered all your queries and also removed the tensed part. thank you
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New member
Apr 21, 2015
You may not feel tensed sir but I as I value my money feel tensed because I may not get security patches feature updates etc.

Perfect description of the great majority of android devices. No security patches or updates.

Android is #1 because it can be made to run on nearly any old crap hardware and most of all because it's FREE. Terrible battery life, unoptimized code, memory leaks everywhere, poor hardware control, and more hang on Android like an albatross. Of course these folks want to make android devices, because they are more profitable, not because they are good. Microsoft would be idiotic to move to the platform when they have a superior one they just need to grow.


New member
Nov 3, 2011
Android is #1 because it can be made to run on nearly any old crap hardware and most of all because it's FREE.

On a side note, W10M is also FREE.

I think it's a lot more complicated than that. The timing of its release and the state of the market (particularly how the iPhone affected everyone but AT&T) at that time were crucial. The fact that Google placed no restrictions on Android and allowed OEMs and carriers to do whatever they wanted with it was just as important. It being free was just the icing on the cake.

Android has since built up a lot of momentum. Even if it hadn't improved the way it had it would still be #1, just because it's #1, similar to Desktop Windows.

I know this is a bit off topic, but the rumor itself doesn't seem worth commenting on. WP may be axed at some point, but it most certainly won't be now.
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