Is the Tiles UI Ugly? How Does People Like It?

I really like the tile UI, and agree, what transparency brought in 8.1 was a great addition. I'm also liking the semi-transparency in 10. What I have also found is that I do not pin apps with solid tiles, or if I do, they are below the fold, so to speak. I also use a third party transparent tiles provider for a few apps I really want above the fold - mainly Microsoft's own Music, News, Health, and Facebook. Having all transparent tiles available is key for me, as for me a solid tile is very jarring if it appears amongst trasnparent tiles.

Because of the potential info density in tiles/Live tiles, its hard to really market WP. I tend towards a more minimalist layout, and most Apple/Android users have very favorable reactions to it and grasp its functionality and navigation very quickly. Best of all, what really gets them are the WP only apps I have on my Start: Chronos Calendar+, Appy Weather, and My Weather Radar.
It's funny how MS doesn't always follow the system standard when it comes to their own live tiles. I wonder if it comes from a marketing department's guidelines for color?
99% people hate it and say there should be transparent tiles (like glass) and not like now. Other 1% is Windows Central lol.
The real problem is that the tiles are mostly still and show nothing, While tiles which show information are always with cut off text.. I really don't know why is it so hard to notice that and fix it ..
I think you just need to spend some time creating something nice... Every time someone takes a look at my lumia 925 says the UI its great and Beautiful. Transparent tiles+ #TileArt + some time = Pure Awesomeness
IMHO, the tiles filled with a single color without border are quite ugly and I hate it.
I'm not sure whether MS has made some investigation how does people like it? E.g., how many people like it and how many dislike it?
My point is not malicious. I just hope windows to be more successful and attractive.
Well you're asking your question on what used to be Windows Phone Central. Most, if not all people on this site like the tiles. I love them as they are a time saver for me. Thanks to live tiles, I can swipe once and get the latest on email, news, and social stuff. On my iPhone I have to rely on the notification bar and it isn't as pleasant. Also, if you don?t like the lack of borders on the tiles you can download apps to change that, or just go into Settings -> Ease of Access -> High Contrast to make borders.

Also, spend some time and search some of the "Show your background or Start Screen" threads in all the individual forums. They variety is endless and some folks hear have made some real art and have been innovative in how they setup their screens. I always scoff at those who say WP is not customizable because it couldn't be further from fact.
I like live tiles, but there are some problems with the implementation:
*It's hard to find the apps because the tile is always changing.
*Sometimes the text is hard to read because the background image of the tile is too light.
*The home screen is too busy and distracting.
*Sometimes the information on the tile is stale.
*The app open the main page, not the article that was on the tile when the user clicked.
*Tiles aren't interactive.

If live tiles have so many problems, Microsoft should provide the grid of icons as an alternative for people that prefer a simpler and more traditional home screen.
I have enjoyed the live tiles. I can't say I want more but it would be nice to see more apps/games go with Live Tiles, outside of Microsoft's own apps. I think Trivia Crack was the latest to add Live Tile support, but it was to just display a number at the top right corner.

Otherwise, I'm happy with the way things are now and looking for to the Start Screen changes in Windows 10; large and vertical tiles, and possibly more to come; transparent/opaque/Windows 8.1 tiles; better looking visual of the background.
For those that don't like the tiles, try the High contrast setting in Ease of access and set Personalization Background Theme to dark, and tell me what you think about that. It's almost like no tiles or transparent, but there is still the square outline. The icons are more prominent and closer to traditional.

I think the OP has a good point. When WP7 came out, I did not find it visually compelling even though the UI was very interesting. I think it had to do with the minimalistic metro icons. While simple and to the point, they're not that interesting for very long. I think the brain likes complexity, or complexity overloads the brain. Also if you have something minimalistic, it may be more interesting if it is the sole focus--meaning a colored square around it, takes away interest rather than increase it. This seems true to me when looking at a high contrast setup, or it could be something else at play.
Interactive Tiles, Interactive.. that would be a worthy W10 update
I'd love that too but that would be hell for the developers though if you think about it. They would have up to make 4 normal live tiles and 3 interactive tiles. Ouch!
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that's not a very realistic solution, by doing that you are in fact giving up the main feature of the start screen: the live tiles

It's a realistic solution for the OP. He doesn't like the tiles being all one colour and boring. The OP wants to change the way the start screen looks and these apps do that without MS changing everything to suit his needs while PO'ing everybody else who likes them.

You may not get live tiles and maybe some of these app devs might be able to fix that somehow, but you can't always get everything you want.

Do you like live tiles more or would you prefer to have a different looking start screen over live tiles?

Pick and choose.
Interactive Live tiles is the way forward. Developers need to explore the possibilities of personalizing the info on the tiles.
The absolute worse place for people to see and judge WP GUI is at the shops which sells WP. These have very basic screens. And I can guarantee that 99% of the sales reps won't be able to tell potential customers how to customize the start screen, much less how to personalize it (two different things)

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