I've been with iPhone for 4 yrs but one thing is stopping me from Nokia 920...

Lack of apps is the biggest argument anyone gives me over WP when I talk about it. Lack of banking apps (like Chase) is a big one. Yeah, I know, Chase is coming soon, but when? We've heard that for months now and still nothing. Will it be WP8-only, or will it work on WP7?

That's probably the one biggest app that I'm missing right now. I can use their crappy mobile site to view my balance and transactions, but I could really use Mobile Check Deposit.

For games, lots of them are becoming cross-platform, with the exception of WP. I'm not a big phone gamer and I'm happy with the games that I have on WP, but for it to sell mainstream, people are going to want games that their friends are playing, like Words With Friends, DrawSomething, etc.

The other thing that needs to be fixed is Facebook notifications. The Me tile plays no sounds when it has a new notification and the app sucks, with delays of up to 30 minutes. The Twitter app works fine, so its only Facebook, and Facebook is instant on other platforms. Once again, that doesn't really bother me and I can live with it, but when people start comparing it to Android and iOS, that's one thing they'll notice.

I can't wait for WP8 and I hope all of these mainstream apps are available at launch or before the end of the year. I love the MS ecosystem they're creating and I've grown to love SkyDrive, Outlook.com, the integration with XBox Live, Live Messenger, the integration with Facebook, and eventually Skype.
Why is it that when a person criticizes the quality of apps on WP7 or lack thereof then they get flamed for it? You guys are really starting to polarize the outsiders by that attitude. I see the OPs claim as legit. There are tons of apps, but a great deal of garbage ones on the marketplace. Don't jump on the OP, he actually has a WP7 device. He is not just an outsider, so take his comment into consideration as a person who was willing to try out our favorite platform. If he thinks of the marketplace like that, then you can only imagine how many others think like that or will think like that as well.

And the comment about what did you do before those apps existed is a bit ignorant in this age of technology. Just because one user uses his device minimally doesn't make it the right way or wrong way to use it. Thoughts like that will keep WP from growing. You should really be thinking "how can we be more robust in the app market"

WPcentral users, please don't be sensitive to criticism. It can help in the long run. Just get the OP to justify the claim and then work from there. The only problem I see with the post is that maybe it should be aimed more at the app developers rather than the everyday poweruser.

The op here again. Whether it has been 2 or 3 years, I still think that they should be ahead of where they are now. These Lumias are perhaps their last chance to make a major impact.

As to what apps I use, I don't game. The list is endless suffice to say that I could spend hours on the app store and still be busy. Having bought my 710, all the decent apps took 20 mins to find.

The marketplace facebook app is lacking basic, basic features. The one app that should be solid. Apart from this, news apps are lacking. The UK Guardian app for example is just a version of their website. Flipboard, one of my favourite iOS apps, steals the metro interface and isn't even in the marketplace.

It's just a massive shame because these new Lumias and WP8 will surpass iPhone in quality but decent apps are a massive part of that success.
I don't get how they can just let these big name apps not be available for their platform. I mean they are not the top tech company in the world anymore, they are still MS and have a lot of pull, and plenty of money to throw at devs.

The op here again. Whether it has been 2 or 3 years, I still think that they should be ahead of where they are now. These Lumias are perhaps their last chance to make a major impact.

As to what apps I use, I don't game. The list is endless suffice to say that I could spend hours on the app store and still be busy. Having bought my 710, all the decent apps took 20 mins to find.

Fact is, Windows Phone achieved 100,000 apps FASTER than either iOS or Android. I will grant you they are missing a lot of popular/trendy apps, but to say the quality argument is a copout, considering that they both have an endless supply of crapps.

Why is it that when a person criticizes the quality of apps on WP7 or lack thereof then they get flamed for it? You guys are really starting to polarize the outsiders by that attitude. I see the OPs claim as legit. There are tons of apps, but a great deal of garbage ones on the marketplace. Don't jump on the OP, he actually has a WP7 device. He is not just an outsider, so take his comment into consideration as a person who was willing to try out our favorite platform. If he thinks of the marketplace like that, then you can only imagine how many others think like that or will think like that as well.

Why is it that you're so sensitive about a discussion? I haven't seen a post yet flame him or criticize him. In fact, we all agree that major apps are missing. The question is perfectly valid to ask him to better justify his complaint... what apps are being used?

I say it's valid, because you may love a particular Twitter app on iOS, but it doesn't exist on WP... however, there are good Twitter apps out there on WP. If you're looking for Instagram, though, you're out of luck.

But imagine if you're about to dump WP because you can't find or hate the default Twitter app and maybe that's the biggest thing you do. I can't judge for that, but I can help you find a good alternative.

If I came on here and started trashing him as an idiot for not liking the native Twitter app, and didn't provide an alternative, then you'd be right (and I'd be pretty embarrassed).
Fact is, Windows Phone achieved 100,000 apps FASTER than either iOS or Android. I will grant you they are missing a lot of popular/trendy apps, but to say the quality argument is a copout, considering that they both have an endless supply of crapps.

Why is it that you're so sensitive about a discussion? I haven't seen a post yet flame him or criticize him. In fact, we all agree that major apps are missing. The question is perfectly valid to ask him to better justify his complaint... what apps are being used?

I say it's valid, because you may love a particular Twitter app on iOS, but it doesn't exist on WP... however, there are good Twitter apps out there on WP. If you're looking for Instagram, though, you're out of luck.

But imagine if you're about to dump WP because you can't find or hate the default Twitter app and maybe that's the biggest thing you do. I can't judge for that, but I can help you find a good alternative.

If I came on here and started trashing him as an idiot for not liking the native Twitter app, and didn't provide an alternative, then you'd be right (and I'd be pretty embarrassed).

Hi. I am not just talking about this thread, but many other threads in general get the flame bait because a member said something about the apps in the WP marketplace. I've never been a victim of this, but I've sat and watched others get flamed,and it reminded me of when I used android and people said the same thing about some android apps way back then. While you guys say there might be an app that can do what the big named apps do, I sometimes find that they can't. They are usually missing a feature or two. Most of the apps I use are missing a feature or two. Missing toast notifications, live tile support, or something else. And some of the live tiles update very infrequent. Some apps are good, but you can't honestly say there is an app on WP that can do exactly everything the best apps on Android or iOS does.

I know there are plenty of great apps on WP. I should have stated that my post was not simply for this OP, but for the many other posters who get flamed for questioning the quality or quantity of WP apps. I'm sorry for sounding sensitive. There we go. I said it. Lol. :lol:
I'm in the same boat. Tried WP7. Really like the OS and Email but I won't switch without certain apps. The apps I'm waiting on before switching are Starbucks, Uber, United Airlines, and Concur. Sure, I could live without all of these, but why would I? WP8 looks great but not great enough to leave behind Apps I use everyday.
I've been having this conversation with my sister. She has an iPhone4. She is fed up with the iphone and up for renewal in November. I am trying to convince her to get a WP, and she is actually receptive. The downside for her, is those dumb games that get hot and everyone talks about. Draw Something, SongPop, etc. Marquee apps trickle in one or two at a time, but it would be great to see that major roadblock for a lot of people dissolve.

In a month, she could either buy a Lumia 920 or an iphone5. I'd like to have a good reason for her to leave Verizon with a WP8.
Apps will come with market share.

The good news is that with WinRT and Windows8 launching soon with similar code bases. So that market share may entice a lot of developers. And porting to Windows Phone will be a pretty painless and quick process.
I'm not leaving, but those apps would be wonderful. No fantasy football app from yahoo is pissing me off.

I think BE is the most hated app in the world. LOL, and the dev don't give AF.
Look at Monster Football. It let's you manage both ESPN and Yahoo teams.
I'm glad that I don't use apps. I think WP in it's raw form, does a lot more then any other device to date. The core features sell phones, it's sad that it's become a market place just for apps.

I want a WP for what it can do out of the box, not what I have to fill it with as a consumer. I'm not into the trendy apps (Instragram, Draw Something), and I'm not missing out on any sports related apps, or banking apps. I especially wouldn't game on a phone either. I love the simplicity, and the integration and how WP just works.

So, I'd have to say... that, I'm definitely glad I don't use apps so I can enjoy a device that I would want to own and use.
You should go buy a dumb phone. Seems like your wasting money on something you don't want. The only realy viable CORE feature is making phone calls, which any phone can do.
I'm glad that I don't use apps. I think WP in it's raw form, does a lot more then any other device to date. The core features sell phones, it's sad that it's become a market place just for apps.

I want a WP for what it can do out of the box, not what I have to fill it with as a consumer. I'm not into the trendy apps (Instragram, Draw Something), and I'm not missing out on any sports related apps, or banking apps. I especially wouldn't game on a phone either. I love the simplicity, and the integration and how WP just works.

So, I'd have to say... that, I'm definitely glad I don't use apps so I can enjoy a device that I would want to own and use.
You should go buy a dumb phone. Seems like your wasting money on something you don't want. The only realy viable CORE feature is making phone calls, which any phone can do.

He said he uses the core features of WP so your saying that without apps all WP devices are just dumb phones?!
You should go buy a dumb phone. Seems like your wasting money on something you don't want. The only realy viable CORE feature is making phone calls, which any phone can do.

I'm not saying it's not what I want, it's just something that I'm not consuming as much as everyone else. I haven't found apps that fit my needs, and or wants out of an app. I do use apps like Kik, and quite a few others that I can easily find on the market place. What I was really saying is that I'm not dependent on the list of apps that most people are missing.

Apps like banking, local, sports, and trendy. I don't need any of that. I've used a lot of apps on my Droid Incredible, and most of them didn't last a week on my phone. So if and when I switch to WP8, I'm not really missing out on apps.

He said he uses the core features of WP so your saying that without apps all WP devices are just dumb phones?!

Oh... I wish I had a WP. /tear I'm just saying that, I would get a Windows Phone for it's core features. Threads are awesome, I like the fact that you can message from Facebook and MSN (Hopefully Skype in WP8) and SMS/MMS right from the same text. As well as the integration of Facebook and Twitter, and the People Hub is unique (Ha, Android had to steal it). That's what sold me on WP, and a lot of other neat little things.

I don't look at the catalog of apps a store/market place may or may not have. I look at what the core features of the OS, and phone can do. I just think that personally, WP8 will be ahead of the crowd in a lot of ways. They still have a lot of work to do, but some day it'll definitely be a top tier choice.
If dumb phones can do emails then yes, so I guess I would have to bump it up to a feature phone.

They can do emails and play music. Pretty much what WP7 does out the box. Same as Android and iOS. Might not be pretty, but it can. The App selection makes the smartphone.
I'm in the same boat, I only have 10 apps. I like to only load useful apps, and not download every new hot app.
I'm not saying it's not what I want, it's just something that I'm not consuming as much as everyone else. I haven't found apps that fit my needs, and or wants out of an app. I do use apps like Kik, and quite a few others that I can easily find on the market place. What I was really saying is that I'm not dependent on the list of apps that most people are missing.

Apps like banking, local, sports, and trendy. I don't need any of that. I've used a lot of apps on my Droid Incredible, and most of them didn't last a week on my phone. So if and when I switch to WP8, I'm not really missing out on apps.

Oh... I wish I had a WP. /tear I'm just saying that, I would get a Windows Phone for it's core features. Threads are awesome, I like the fact that you can message from Facebook and MSN (Hopefully Skype in WP8) and SMS/MMS right from the same text. As well as the integration of Facebook and Twitter, and the People Hub is unique (Ha, Android had to steal it). That's what sold me on WP, and a lot of other neat little things.

I don't look at the catalog of apps a store/market place may or may not have. I look at what the core features of the OS, and phone can do. I just think that personally, WP8 will be ahead of the crowd in a lot of ways. They still have a lot of work to do, but some day it'll definitely be a top tier choice.
funny... 100k app within 1 1/2 year is too little now (how do you make that sarcastic face again? :P)

anyways, i think posting a list of apps needed is the most reasonable way to get questions answered like how 1jaxstate1 and mrozanski interacted on this very thread

like GhoulPhreak i got my lumia because of the core functionality wp provides, and thats things like zune/picture hub/people hub/threaded messages/office (!!!! very very useful to me)/skydrive

and upon getting the lumia we got nokia drive which is the most used app for me (well... im exaggerating a little... since games do open more and im forced into using whatsapp) there are definitely alot of useful apps u can download on wp, and i know there will be alot more coming now with native code support

im speculating a little, but i feel we'll see alot of big named apps released during Build (notice i said "released" not "shown") we already know drawsomething and wordswithfriend are coming, so is chase, and EA is very much on board, i would not discount wp right now and we're only looking at a month and a little more for alot of great things

i think the only issue for many people would be instagram and instagram's close minded approach at things, wp is easier to code than other platforms and even has translator that helps with creating a new app and yet they have done absolutely nth, not even a mention of looking into it, i know its a small company, but if it's making money off it's popularity i fail to see why they can't hire ONE person to do the coding (heck just buy off one of the thirdparty ones and build off of it)

*rant over*

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