I would move *back* to my 950XL (still haven't brought myself to sell it), if it got even 50% as stable as my 6P.
I can't say I like the Android interface (this is my first Android phone, have had several tablets), but stability trumps it, hands-down.
You don't realize how bad it is, until you move away, and onto something stable, and fast. It's pushing 5 times download, 3 times upload, same exact location, same exact SIM, but the 950XL is dog-slow, by comparison.
The WiFi and other stability issues did me in, I just couldn't take not knowing if I could connect, from build-to-build, if my phone was going to wake up, etc.
Bluetooth too, it was about a 50/50, if a device was going to connect. If it was my car too, there was no going in for a re-do, you had to stop the car, shut it off, and restart everything. My 6P has yet to fail to connect, ever, in a couple of months. Something to be said for "it just works", even if the interface is "dodgy" (my term anyway, it's just not well-structured, if you ask me).
My wife's about done too, her 950 started hanging like crazy recently, after an update, she's having to reboot it several times/day. I'm getting an earful, and I went back, no new background apps or other significant changes, but a couple of updates recently.
I'm done, unless MS decides to actually apply some resources to producing high-quality builds, and testing them. I'm a very long time Windows guy too, always Win Phones, since day1 for them, and was a Win developer for many years as well, so I'm very OS-loyal, as a rule.
It's too bad, Win Phones have by FAR the best interface, if MS would/could sell it like they should, I think it would take off like hotcakes, and resources would become available to make it stable again, like 8.1...