Its time Nokia got what they deserve (video)

To me, this isn't a review. Don't get me wrong, it's very well composed and shot, but I do genuinely believe that "Review" is the wrong term here.
I was thinking when it was propped up on the asparagus, you should have used the back of the spoon to touch the screen instead of your fingers.
That puppy loves his

Very nice job on the video. Man I'm glad your on my side! Windows Phone side that is.
Thanks for a great video! Which city do you live in? (wondering about the city-lens and how it works in smaller bor i G?vle nu men flyttar till V?ster?s=))..
This clip makes me wanna get my yellow 920 faster...the order (from Elgiganten) says 18th of January=)!
And I agree, it?s time to get rid of the anti-Nokia-reviews and show people that Nokia is BACK ON TRACK!!
Thanks for a great video! Which city do you live in? (wondering about the city-lens and how it works in smaller bor i G?vle nu men flyttar till V?ster?s=))..
This clip makes me wanna get my yellow 920 faster...the order (from Elgiganten) says 18th of January=)!
And I agree, it?s time to get rid of the anti-Nokia-reviews and show people that Nokia is BACK ON TRACK!!

I live 30 km from V?ster?s in a much much smaller town so you will be fine.
Mine is from EG as well, hope you get it when they say you will :)
BTW at EG I got the JBL PlayUp on "mellandagsrea" f?r ynka 799 :-
Ok, sounds good!
That?s a really good price for the PlayUp, I have been planning on getting it but I thought it was quite expensive before..
Thanks for the tip, must go to EG and check it out...=)!
That was not a review..that was a video showing off some camera skills. I love this phone to death but i think its has slightly more flaws then you mention.

The camera skills and music arnt bad though. Nice job.
That's some originality in the name there. Very curious as to why is she called Krut.

I was planing to give her an "old fashioned" swedish name and was thinking about a few different ones, among them was Rut.
When I trided calling her I automaticly added "gumman" witch is almost like saying "old lady" and is comonly used with affection to female loved ones. So "Rut-gumman".
Now, in swedish we have a name for old ladys with an atidude and a tough spirit, "KrutGumma" (gun-powder-lady, allmost like iron-lady).
So the name Krut was born, people laugh outside when I call for her "Krutgumman come here" :)

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