Is Microsoft unwise to ignore their own platform?

All of this is very logical. But people don't understand logic when they are **** hurt because of some arbitrary self worth evaluation.

The fact that you don't seem to understand any of this is befuddling. I had no idea people were so dense, but this thread presents clear evidence of the case.

Wow just wow...
So again as consumers why would those "logical" facts be any of our business, these products are the worst on a platform fully owned by the people who made them, the logical (may I say arbitrary) thing to think that a software that has Windows in its damn name would be the best companion for a Windows PC, which is being used by a billion people everyday, yet that wasn't the case, not by a long shot, if you're not **** hurt about it, that's fine I accept your low fandom induced standards and the fact that you wish to excuse mediocrity and failures of MS on the mobile front is commendable but the fact that Microsoft is driving you to insult people's intellect, density or knowledge should be a wake up call my friend.

PS BTW wasn't that damn modern Office set to release with Windows 8? Now its Windows 10 huh? or is it Windows 10.1? :D
I don't see MS as ignoring their own platform. MS is not just a cell phone company. They are enterprise, they are Office, they are Asure, email and browser, anti-virus, gaming, software development, they are many governments computer backbone as well as business and a lot more. They have to be on top of all that and more 24/7. To think that this phone, even as good as it is, (and I say it is awesome in spite of the haters that say to the contrary) , is of a higher priority than all that is amazingly naive. It is not being ignored. The whining however, is.
Wow just wow...
So again as consumers why would those "logical" facts be any of our business, these products are the worst on a platform fully owned by the people who made them, the logical (may I say arbitrary) thing to think that a software that has Windows in its damn name would be the best companion for a Windows PC, which is being used by a billion people everyday, yet that wasn't the case, not by a long shot, if you're not **** hurt about it, that's fine I accept your low fandom induced standards and the fact that you wish to excuse mediocrity and failures of MS on the mobile front is commendable but the fact that Microsoft is driving you to insult people's intellect, density or knowledge should be a wake up call my friend.

PS BTW wasn't that damn modern Office set to release with Windows 8? Now its Windows 10 huh? or is it Windows 10.1? :D

It's your position as a customer to choose a platform that best fits your needs. While yes it would seem logical that the native platform would have the best versions of each native app, that's not always the case.

In the case of Windows and WP. Hey have had the best version of Office apps. It's only the past few months where iOS now has a slightly better version on the iPhone. Tablet wise though, Office is still astronomically better on Windows than iOS or OSX. It's not touch optimized yet, but that's on it's.

The simple fact is in a business, development teams don't hold back features for their team just because another team is not 100% on the same timeline as they are. What did you expect, the iOS team to shelve features of the initial release just because the WP hasn't added them yet? That's ridiculous.

Again, were not talking years of the other platforms having "better" version. Just months. It's really not that big of a deal.
As hard as it is for you and me to hear, we fans are part of the marketing problem Microsoft and Windows Phone is having, we justify issues that are REAL \and then we blame the consumer for making the purchase unaware of his need while all we do on the other hand is invite people to try Microsoft products and give it a chance!
This is why it is hard for Microsoft to gain new fans, we alienate them we make them feel sad they bought Microsoft products because they complained about things that are basic rights on any logically built modern OS.
Why would you defend Microsoft? what do you gain from defending mistakes and missteps? nothing you only get more angry ex consumers of Microsoft who'll contribute to the theory that all Microsoft products sucks and that they don't care, Microsoft needs to step up its consumer game and apologize for its own wrong doings instead of leaving it to fans who are doing just the most awful job ever, instead of pushing Microsoft we are pushing off potential fans to change PRODUCTS!
It's your position as a customer to choose a platform that best fits your needs.

When WP first launched it was so immature it didn't even have copy and paste. It obviously would not be considered a platform that would have fit any smartphone users needs but people still chose it because they liked the design, features and the fact it was different.

That's how a new platform is born and grows. If everyone waited till a platform suited all their needs WP would not even be here. 4+ years later people who invested in WP are still waiting. Now Microsoft turns around and prioritizes other platforms after sitting on their hands for 4 years and letting WP basically stagnate. And we should be happy that we have to wait yet another year to be treated equally? No surprise that people are frustrated with the platform.
then shouldn't they be looking to increase their market share in the mobile space which they first lost to Apple and now to Google. The problem is that people aren't going to move to WP from iOS or Android if they can get ALL of the services Microsoft have to offer on their existing platform.

In your eyes, the most important thing for Microsoft to do, is increase Windows Phone's market share. It's the most important thing. They should put all of their best software on their own products, and force people to switch if they want to use it.

Get real, the people at Microsoft know better. They know that Apple users won't drop their beloved iDevices just so they can continue using Office. Many of them would simply switch to something else, even if it was inferior software. If Microsoft thought the way that you do, they would lose a boat-load of customers eventually.

They are doing what's best for their livelihood, making sure that their paying customers are able to use Office on the devices that they prefer, and those devices are iPhone's and iPad's. I realize that Windows Phone is the most important thing to you, but it's not in the eyes of Microsoft.
I don't have a problem with MS putting their fingers in as many pies as possible but when it appears they don't care about their own products then why should anyone else care ?
I don't have a problem with MS putting their fingers in as many pies as possible but when it appears they don't care about their own products then why should anyone else care ?

Why does it appear they don't care about their own products? What do you think Windows 10 is all about? And all the recent updates to Windows Phone and Windows 8 have been pretty substantial.

By adding Office to other platforms they are actually showing that they do care about their products. Providing Office on all platforms is critical to the continued success of Office. Just because the massive update to Office on Windows is later in their fiscal year then iOS doesn't lean they don't care. It just means the lack of Office on iOS was a bigger detriment to the success of Office than having the most up to date version on Windows.
As hard as it is for you and me to hear, we fans are part of the marketing problem Microsoft and Windows Phone is having, we justify issues that are REAL \and then we blame the consumer for making the purchase unaware of his need while all we do on the other hand is invite people to try Microsoft products and give it a chance!
This is why it is hard for Microsoft to gain new fans, we alienate them we make them feel sad they bought Microsoft products because they complained about things that are basic rights on any logically built modern OS.
Why would you defend Microsoft? what do you gain from defending mistakes and missteps? nothing you only get more angry ex consumers of Microsoft who'll contribute to the theory that all Microsoft products sucks and that they don't care, Microsoft needs to step up its consumer game and apologize for its own wrong doings instead of leaving it to fans who are doing just the most awful job ever, instead of pushing Microsoft we are pushing off potential fans to change PRODUCTS!

Well, Verizon and and companies not updating there apps has led to sell my Icon and go with an HTC One android. I hate doing it, and I love the Windows Phone OS, but I'm getting tired of the non updates (thanks Verizon) and the 2 years behind apps.
You have a very good point. Its why I'm leaving windows phone, they are not treating us as a costumer. Its just like " youre an old costumer of a cafe/ whatever and youre waiting in a line patiently and when its your turn, they choose the one behind you instead".
Why does it appear they don't care about their own products? What do you think Windows 10 is all about? And all the recent updates to Windows Phone and Windows 8 have been pretty substantial.

By adding Office to other platforms they are actually showing that they do care about their products. Providing Office on all platforms is critical to the continued success of Office. Just because the massive update to Office on Windows is later in their fiscal year then iOS doesn't lean they don't care. It just means the lack of Office on iOS was a bigger detriment to the success of Office than having the most up to date version on Windows.

I dont have problem with office n skydrive on ios n android but the feedback from users using these services on all platforms is that WP versions lag features on the same apps, how n why do u justify tht.
Exclusives are biggest incentives to gain n retain marketshare what do WP users have? even AOE is being released on ios & android and soon Halo might there too.

You have to agree that there is a problem when a useless app such as climatology is launched on android first, not that we shd care abt climatology but it shows what WP means of MS, it a garage product for them.
I have no problem with MS doing things on ios and android. That's not my issue.
The issue I have is that every dev INCLUDING MS itself is doing the "ios and android first, windows phone MAYBE" update schedule.
And the solution that has been plaguing the windows platform in this regard has been "wait for next year...."
Does it hurt to update everything all at once? Especially if your own product on your own platform sucks compared to the others?

Im not gonna constantly wait for next year, by the time next year rolls around, it could already be dead.
Why does it appear they don't care about their own products? What do you think Windows 10 is all about? And all the recent updates to Windows Phone and Windows 8 have been pretty substantial.

By adding Office to other platforms they are actually showing that they do care about their products. Providing Office on all platforms is critical to the continued success of Office. Just because the massive update to Office on Windows is later in their fiscal year then iOS doesn't lean they don't care. It just means the lack of Office on iOS was a bigger detriment to the success of Office than having the most up to date version on Windows.

The primary objective of Windows 10 is productivity, the enterprise market. Mobile is segregated into a secondary variant that nobody will use.

Office for Android came first because they privileged that project investing resources that could have been used in the Modern UI version. They showed a demo of the Modern UI version at the build conference in April. Now the product is delayed until the second half of 2015.

As you say, Windows Mobile has an insignificant impact in Microsoft's profits and in Microsoft's future, so It's an irrelevant project soon to be forgotten. In mobile, all the focus of the company is on Android and iOS.

I like WP, but I can't deny reality.
I have no problem with MS doing things on ios and android. That's not my issue.
The issue I have is that every dev INCLUDING MS itself is doing the "ios and android first, windows phone MAYBE" update schedule.
And the solution that has been plaguing the windows platform in this regard has been "wait for next year...."
Does it hurt to update everything all at once? Especially if your own product on your own platform sucks compared to the others?

Im not gonna constantly wait for next year, by the time next year rolls around, it could already be dead.

But their product on their own platform doesn't suck. Office on WP is fine, and has added features over the years like viewing password protected files. I'm not even sure if the iPhone version is any better. If so, it's only because it was just released so it has all the latest bells and whistles.

And Office for tablet like the Surface is a **** ton better than Office for iOS or Android.

Windows 10 will make the separation between WP and full Windows practically non existent. So hopefully that will improve the third party support. But for now, WP will continue to be short handed by devs because it has so little market share. That's the nature of life. For nearly 2 decades, application support/availability on OSX was horrible because OSX had such little market share. Only the past 5 years has that begun to change has Apple products have become popular and more and more devs actually like using OSX.

If you came to WP expecting the latest and greatest apps. Then you were inherently flawed un your decision. It's hard to say when WP will ever be treated like a first class platform. It certainly won't be until it at least has market share worth investing in. And Windows 10 is the only hope of that happening at this point.
The primary objective of Windows 10 is productivity, the enterprise market. Mobile is segregated into a secondary variant that nobody will use.

Office for Android came first because they privileged that project investing resources that could have been used in the Modern UI version. They showed a demo of the Modern UI version at the build conference in April. Now the product is delayed until the second half of 2015.

As you say, Windows Mobile has an insignificant impact in Microsoft's profits and in Microsoft's future, so It's an irrelevant project soon to be forgotten. In mobile, all the focus of the company is on Android and iOS.

I like WP, but I can't deny reality.

Dude, no one listens to you because you are always so dead wrong.

Windows 10 is about unifying the OS and having it adapt to the each device and use case. They've already explained how it will be one OS that installs on everything and just changes itself depending on the device, etc.

Just because they are fixing some of the enterprise issues introduced in 8 with 10, doesn't mean they are bailing on mobile. Have you not heard Satya Nadella at all? He's said it a million times... "Mobile first, cloud first"

We've already explained to you a million times that the Windows 10 Technical Preview is a very early bird release that was focused on showing Enterprises that MS will fix the issues they brought in with 8. And that doesn't mean the entire focus of Windows 10 is on enterprise. Did you even see the damn photo they used at that W10 conference with it on all those various mobile devices, etc.?

Apparently not. So just stop talking until you learn to listen to what everyone has explained to you a million times.

Oh, and Office didn't come to Android first. Are you on crack? It's been stated a million times in this thread, Office has been on Windows 8 and Windows Phone since day one. Android is actually the last platform to get Office. Again, you are completely wrong.
Dude, no one listens to you because you are always so dead wrong.

Windows 10 is about unifying the OS and having it adapt to the each device and use case. They've already explained how it will be one OS that installs on everything and just changes itself depending on the device, etc.

Just because they are fixing some of the enterprise issues introduced in 8 with 10, doesn't mean they are bailing on mobile. Have you not heard Satya Nadella at all? He's said it a million times... "Mobile first, cloud first"

We've already explained to you a million times that the Windows 10 Technical Preview is a very early bird release that was focused on showing Enterprises that MS will fix the issues they brought in with 8. And that doesn't mean the entire focus of Windows 10 is on enterprise. Did you even see the damn photo they used at that W10 conference with it on all those various mobile devices, etc.?

Apparently not. So just stop talking until you learn to listen to what everyone has explained to you a million times.

Oh, and Office didn't come to Android first. Are you on crack? It's been stated a million times in this thread, Office has been on Windows 8 and Windows Phone since day one. Android is actually the last platform to get Office. Again, you are completely wrong.

So you want to have all Pc and phone software and OS all packed into a phone? Be my guest. Lol

It's more like they're using the same name, but underneath they're different. Though efforts will be made to unify the code as much as possible.
How is that ironic? It's really simple...

1. Microsoft has had Office on all Windows platforms for years. Regardless of features, they were there. But it wasn't there on any other platform except OSX.

2. Microsoft was beginning to lose ground with Office because they didn't offer it on highly valuable mobile platforms, Android and iOS. So they started developing for those platforms and are just now releasing it. They had to release something soon or they would really start to lose those customers.

3. Meanwhile they are in the process of overhauling the Office apps for Windows to go a long with the overhauled Windows 10 release. It would be a complete waste of time and resources to invest in a legacy built app like Office on WP that is going to be completely replaced in less than a year. Doubling up resources like that is just stupid business. Especially when that customer base is soooooo damn small. No matter what loyalty it has.

4. Currently Office is still embedded with the OS on WP. So updates have to roll out with the OS which is far less frequent. That's why they will decouple it with Windows 10 like Xbox Music.

5. Creating and editing Office documents on phones is just not a common take or use case for phones. Whereas tablet and desktops it is a very common task. So it makes sense to focus on OSes that are on those types of devices.

All of this is very logical. But people don't understand logic when they are **** hurt because of some arbitrary self worth evaluation.

The fact that you don't seem to understand any of this is befuddling. I had no idea people were so dense, but this thread presents clear evidence of the case.

Although I don't agree with your overall conclusions you make some very good points and this has been your most useful post on this thread. At least up until the last two paragraphs which contribute nothing useful to the discussion. Your ideas can move the conversation forward. It is unfortunate that in this thread they have frequently been presented in such a condescending and insulting fashion. Even if we were all working off of the same set of "facts" reasonable, intelligent people can still honestly reach very different conclusions.
The issue I have is that every dev INCLUDING MS itself is doing the "ios and android first, windows phone MAYBE" update schedule.

Android = 50-some odd percent of US market share.
iOS = 40-some odd percent of US market share.
WP = 3-4 percent of US market share.

If I were an established business looking to write mobile apps, my stance would undoubtedly be "iOS and Android first, Windows Phone MAYBE." Can you give me one solid business reason why - in that situation - I should put as much effort into Windows Phone as I do iOS and Android? One which makes good business sense?

Does it hurt to update everything all at once?

I feel silly having to answer this, but yes. If I were an established business looking to write mobile apps, my development resources are limited. It makes NO business sense to devote equal development resources to Windows Phone as I do iOS/Android when the possible return is - at best - SO. MUCH. LESS. To do so would, in fact, hurt as I lose money because I devoted developers to Windows Phone which could have been advancing my iOS/Android efforts.

Now, as far as MS is concerned, I dunno. As I've said elsewhere, they're trying to become a services/mobile/cloud company. They need the iOS/Android users to succeed in that paradigm. I'm sure the Windows Phone updates will come, but it makes fiscal, business sense to target the most popular platforms first, get a foothold there, and then retrofit Windows Phone once they're on solid ground.

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