Is Microsoft unwise to ignore their own platform?

And, amidst all this, do you guys know what the tragedy is - at least from my perspective? I think WP 8.1 (at least as per my experience of it on my brand new L830) is an excellent Phone OS. Sure it has some rough edges, but it is well thought out and perhaps with an iteration or two, it would be a very good OS. It is slick. Works well on a range of devices (and screen sizes). Innovative (breaking away from the icon-based design). Heck...I even enjoyed WP 8.0 on my L720! But that question keeps haunting me? Where is WP OS heading towards? And, what is MS doing with its hardware strategy (here I am thinking of the weird trade-offs between the L930 and the L830, the rough spec equivalence between the L830 and the L730/735, among other things)?
All the logical answers above blame the consumer and tries to make them understand the difficulties MS is having, I think it Microsoft wasn't up to the task they shouldn't have wasted people money on inferior products when they could've offered them their apps on better products. Again all of this can be summed up nicely Satay Nadella doesn't care about windows phone and as such no one should specially new buyers.
I can understand skype,office and onedrive availability as they can lose their business users, but atleast the first & best update should come to WP which is not the case.

and to add salt to the injury MS is now releasing age of empires to ios & android which should have remained exclusive.
Age of Empires: World Domination(iPhone,iPad?Android?Windows Phone)

is world domination a new name for castle siege? I hope it stays separate. castle siege is so hard to advance with so many players attacking me.
My point is that if Microsoft are putting "MOBILE first, Cloud first" then shouldn't they be looking to increase their market share in the mobile space which they first lost to Apple and now to Google. The problem is that people aren't going to move to WP from iOS or Android if they can get ALL of the services Microsoft have to offer on their existing platform.

Unless I'm mistaken, both iOS and Android are "MOBILE".

Look, the reality of the situation is that Windows Phone is NEVER going to get much market share in the US with the iOS and Android juggernauts out there, especially with - as you said - Microsoft's own service-based "MOBILE first, Cloud first" strategy. I mean... you honestly can't be reading "MOBILE first, Cloud first" as "Windows Phone first", can you?

Regardless, by leveraging iOS and Android users via their service-based, mobile, cloud apps, they're reaching their goals. Do you honestly not see that? Windows Phone market share is unimportant to Microsoft when compared to the greater market share of those using Microsoft apps and services on ALL platforms. Microsoft is, by necessity, becoming platform agnostic.
Can't ignore something you don't know EXIST!!! Tell me how is it that Apple uses a DUAL-CORE chip = DUAL CORE, and yet WP people are screaming for QUAD-CORE chips to improve their devices for future purchases. Should Apple's use of lesser processors tell us something that somehow we're missing? I've NEVER read any post here saying how any IPHONE lags, but the ANDROID 4 chip ones do y is that? Apple = knowhow plain and simple!! MS needs to have a sit down with Apple and see how best they can join forces to make premium devices not in direct competition with each other but use hardware that makes both their offerings more appealing to the public than Android. Both IOS and WP share a common philosophy of being simple, direct and functional. I've wondered how does Apple use 2 core chips in their devices and are still able to go toe to toe, one on one with 4 chip beasts found in Samsungs, LGs, HTCs and Sonys and still manage to come away unscathed!!

Instead of us WP users asking for bigger screens, 4 chip processors and mammoth batteries what we need to do is ask MS to find out how does apple do so MUCH with less. Smaller screens, smaller batteries, less storage, less pixel density, dual core chips and yet people line up for HRS in the rain, sun, snow and high winds waiting for a store guard to unlock the door!! Instead of asking WHEN is a flag-ship phone gonna come out and which OEM maker will join the wagon, what we should be asking is when will MS make what we already have FUNCTION BETTER!!!
All the logical answers above blame the consumer and tries to make them understand the difficulties MS is having, I think it Microsoft wasn't up to the task they shouldn't have wasted people money on inferior products when they could've offered them their apps on better products. Again all of this can be summed up nicely Satay Nadella doesn't care about windows phone and as such no one should specially new buyers.

Your statement make ZERO sense.

"If Microsoft wasn't up to the task, they shouldn't have wasted peoples money on inferior products?"

1. Microsoft is completely up to the task. Windows Phone is a fantastic OS. The UI is gorgeous, and it has many unique features that other platforms are now replicating. Amd with Windows 10 just around the corner, it is clear that MS is up to the task of creating the most robust and impressive OS ever released. Google and Apple having nothing that compares to Windows 10 is, and going to be.

2. Wasted peoples money? YOU CHOSE TO BUY IT. You are the one that wasted your money if yu bought into WP without knowing it's shortfalls. It's called doing your own due diligence.

3. Windows and Windows Phone are not inferior products. They have disadvantages, but they also have advantages. If you think they are inferior then why the hell did you buy into? And why are you wasting everyone's time on this board? This is a Windows forum. Clearly people that come here have found value it MS products over the competition in some way or another.
My point is that if Microsoft are putting "MOBILE first, Cloud first" then shouldn't they be looking to increase their market share in the mobile space which they first lost to Apple and now to Google. The problem is that people aren't going to move to WP from iOS or Android if they can get ALL of the services Microsoft have to offer on their existing platform. I'm assuming that Cortana will be the next thing to be ported across to iOS and Android and in that case what would be the reason for anyone to switch or continue to use Windows Phone.

Windows Phone already has poor market share as it is and Android got into the dominant position it is today by Google ignoring everyone else and putting their platform first.

Wow, you just keep completely missing the ball game.

Mobile first means everything MOBILE first. That includes their services like Office on mobile devices like Android and iOS. And like we've said a million times before, Office os one of the key revenue sources MS is pursuing. Windows has taken a back seat as a revenue source in their new model, in fact it looks like Windows 10 may be free indefinitely when it's released.

It's clear you are too blinded by your own angst to understand a simple business model and common sense business strategy.
So many posted justifying microsoft ignoring their own platform lol... Thing is we people who spent money buying WP thinking atleast microsoft apps will be better here just plainly got shafted... No I don't care if they develop superb apps for iOS and android... But they should also give same for us WP users that's all...i don't know how u people defend inferior apps on WP by the platform owner compared to other platforms. I'm currently happy with my 1520 but when time comes for next phone I doubt I'll jump into market for a WP considering I can get all the apps plus superior versions of microsoft apps on other platforms.. And most people who bought WP and who follows other platforms too will be thinking that...
Sent from my NOKIA 1520 using Tapatalk
So many posted justifying microsoft ignoring their own platform lol... Thing is we people who spent money buying WP thinking atleast microsoft apps will be better here just plainly got shafted... No I don't care if they develop superb apps for iOS and android... But they should also give same for us WP users that's all...i don't know how u people defend inferior apps on WP by the platform owner compared to other platforms. I'm currently happy with my 1520 but when time comes for next phone I doubt I'll jump into market for a WP considering I can get all the apps plus superior versions of microsoft apps on other platforms.. And most people who bought WP and who follows other platforms too will be thinking that...
Sent from my NOKIA 1520 using Tapatalk


iOS and Android just now got Office within the past 6 months or so. Windows Phone has had Office for over 4 years.

Windows and Windows RT have superior Office applications. They are FULL Office. Whereas Office for iOS amd Android is trimmed down a lot.

And has anyone done a feature comparison between iPhone and WP Office apps? Are they really that much different?

Even if they are. EVERYONE knows MS is working on a new touch optimized version for Windows (including WP) is being worked on and is to be released with Windows 10 this Spring.
Wow, you just keep completely missing the ball game.

Mobile first means everything MOBILE first. That includes their services like Office on mobile devices like Android and iOS. And like we've said a million times before, Office os one of the key revenue sources MS is pursuing. Windows has taken a back seat as a revenue source in their new model, in fact it looks like Windows 10 may be free indefinitely when it's released.

It's clear you are too blinded by your own angst to understand a simple business model and common sense business strategy.

No I'm not missing the "ball game", Windows Phone is a MOBILE OS as well or don't you think that WP users deserve updates to bring Office on par with other platforms? You said it yourself, WP has had Office for 4+ years and yet it's just the same as it was 4+ years ago.

The only one blinded here is you, blinded by your love for iOS and Android!!!!

iOS and Android just now got Office within the past 6 months or so. Windows Phone has had Office for over 4 years.

Windows and Windows RT have superior Office applications. They are FULL Office. Whereas Office for iOS amd Android is trimmed down a lot.

And has anyone done a feature comparison between iPhone and WP Office apps? Are they really that much different?

Even if they are. EVERYONE knows MS is working on a new touch optimized version for Windows (including WP) is being worked on and is to be released with Windows 10 this Spring.

I suppose you have inside knowledge and can tell us what devices are getting the ARM version of Windows 10 then?

How could Windows 10 for ARM be released in the spring and yet the ARM dev preview isn't due until late 2015, so again you must have inside knowledge!!!
I suppose you have inside knowledge and can tell us what devices are getting the ARM version of Windows 10 then?


Every device should have no problem getting Windows 10 unless blocked by the carrier. Even then there is always the dev preview.

Windows 10 will be on Internet of Things devices that have far less specs than even the Lumia 520. So that's not an issue.

And Windows 10 is built on the same core Windows and Windows Phone 8 are built on. So the WP7 -> WP8 issue does not apply here.

While no one knows for a fact yet, it's been heavily understood that current devices will get the update. What device are you on?

If this is a fear you truly have, then I can't help you, and no one here can. You just have to sit back and wait, or go to another platform if you are so scared of not getting the update.
I suppose you have inside knowledge and can tell us what devices are getting the ARM version of Windows 10 then?

How could Windows 10 for ARM be released in the spring and yet the ARM dev preview isn't due until late 2015, so again you must have inside knowledge!!!

No, I said Office touch will be released with Windows 10 this Spring. As far as when Windows 10 will hit every device, no one knows yet. So far MS has laid it out this way. X86 will probably get it first, maybe May or June. Then ARM devices in the summer, with Xbox One following sometime that year probably around the holidays.

My "Insider Knowledge" is just common sense. If you're here to ***** about a few months difference than good luck living life, because life never delivers when you want it or on time.
Your statement make ZERO sense.
"If Microsoft wasn't up to the task, they shouldn't have wasted peoples money on inferior products?"
1. Microsoft is completely up to the task. Windows Phone is a fantastic OS. The UI is gorgeous, and it has many unique features that other platforms are now replicating. Amd with Windows 10 just around the corner, it is clear that MS is up to the task of creating the most robust and impressive OS ever released. Google and Apple having nothing that compares to Windows 10 is, and going to be.
2. Wasted peoples money? YOU CHOSE TO BUY IT. You are the one that wasted your money if yu bought into WP without knowing it's shortfalls. It's called doing your own due diligence.
3. Windows and Windows Phone are not inferior products. They have disadvantages, but they also have advantages. If you think they are inferior then why the hell did you buy into? And why are you wasting everyone's time on this board? This is a Windows forum. Clearly people that come here have found value it MS products over the competition in some way or another.

Thanks for proving my exact point, It seems your role as a fan of Microsoft seems to always be one of two things "Shutting off criticism" and " deliver the promise of a better tomorrow".
Bare in mind I'm not saying there isn't a better tomorrow nor that being a fan is a bad thing, heck I've been a fan for a long time and I've been doing the same thing you just did, I just got stuck with a sad reality where I have to be mean to people so poor Microsoft wouldn't have to, I swear reading this thread almost makes me believe that Microsoft is about to go under if it doesn't throw Windows Phone users under the bus hahaha!

YET all evidence show that a shift of strategy is happening (AGAIN; Software to devices VS Mobile First Cloud first) with new big promises (AGAIN: One Windows on every device VS One experience across all screens)

and some fan will try to teach me how to be a good consumer, a good forum member and what to expect from the bright future ahead.

And you Mr. spaulagain couldn't have been a better example and for that I'm thankful.

iOS and Android just now got Office within the past 6 months or so. Windows Phone has had Office for over 4 years.

Windows and Windows RT have superior Office applications. They are FULL Office. Whereas Office for iOS amd Android is trimmed down a lot.

And has anyone done a feature comparison between iPhone and WP Office apps? Are they really that much different?

Even if they are. EVERYONE knows MS is working on a new touch optimized version for Windows (including WP) is being worked on and is to be released with Windows 10 this Spring.

Just so we can be clear on one thing, Office on Windows Phone is almost featureless, its been on Windows Phone for 3 years and for two of that I couldn't use it with my files because it didn't support password protected files it also doesn't let you add anything significant to the files like a picture to a word file for example, Its made for a quick review of a file or last minute edit, so when you tout its existence don't do it with lots of pride, I own the 1520 and I think its a slow hard to read and a pain to interact with even with medium sized files, I feel sorry for the guy who HAS to deal with it on a smaller less powerful phone.

Fun thing I didn't realize you're the same guy who I just replied to but the irony held up you still promised a better tomorrow version of something ****ty now. :D
Last edited:

iOS and Android just now got Office within the past 6 months or so. Windows Phone has had Office for over 4 years.

Windows and Windows RT have superior Office applications. They are FULL Office. Whereas Office for iOS amd Android is trimmed down a lot.

And has anyone done a feature comparison between iPhone and WP Office apps? Are they really that much different?

Even if they are. EVERYONE knows MS is working on a new touch optimized version for Windows (including WP) is being worked on and is to be released with Windows 10 this Spring.

Actually, more like Fall next year!
Just so we can be clear on one thing, Office on Windows Phone is almost featureless, its been on Windows Phone for 3 years and for two of that I couldn't use it with my files because it didn't support password protected files it also doesn't let you add anything significant to the files like a picture to a word file for example, Its made for a quick review of a file or last minute edit, so when you tout its existence don't do it with lots of pride, I own the 1520 and I think its a slow hard to read and a pain to interact with even with medium sized files, I feel sorry for the guy who HAS to deal with it on a smaller less powerful phone.

Fun thing I didn't realize you're the same guy who I just replied to but the irony held up you still promised a better tomorrow version of something ****ty now. :D

How is that ironic? It's really simple...

1. Microsoft has had Office on all Windows platforms for years. Regardless of features, they were there. But it wasn't there on any other platform except OSX.

2. Microsoft was beginning to lose ground with Office because they didn't offer it on highly valuable mobile platforms, Android and iOS. So they started developing for those platforms and are just now releasing it. They had to release something soon or they would really start to lose those customers.

3. Meanwhile they are in the process of overhauling the Office apps for Windows to go a long with the overhauled Windows 10 release. It would be a complete waste of time and resources to invest in a legacy built app like Office on WP that is going to be completely replaced in less than a year. Doubling up resources like that is just stupid business. Especially when that customer base is soooooo damn small. No matter what loyalty it has.

4. Currently Office is still embedded with the OS on WP. So updates have to roll out with the OS which is far less frequent. That's why they will decouple it with Windows 10 like Xbox Music.

5. Creating and editing Office documents on phones is just not a common take or use case for phones. Whereas tablet and desktops it is a very common task. So it makes sense to focus on OSes that are on those types of devices.

All of this is very logical. But people don't understand logic when they are **** hurt because of some arbitrary self worth evaluation.

The fact that you don't seem to understand any of this is befuddling. I had no idea people were so dense, but this thread presents clear evidence of the case.
Windows Phone is a MOBILE OS as well or don't you think that WP users deserve updates to bring Office on par with other platforms?

Yes! And they will probably get them, too, but on Microsoft's schedule, not yours. Which probably prioritizes updates based on the number of users it will affect. They probably aren't going to put Windows Phone first because - as a services and mobile/cloud first company - Windows Phone only affects a small percentage of their services and mobile/cloud users... regardless of the fact that Windows Phone is Microsoft's own product.

The only one blinded here is you, blinded by your love for iOS and Android!!!!

The issue here is not his (or anyone's) love for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone. It's a reluctance on the part of many Windows Phone users - like yourself - to accept that Windows Phone is the third string platform - by a great margin - and so Microsoft is going to prioritize iOS and Android well above Windows Phone. For a company trying to focus on services and mobile/cloud first to do otherwise would be suicide.

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