It's starting to be abbreviated as "the One"


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Sep 18, 2011
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I was at work today, and at the start of a conversation, I asked if my co-worker has seen the "new xbox" and said; "yeah, the One?"
At first I said, "what? " then I said "yea" and Iaughed because that was probably the 5th time I heard someone call it "the One"

Many times while talking to other friends about spec wars with PS4, it's always PS4 vs "One" or "the One"

Is this genius or what?!

Give it couple years and One will be synonymous with Xbox One.

I believe xbox 360 went through the same phase over the years. Now people just say 360.


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May 26, 2011
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And online it's abbreviated as X1... which I hate... and XO.... which I also hate *sigh* Short abbreviations like that really throw me off.

I'm 70/30 on liking the name. I've got to let it grow on me. "Hey, have you seen that one console.. uh.. the one..the Xbox One". One is just such a common word. Although, the name does get me thinking of the Matrix a lot ;)


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Oct 2, 2012
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Oh lol, I was wondering why are people calling it "X Bone" as well, and thought it was some insultive remark about the design or something. I find myself referring to both X1 and XOne or just Xbox One

Steven Garrigus

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Mar 28, 2013
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They are calling it the Xbone to be insulting for sure. Because releasing a GAME console where GAMES take a backseat to every other function is Xbone-headed.


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Oct 2, 2012
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I still don't get how additional features take away from gaming. It's not even the hardware manufacturers that develop the games that ultimately make the device into a gaming console. They could've shown games at the conference, sure, but it's not like it's actually their feat..


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Apr 27, 2012
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They are calling it the Xbone to be insulting for sure. Because releasing a GAME console where GAMES take a backseat to every other function is Xbone-headed.

Since when did games take a back seat? Its all at E3 which it always has been. I don't get why people have their head so buried in the dirt over this. Its ridiculous.

The only thing bone-headed is the people who can't get that through their heads and keep whining about GAMES!


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Apr 18, 2012
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They are calling it the Xbone to be insulting for sure. Because releasing a GAME console where GAMES take a backseat to every other function is Xbone-headed.

and can you explain what features are they taken away? they didn't even explain so much about the gaming side of xbox, only the new stuff. because you know, putting a F disc in a F console (just like a cartridge some years ago) and press on, hasn't changed in years (or has it changed? answer: no)....
that's what some people don't seem to understand, are they haters and/or just stupid? I don't know... but Microsoft said the reveal would be just a little part of what it can be done in the end, ... they didn't even talked about the cloud computing in detail or showed it, or do you think they are powering 300,000 servers just to watch tv?

some people need to learn how to read and use their brain to understand these kind of stuff... especially knowing there is in some days E3, the reveal would be more about different new stuff without getting in detail about others. because again, people don't seem to use their brain to understand and they act like if xbox one would be going to be released tomorrow and multitasking can only be used for watching tv, cloud computing just to render tv, 8 core processor to change a channel for tv (because that's what its required to do that no?), a powerful graphic card just to... I don't know, tv? oh and Kinect games because that's all xbox one is going to have since Kinect is included in every xbox one console. oh yeah and they act like if there isn't E3 to show more stuff about xbox one just like THEY SAID IN REVEAL like 800 times.

anyway... I like the name, I would probably always call it Xbox One or just Xbox. But if people end up calling it "the one" I guess its not bad at all


Apr 17, 2012
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It's quite brilliant actually. Soon enough "One" will become a verb related to XBox gaming. Like Google is the verb for online searching. Have you One-d today?


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May 26, 2011
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I would probably always call it Xbox One or just Xbox.
I'm really glad they didn't just name it "Xbox" because THAT wouldn't have been confusing.... :/ I already think it's stupid enough that HTC made the One S and One X then named the followup device simply "One". But I digress...

We at least have the freedom to casually refer to it in conversation as whatever we choose. If clarification is needed (particularly since the 360 won't die off quickly like the original xbox did) then you just say the full name of the console.

Steven Garrigus

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Mar 28, 2013
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I still don't get how additional features take away from gaming. It's not even the hardware manufacturers that develop the games that ultimately make the device into a gaming console. They could've shown games at the conference, sure, but it's not like it's actually their feat..

You believe that? Because it's pretty much the general conclusion that if it were not for Halo Combat Evolved launching with the original Xbox, it would have been a failure. And Halo is made by Microsoft Game Studios...the hardware manufacturer. You better believe that exclusive titles-1st party in particular-have a strong bearing on the success or failure of a console.

Microsoft is going to have to bring their A-game. Regardless of features, bells & whistles, apps and what-have-you, the ability to play great games is first & foremost in people's minds. I have many, many hardcore, die-hard Xbox 360 gamers who are close friends & associates. They have all voiced their displeasure with what Microsoft is doing and how they just won't give a firm answer.


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Apr 27, 2012
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You believe that? Because it's pretty much the general conclusion that if it were not for Halo Combat Evolved launching with the original Xbox, it would have been a failure. And Halo is made by Microsoft Game Studios...the hardware manufacturer. You better believe that exclusive titles-1st party in particular-have a strong bearing on the success or failure of a console.

Microsoft is going to have to bring their A-game. Regardless of features, bells & whistles, apps and what-have-you, the ability to play great games is first & foremost in people's minds. I have many, many hardcore, die-hard Xbox 360 gamers who are close friends & associates. They have all voiced their displeasure with what Microsoft is doing and how they just won't give a firm answer.

I bet they just can't move on with their lives until they have that answer too. All these questions will be answered in the coming months, and just days with E3. Yet people are practically losing sleep over this. Just let it be, if it wrecks your gaming life, buy a PS4.

I personally will be in line to buy at least one, if not two of the new Xboxes. I may wait for the...dare I say..."rumored" Xbox mini as my second. :)

Steven Garrigus

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Mar 28, 2013
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I bet they just can't move on with their lives until they have that answer too. All these questions will be answered in the coming months, and just days with E3. Yet people are practically losing sleep over this. Just let it be, if it wrecks your gaming life, buy a PS4.

I personally will be in line to buy at least one, if not two of the new Xboxes. I may wait for the...dare I say..."rumored" Xbox mini as my second. :)

Since you seem to be just fine & dandy with whatever Microsoft decides to do, I guess you are just peachy with all the DLC abuse that is going on?

Paul May

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Nov 8, 2012
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DLC abuse? Dude if you don't like it don't buy it. They will quit making it if it didn't make any money, some people must actually like DLC since they are making money. Also just because they could only cover so much stuff in a 1hr broadcast they opted for some of the newer features since E3 is coming, people need to grow up and realize there are not only hardcore gamers out in the world, there are casual gamers who enjoy these extra features and these extra features take nothing away from what the core of the system does, which is to play games. MS has been doing an great job lately innovating with WP8, the Surface and W8 and the Xbox One as well as their marketing. Do I think they make mistakes? Sure but they have been doing a lot better these days bringing us some great products so people need to quit whining and let them do their thing or get a ps4 or stick with the 360.

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