As Ballmer not once said, the most important thing is making money, which at the end of the day is the only important thing about any business, so someone can be considered a winner. Leaving aside market share, as a developer I also consider the quality of a product to be an important point when picking a winner. Is there actually a department where MS makes more money than its direct competitor? Let's examine:
Windows Server vs Linux -> we all know Linux is used in more of the most secured and important facilities and organizations on the planet, where even bringin the name Windows is considered a joke -> Linux wins
Xbox vs PS -> Sony makes more money
Azure vs AWS -> Amazon makes more money
Phones vs iPhone -> Apple makes more money, Android wins by market share
Surface Line vs respective Apple line -> Apple makes more money
Bing vs Google Search -> Google usage is a distant winner, Google makes more money
C# vs Java -> Java devs make more money (look average salary wherever you want), also Java is more widely used than .NET in buisness (StackOverflow statistics for reference)
Dynamics vs SAP ERP -> SAP makes more money
Skype vs any other chat client -> Skype is a distant #n in usage and capabilities compared to others like Whatsapp, Messenger, Viber and so on (and declining) -> Skype is not a winner definitely
Visual Studio Code vs Sublime (for example) -> Sublime (for example) wins by a mile
Mice and keyboards vs Logitech (for example) -> Logitech makes more money
Outlook vs Gmail -> user base says it all -> Google wins
OneDrive vs Dropbox/Gdrive -> GDrive wins
Looks like Microsoft is battling on every front and lose on every front from someone else. This is pretty sad.
Windows Server vs Linux -> we all know Linux is used in more of the most secured and important facilities and organizations on the planet, where even bringin the name Windows is considered a joke -> Linux wins
Xbox vs PS -> Sony makes more money
Azure vs AWS -> Amazon makes more money
Phones vs iPhone -> Apple makes more money, Android wins by market share
Surface Line vs respective Apple line -> Apple makes more money
Bing vs Google Search -> Google usage is a distant winner, Google makes more money
C# vs Java -> Java devs make more money (look average salary wherever you want), also Java is more widely used than .NET in buisness (StackOverflow statistics for reference)
Dynamics vs SAP ERP -> SAP makes more money
Skype vs any other chat client -> Skype is a distant #n in usage and capabilities compared to others like Whatsapp, Messenger, Viber and so on (and declining) -> Skype is not a winner definitely
Visual Studio Code vs Sublime (for example) -> Sublime (for example) wins by a mile
Mice and keyboards vs Logitech (for example) -> Logitech makes more money
Outlook vs Gmail -> user base says it all -> Google wins
OneDrive vs Dropbox/Gdrive -> GDrive wins
Looks like Microsoft is battling on every front and lose on every front from someone else. This is pretty sad.