So I've been digging the Intrepid for a couple months now- got SBP shell on it to cover up WinMo's flaws, and other great apps like S2u to take advantage of the Touch Screen... Also unlocked the SIM so I can use GSM and CDMA on the same device. A bit unstable/buggy, but not a bad device all in all.
2 things would be great to have an App for:
*Some kind of easy GSM/CDMA switch widget for the desktop, so I could easily see what network Im on, and switch between them with a touch.
*A timer that automatically puts the phone in silent mode at predetermined intervals (like daily between the hours of 11pm and 8 am)..
Anyone know if its possible to write some kinda App, or if something similar already exists?
Much thx.
2 things would be great to have an App for:
*Some kind of easy GSM/CDMA switch widget for the desktop, so I could easily see what network Im on, and switch between them with a touch.
*A timer that automatically puts the phone in silent mode at predetermined intervals (like daily between the hours of 11pm and 8 am)..
Anyone know if its possible to write some kinda App, or if something similar already exists?
Much thx.