Is SMS back up and sync working correctly?


New member
Mar 1, 2015
I have been having problems syncing SMS over my Microsoft account since around the end of January on my 950 xl. Since a hard reset while on build 15254 I have yet to sync any of my older SMS/MMS messages. Anyone else notice a problem syncing them?
I do edit the registry and make celluar adjustments (adding volte/hd voice etc.) but none of this has ever affected that before. Plus it's an account sync for the most part and my account are syncing everywhere else. However I am wondering maybe if I've tweaked my phone a bit too much and broke a service or limited it somehow....
If you've done a hard reset recently and noticed something like this with sms not syncing let me know.
So this is bizarre and I feel a bit dumb. I removed my SIM last night and was using an Android device (been trialing different android phones lately). I just inserted the sim back now, and all my sms dating back to last year just synced?!

Anyway, unless Microsoft hit a switch for a month or two I have no idea what caused this....

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