Rudy's apps are amazing as he needs to make them amazing in order to survive. He has the incentive to create beautiful apps, and that he did.
Now to games. Yes WP has a lot of fun exclusive games, and yes you can play between friends and up to 10 people or what. But we look at reality, and look at your surroundings. Can you play these games with others using Android and iOS (the majority)? Can you brag to friends that you beat the high score in your particular exclusive WP game, and compare it then with theirs who don't even have the game? No. I myself play my Xbox game apps on my Surface 2 alone, and when my friends look at it, they're amazed but not swayed enough to switch.
Let's look at trends such as Candy Crush and Flappy Bird. You can brag to your friends that you reach this level in Candy Crush, and survived this long in Flappy Bird, if you have iOS and Android. In WP? We get Flappy Bird way after the hype is gone. You see that Asphalt game I'm playing right now? Yeah it's limited to only me, as no one uses WP or Windows tablet in my surroundings. So now you say there is no app gap? How so? If you want to play alone, then play Skyrim or Fallout.
Another prominent is Clash of Clans. I see left and right in class that everyone is playing Clash of Clans, and they seem to enjoy it a lot and talk about it a lot. Me? I'm just sitting here, playing my Xbox Solitaire, or Kingdoms & Lords. The trend now is social media and games, not news, sms, or calling anymore. People use Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat, Clash of Clans, Candy Crush. Those are the trends. Trends live and die quickly, and WP could not fill those app gaps as quickly as after the trend dies, then the app comes in, it's not as fun anymore.
Sure some of you say "Oh but I don't use social media as much and I enjoy playing my own games." Yes that's you, not the public. "Oh but we got a lot of alternatives." Yes, only SOME, not all. The public is greedy, they want all apps, not just some. Teenagers, they have to connect with their friends, they have to be in the trend. Teenagers make the majority of the public who buy and use smartphones, they are the trendsetters. Being a hipster (i.e Using WP), brings both a sense of coolness and mystery, yet gives the feeling of distant and unrelatable. When you show off what your WP can do, people just say "Wow that's cool!" but stop at that, nothing more. They are not swayed enough to switch due to the rumors of having no apps, which is partially true. When you use WP, you can do this and that, but usually can't do what the trend does. The trend wants the hottest apps, who comes in fast into Android and iOS.
There is an app gap.