Issue with calls - no audio.

Hi I have the lumia 520 and have the same problem. It's ok on speaker., otherwise I have no sound when calling out
I too had this problem. I had installed Gestures beta. I uninstalled the app and did a soft reset and it worked for me. I got back the ringing sound and other normal sounds.
hey... i've got the same problem....i've notice that when i use other simcard and make a call.. i can hear rings.. in earpiece even in loudspeakers..,, but when i tried to use my own simcard..,, i cant hear anything even it was connected... what should i do?? any one pls. help me
I have lived isssue for 3 years on my lumia 920 . It just took 5 minutes to fix this problem.
The second mic ( 5 holes in a circle) near the head jack is the secondary mic used for noise cancellation . This is the culprit .

Just use a small pin and make these 5 holes a little bigger without applying too much pressure so as not to damage the mic inside .
This resolved the issue - the person at the other end can hear my voice well now.

Hope this resolves the problem at your end too..

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