Is Windows 10 For Mobile Really The Name Now?

This for sure. When someone asks my what kind of phone i have i say windows phone. IF they as which one i say Lumia 920.

When i had an android phone. If i got asked the same question i never said android i just said galaxy S 2.
I think its gonna be just called windows 10...its like uniform way of saying windows 10 is for pc and phone...newaz they planning to merge the store soo same apps work on phone and computer 💻
I have been a windows power user since windows 98/2000. I find myself more and more looking in the windows app store for apps vs looking for programs to download. My brother in law has been making music on PC's for about 10 years now and even with all the money he has invested in Pro tools and other programs. He bought the 15 dollar version of fruityloops that is for windows 8 and uses it on his windows 8.1 tablet PC and gets more done easier on that device than in his studio. He can take the tablet with him and when he gets an idea he just pops it open and does his thing. on the fly. Also also the photoshop type apps for people who take pictures and can edit them right there on their phones. Windows is for everyone. that what microsoft is going for i think. Power users that need specific applications. AND everyone else that just wants things to work.

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