Just Got This on T-Mobile


Apr 16, 2012
Nice phone but just a question or two:

When you download files attached to texts where is the download stored?

Is there any kind of file manager? Either native or from the app store?

Thanks in advance for any help!
There is no file manager in the market, you can access all files with associated apps.
The images should be in 'Photos > Saved Pictures'
Thanks, but they are not images - I am trying to d/l ringtones from my PC (they are MP3's). Per Microsoft instructions, I attached them to
a text, sent to my phone, hit "get attached media content" (again per MS) yet they are nowhere to be found?

Because the next step per MS is to press on the file and select "Save as ringtone" but I cannot see the filw?
Thanks, but they are not images - I am trying to d/l ringtones from my PC (they are MP3's). Per Microsoft instructions, I attached them to
a text, sent to my phone, hit "get attached media content" (again per MS) yet they are nowhere to be found?

Because the next step per MS is to press on the file and select "Save as ringtone" but I cannot see the filw?

Connect your phone to the computer,
Open the phone in my computer > Ringtones Folder, paste your tones there and you can select them in settings > ringtones (scroll to the top), you can also use 'Ringtones' app to create ringtones from songs you have on the phone.

How is my new avatar btw?
Yes, I tried that several times - they just do not sho up when I go to set rengtones. I'll keep trying.

BTW (I cannot see your avatar) but I'm using CHrome as browser
What format are the ringtone in. Best if they are in wav or mp3 formats. Mp3 will be smaller of course and they should be 30 seconds or less.

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