Is there any way to get Word documents on the phone?

Dark Mirage

New member
Jan 7, 2011
Hopefully someone here knows how to do this...

I want to use Office, but the problem is that I can't find any freaking way to get excel and word documents onto the phone. Apparently I can use something called "Sharepoint", but when I looked into it it apparently costs money. I was going to try the demo, but it "doesn't support this operating system" which is freaking Windows 7!

Someone somewhere must have realized how INCREDIBLY stupid it is that you can't simply drag and drop files through Zune somehow, or beam them wireless to the phone through Wi-Fi. Please tell me there is a better way to do this, or that it's at least being fixed in Mango so I have something to look forward to.
I think MS is sticking to the "cloud". They have set up Word, Excel, PDF, etc. to sync through skydrive. Just upload it to your skydrive account and it can be accessed from anywhere you have internet access (PC browser, mobile browser, Office Hub).

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