It's the, "I want my cake and eat it too" mentality.
Me personally, I never used WP7.x so I don't know what I missed. I just jumped to WP8 back last summer and yes there were some things I missed on WP8 (and even WP8.1) that I could do on Android. Most if it though had to do with apps (or lack of), and VERY little to do with the OS itself. Now that WP8.x has matured somewhat and the so called "app gap" has been narrowed, I can do EVERYTHING on my Icon that I could do on my GN2, expect for ONE item. And that is connect to my camera's Eye-Fi card with my phone. Since that is an APP issue and not an OS issue, I can't blame Microsoft or Nokia.
I find that WP8.x OS is a whole heck of a lot faster than Android, it is sleek and polished, and it is different and new. Like I said previously, if Microsoft wants to increase its market share, then it needs to convert Android users first. Not because iOS is better, but because the majority of the world (and Microsoft is thinking global) uses Android powered phones.