Is there a real "app gap"?

re: Is there a real "app gap"?

Now it's confirmed if you want latest nd greatest app go only for ios by spending 1000$ with which in.India you could buy even a bike.SO apps mean ios I got the point.Thank without your existence smartphone revolution in country like India would not be possible.But guys if u want greatest nd superb app go for iPhone's.make sure u save a lot to buy a phone especially in India.wp is for fluidity nd smoothness not for best apps.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

Well sorry to burst your little bubble of joy OP, but let's face it. WP has a big app gap.

I could list some, but that is already done by the posters above.

The main reason why people steer away from WP is the app gap. Put up WP against Android and iOS with apps out of the way. WP would win by far. Put in apps in the comparison, and WP comes in last.

You say that most of iOS and Android apps are 70% trash out of 100 apps, but the same could be said for WP. Most apps in WP are trash too, and only really few are actually worth the look (6tag, or apps made by Rudy Huyn I think). Apps are the main factor for people buying a phone, as without apps a flip phone would suffice. You just need to call and text right?

Please look at reality, WP has the app gap. Though once WP gets devs to make apps for them, and the quality of apps increases, then WP could be the best OS out of all. That time though is just not now, and the app gap is not an illusion but a reality, a sad one at that.
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

Lol. Crazy fellows their is app gap between ios and android and very big one .. Many of famous apps arent available yet and the ones which are available they are also lacking many of features. So in applist Wp Sucks.
lumi 820 0wner
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

People are stupid... therefore they're easy to win over with base quantities without even considering what actually matters.
This is why you have derps that listen to Consumer Reports and shop for computers based off what has the highest clock speed. droid friends ask how I deal with having so many less apps, then I proceed to show them that there's no major services I'm lacking and get them up-to-date since the majority of people talking about the app gap haven't been following news closely enough to realize just how great WP's growth is.

Rudy Huyn has given us alternatives to apps that are actually better than the official apps, the Facebook Beta app on WP works better than FB on iOS and Android. All the key social, news, business and locale apps are there. The Nokia HERE suite has actually even converted me from being the total Google Maps ****** I was. The moment I thought to complain about lacking a US Bank app, we got something even better - Mint which allows me to not only keep tabs on my US Bank (without having to constantly login) but see how much I have to pay on college loans and tie in multiple other accounts.

I'm still able to do everything I did on my droid and iPhone. Still streaming my Google Play Music library. Only thing that's really bothersome is the situation with Xbox Live. Neither Apple's GameCenter nor Google Play Game Services require devs to jump through the hoops they have to on Windows Phone. There's a lot of games I really want to play, but refrain from playing because they aren't XBL games... and reforming the mobile XBL experience is something Microsoft needs to work on. If people are having more fun on their phones, people who want to have fun will be attracted to the platform and development will flourish.
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

I know there have been some posts about apps. But I also want to take the time ad say "Ecosystem lock-in". When you get a Windows Phone, the one thing that is annoying is that you have to go all in with Microsoft, with Android you can avoid Google if you want. I know that`s the end goal for people running Microsoft, but I prefer Androids approach where you have the choice to use Microsoft, Google, or even Amazon.
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

Not every app but wp need flipbboard it is great app.they have it on their Windows 8.1.Anyway I want to say wp is the best is as far as low end nd mid end phone is concerned. But then why it has nit conquered low end.we want 5inch low end phone from wp.even Nokia xl is 5 inch.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

There will always be an app gap. All it takes is having a popular game/app not available on Windows Phone and the bull**** begins.

What you should do is telling those people, "so, how good is Halo: Spartan Assault, right? Oh, you mean it's not available on your iPhone/Android? That's too bad, it's a pity your Android/iOS has such an app gap..."

Windows Phone is getting it's share of exclusive apps. I for one can't live without Readit.

TL;DR:The app gap already goes both ways, it's no longer one-sided. Remind people of that. Especially dumb reviewers.
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

There will always be an app gap. All it takes is having a popular game/app not available on Windows Phone and the bull**** begins.

What you should do is telling those people, "so, how good is Halo: Spartan Assault, right? Oh, you mean it's not available on your iPhone/Android? That's too bad, it's a pity your Android/iOS has such an app gap..."

Windows Phone is getting it's share of exclusive apps. I for one can't live without Readit.

TL;DR:The app gap already goes both ways, it's no longer one-sided. Remind people of that. Especially dumb reviewers.

Readit is third party app fro Reddit which there is an abundance of on other platforms so that does not work as an argument. Exclusives=/=app gap, it never did.
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

Readit is third party app fro Reddit which there is an abundance of on other platforms so that does not work as an argument. Exclusives=/=app gap, it never did.

Thank you for bringing that up. Because that's exactly the problem that never made any sense.

> "There's no app "X" on Windows Phone".
- "You can use app "Y" on Windows Phone, which is as good or better than "X"
> But I want app "X", so Windows Phone sucks and there's too much of an app gap.

C'mon, that has always been bull****.

Same with the argument of official applications. Windows Phone has truly fantastic third-party apps which are just as good or better than the official app on Android/iOS.

But as long as the official doesn't arrive on Windows Phone, there's an app gap. That never made sense.

Sure, there are missing apps with no third party alternatives. But why do you think Candy Crush Saga doesn't come to Windows Phone? It's not lack of demand or market that justifies development. No, it's exactly the same reason as to why Google won't release proper apps for Windows Phone.
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

I dislike iOS as much as anyone, and don't like Android either, but this post is full of crap. There are many popular games that either never make it to the platform or come via clones/terrible ports (Words With Friends). It's certainly gotten better overall, but the gap is still noticeable to those who want/need those apps.
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

Yeah, and you can make that argument, which is totally valid. Windows Phone has been playing catch-up since launch, which is absolutely normal and it's coming along great. The app gap is narrower every month.

What is stupid is buying a Windows Phone knowing that you don't have certain apps/games and then coming to the forums complaining about it, which is what keeps happening. "Windows Phone is great, but I'm moving back to iOS/Android because of the app gap". Seriously, how many goddamn threads like that do we need?

It doesn't matter if a game is not exclusive to iOS or Android. If it's available on both, but not on Windows Phone, it doesn't make sense buying a WP and then complaining that the game is not available on it. Because that is exactly like buying an Android or an iOS device and then going to the forums complaining the market doesn't have Halo: Spartan Assault.
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

I'm not a gamer so app gap (if there is somehow) is not an issue for me. I do not need other useless apps too. Flashlight, for instance, there are like 15 of them on WP but they're all working fine. I mean, at least there's assurance. Coming from an Android phone, I can say that I miss the diversity of the PlayStore (compared to Windows Store) and it's just good to know that, "hey, I got this app from the PlayStore" and, "wow, let me download". Just the thought that you CAN get anything at all, is great, but every since I changed to WP I am very satisfied. I'm not an Apple fan either, all they do is go to court and sell expensive stuff. Android is budget-friendly but is too laggy. There's no comparing to Windows Phone's animations and its fluidity. Windows Phone is an eye-catcher in public, and you wouldn't see much of it so I'm proud that I have a unique and different phone. And integral apps are pretty good. (except Twitter and Facebook).
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

I'm not a gamer so app gap (if there is somehow) is not an issue for me. I do not need other useless apps too. Flashlight, for instance, there are like 15 of them on WP but they're all working fine. I mean, at least there's assurance. Coming from an Android phone, I can say that I miss the diversity of the PlayStore (compared to Windows Store) and it's just good to know that, "hey, I got this app from the PlayStore" and, "wow, let me download". Just the thought that you CAN get anything at all, is great, but every since I changed to WP I am very satisfied. I'm not an Apple fan either, all they do is go to court and sell expensive stuff. Android is budget-friendly but is too laggy. There's no comparing to Windows Phone's animations and its fluidity. Windows Phone is an eye-catcher in public, and you wouldn't see much of it so I'm proud that I have a unique and different phone. And integral apps are pretty good. (except Twitter and Facebook). gap?it's huge .maybe its not in the sense of the number of apps but it is in official apps and more so in the QUALITY of apps.basic apps like WhatsApp is laggy hangs doesn't notify is damn players ain't appropriate they are slow.facebook doesn't show the recent updates from friends .it doesn't properly upload photos.the apps are say the least.m on wp just with hope .hope that some day things will get better.but what is true is true.there is no comparison between iOS android and wp.wp stands hell with fluidity if I cant use WhatsApp and fb properly.
re: Is there a real "app gap"? gap?it's huge .maybe its not in the sense of the number of apps but it is in official apps and more so in the QUALITY of apps.basic apps like WhatsApp is laggy hangs doesn't notify is damn players ain't appropriate they are slow.facebook doesn't show the recent updates from friends .it doesn't properly upload photos.the apps are say the least.m on wp just with hope .hope that some day things will get better.but what is true is true.there is no comparison between iOS android and wp.wp stands hell with fluidity if I cant use WhatsApp and fb properly.

Then get the hell out of here and get yourself an Android. And come back and tell us if WhatsApp is working for you. I don't need WhatsApp so I don't care 😊 Facebook and Twitter for WP 8.1 is now on beta so THERE IS hope. At least all of us is getting an update, Android is known for ditching
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

...the Facebook Beta app on WP works better than FB on iOS and Android.
You've almost certainly never used Facebook's Paper. It completely blows every other Facebook app out of the water. What about WP's Facebook Beta is better to you? Heres a screenshot for you:

2014-05-04 11.06.45.jpg

All the key social, news, business and locale apps are there.

Not true. Not even close.
Last edited:
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

As much as I love WP I am not blind enough to not admit there is still an app issue. My 14 year old daughter with a Lumia 521 reminds me of this all the time. Her friends on iOS and Android tell her of apps all the time and she can't get them or the ones we have are horrible such as Kik. However I am not buying a 14 year old a $600-$800 phone just so she can play the latest game or app fad. A $80.00 Lumia 521 and the $30 a month T-mobile plan is a fantastic value. Yes there is an app issue but there are also big advantages going with Windows Phone that kind of make up for it.
re: Is there a real "app gap"?

At least it's bulletproof!!
Lol 😁 kidding, yeah there is app gap, OKAY 👌
People are stupid... therefore they're easy to win over with base quantities without even considering what actually matters.
This is why you have derps that listen to Consumer Reports and shop for computers based off what has the highest clock speed. droid friends ask how I deal with having so many less apps, then I proceed to show them that there's no major services I'm lacking and get them up-to-date since the majority of people talking about the app gap haven't been following news closely enough to realize just how great WP's growth is.

Rudy Huyn has given us alternatives to apps that are actually better than the official apps, the Facebook Beta app on WP works better than FB on iOS and Android. All the key social, news, business and locale apps are there. The Nokia HERE suite has actually even converted me from being the total Google Maps ****** I was. The moment I thought to complain about lacking a US Bank app, we got something even better - Mint which allows me to not only keep tabs on my US Bank (without having to constantly login) but see how much I have to pay on college loans and tie in multiple other accounts.

I'm still able to do everything I did on my droid and iPhone. Still streaming my Google Play Music library. Only thing that's really bothersome is the situation with Xbox Live. Neither Apple's GameCenter nor Google Play Game Services require devs to jump through the hoops they have to on Windows Phone. There's a lot of games I really want to play, but refrain from playing because they aren't XBL games... and reforming the mobile XBL experience is something Microsoft needs to work on. If people are having more fun on their phones, people who want to have fun will be attracted to the platform and development will flourish.

No even quality wise, WP loses out. I do follow on app updates and releases, and it is growing yes, but not the same quality as apps in iOS or Android yet. For example, apps such as Candy Crush, or local company apps, or bank apps not in the US.

Some people instead just say: "Why do you need those apps," or "Why play that game, you're such a child," and OP's saying, "A wine tasting app? Who needs a wine tasting app?" They choose to be ignorant and generalize that people only need the apps they use, and downplay famous apps that aren't in WP. Each individual has different needs, and trying to say that "Oh I use these apps and am content with it, therefore the app ecosystem is the best," is just a really narrow point of view. Claiming that an OS and its apps are great from only your point of view is flawed. Not everyone is the same as you, different people have different needs, and the apps in WP couldn't suffice the general public.

The main point I am trying to convey is that WP HAS the app gap, that is the main reason why WP isn't dominating right now. The devs are lazy to make apps for WP and the media and general public view WP with a scorn. Why? Because of the app gap. Compare the OS of iOS, Android, and WP, WP would win by far, yet the thing holding it back is apps. Imagine if all the great apps were in WP, they would be the one dominating right now. The users of mobile phones aren't only restricted in the West, the majority of the market and the users is in the East. WP sure served the US well, and perhaps India, but how about other countries? In my country, banks all have payment through phone, but the apps are all in Android and iOS, none have WP. Similar to banks of other countries I visit, their advertisement only has the logo "Available on the Android," or "Available on iOS", there is no "Available in WP."
No even quality wise, WP loses out. I do follow on app updates and releases, and it is growing yes, but not the same quality as apps in iOS or Android yet. For example, apps such as Candy Crush, or local company apps, or bank apps not in the US.

Some people instead just say: "Why do you need those apps," or "Why play that game, you're such a child," and OP's saying, "A wine tasting app? Who needs a wine tasting app?" They choose to be ignorant and generalize that people only need the apps they use, and downplay famous apps that aren't in WP. Each individual has different needs, and trying to say that "Oh I use these apps and am content with it, therefore the app ecosystem is the best," is just a really narrow point of view. Claiming that an OS and its apps are great from only your point of view is flawed. Not everyone is the same as you, different people have different needs, and the apps in WP couldn't suffice the general public.

The main point I am trying to convey is that WP HAS the app gap, that is the main reason why WP isn't dominating right now. The devs are lazy to make apps for WP and the media and general public view WP with a scorn. Why? Because of the app gap. Compare the OS of iOS, Android, and WP, WP would win by far, yet the thing holding it back is apps. Imagine if all the great apps were in WP, they would be the one dominating right now. The users of mobile phones aren't only restricted in the West, the majority of the market and the users is in the East. WP sure served the US well, and perhaps India, but how about other countries? In my country, banks all have payment through phone, but the apps are all in Android and iOS, none have WP. Similar to banks of other countries I visit, their advertisement only has the logo "Available on the Android," or "Available on iOS", there is no "Available in WP."

We will never close the app gap. Ever. Not even in a billion years. Why? Because it's cool to hate MS. This means that developers and tech journalists will always snuff their nose at WP. Without the apps and good press, WP can't grow to become dominant. Without the users we can't get the apps. It's an ever perpetuating cycle. MS can't afford to pay every developer for every major app needed in the world. They'd need massive payments and there's millions of those big name apps that people need.
There is an "app gap" for some people. If all you are doing is checking email, surfing the web, and doing some social media Windows Phone is fine. It's also nice if you use office and like to take pictures if you have a 1020 or 1520. But as has been mentioned there are a lot of niche apps that simply aren't there. The lack of eprocates loses a lot of people in the medical profession. I was looking at someone's sweet Sonos setup. They could control it from their phone. Checked to see if Windows Phone was supported and of course no. That's the type of thing that keeps me from telling people to get Windows Phone. If people aren't that technically minded an only need a few of the major apps then I tell them to get the phone. But if they need epocrates, Sonos, US Airways app etc. I tell them to steer clear. Now if someone complains about a wine tasting app I just ignore them.

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