Killing live tiles..


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Dec 6, 2010
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How can I view which apps are using live tile feature. I need to delete some apps. I just downloaded a kickass RSS reader, and its giving me a error message " tile limit exceeded.."

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Feb 21, 2011
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Thanks. I might just pay the 99 bucks and get my devices unlocked.

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See if you can find a code for a Dream Spark account (I believe what it is called). It is free to students. Student in college? Know any nerd friends in college? See if they can get ya one! heh


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Dec 6, 2010
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Apps I have loaded:
100 pushups
200 Situps
Alien News
Amazon Kindle
BoardExpress Pro
Cocktail Flow
Craigs 7
ESPN ScoreCenter
Feed Me
Song Tweeter
USA Today
Weather Channel

I The ones in BOLD are the ones I thought were the only one with push and live tiles? I'm below ten, yet some still are not working. I'm not even logged into BirdSong or Rowi. What's the deal, anyone?


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Dec 11, 2010
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From your list I know for sure the following have live tiles:
Weather Channel (works as both push/pull tile)
Problem is, most apps turn on the push/live tile option the first time you open it, which I have been asking developers to stop doing, at least till the whole live tile mess is resolved.

You have probably built up a bunch of discarded Endpoints keys in your registry and now even by deleting apps, these keys will not be removed. To further complicate things, many apps disconnect/reconnect occasionally from the push channel, but if no new keys can register, a live tile that was working yesterday can stop working tomorrow without doing anything.

In a recent post in the Microsoft Developer Forum a MS employee has acknowledged a problem with endpoint registry keys not being removed after an app is disconnected/deleted an it has been corrected for the next OS build (Mango) but no solution for current users. Your only choices are a hard reset, or dev unlock and manually removed the left over registry keys. It sucks and I would have hoped that MS would have put out a patch but I suppose the don't consider it that important. I do.

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Dec 6, 2010
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I was wonder if some of the endpoint were not getting cleared, even after a app is deleted. MS should issue some type of update for the immediately! I have a Registry editor loaded on my phone. Could I reset the endpoint using that?
From your list I know for sure the following have live tiles:
Weather Channel (works as both push/pull tile)
Problem is, most apps turn on the push/live tile option the first time you open it, which I have been asking developers to stop doing, at least till the whole live tile mess is resolved.

You have probably built up a bunch of discarded Endpoints keys in your registry and now even by deleting apps, these keys will not be removed. To further complicate things, many apps disconnect/reconnect occasionally from the push channel, but if no new keys can register, a live tile that was working yesterday can stop working tomorrow without doing anything.

In a recent post in the Microsoft Developer Forum a MS employee has acknowledged a problem with endpoint registry keys not being removed after an app is disconnected/deleted an it has been corrected for the next OS build (Mango) but no solution for current users. Your only choices are a hard reset, or dev unlock and manually removed the left over registry keys. It sucks and I would have hoped that MS would have put out a patch but I suppose the don't consider it that important. I do.

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Dec 11, 2010
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Btw, only third party apps count towards the 15, but that includes apps with live tiles and those that only provide push notifications. And apps like Flixter and eBay will register to your push channel even if you only open them once and never look at the again. Plus, if your registry key balance is already out of whack (ManagedEndpoints vs. Endpoints) deleting these apps will not remover the required left over registry keys. Flixter is one of very few apps that will actually remove the offending key if you disable the live tile feature.

You also don't need 15 push/live tile apps to have a problem. As some apps will disconnect/reconnect after a soft reset for example, a single app can be responsible for 3, 4 or more left over registry keys. Some apps may be worse then others at this, but of the 20 I have tested, they all do it. To be clear though, if Microsoft implemented the fix described in my previous post, apps disconnecting/reconnecting would not(theoretically) be a problem. Disconnmecting/reconnecting is still an issue that needs attention, but it would not shut down all your tiles. You would only need to open the app to wake the tile up again.

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Dec 6, 2010
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Do you know if they plan on addressing this issue. Or, as it seems to be the answer to everything WP7 related, do we have to wait for Mango. :mad:
Btw, only third party apps count towards the 15, but that includes apps with live tiles and those that only provide push notifications. And apps like Flixter and eBay will register to your push channel even if you only open them once and never look at the again. Plus, if your registry key balance is already out of whack (ManagedEndpoints vs. Endpoints) deleting these apps will not remover the required left over registry keys. Flixter is one of very few apps that will actually remove the offending key if you disable the live tile feature.

You also don't need 15 push/live tile apps to have a problem. As some apps will disconnect/reconnect after a soft reset for example, a single app can be responsible for 3, 4 or more left over registry keys. Some apps may be worse then others at this, but of the 20 I have tested, they all do it. To be clear though, if Microsoft implemented the fix described in my previous post, apps disconnecting/reconnecting would not(theoretically) be a problem. Disconnmecting/reconnecting is still an issue that needs attention, but it would not shut down all your tiles. You would only need to open the app to wake the tile up again.

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Dec 11, 2010
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I was wonder if some of the endpoint were not getting cleared, even after a app is deleted. MS should issue some type of update for the immediately! I have a Registry editor loaded on my phone. Could I reset the endpoint using that?
If you have a Registry Editor, you have two choices. Go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PushClient\Endpoints and delete the entire Endpoints key (and everything in it). Don't worry I will come right back. Soft reset you phone and simply open/close all you apps with live tiles and twy will reregister.

Second option: go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PushClient\ManagedEndpoints and open each key. Drill down one level and you will find an entry labeled Cookie. Record the first 8 characters for each of these entries, one per Managed Endpoints key. Now, open the Endpoint key and individually delete each subkey, NOT associated with the cookie references you recorded. This option takes more time but only deletes the offending (dead) subkey. I keep a running list so its a bit easier for me.

Both methods work though. The important thing is to get ManagedEndpoints to equal Endpoints, so like 8 of each. If matched, they will say that way probably till your next soft reset. If unmatched, Endpoints will continue to grow, but won't kill tiles till it gets around 20+.

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Dec 11, 2010
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Do you know if they plan on addressing this issue. Or, as it seems to be the answer to everything WP7 related, do we have to wait for Mango. :mad:
At least part of the issue will be resolved with Mango, but not sure of they fully understand all of the issues that exist. So while I am hopeful this wil turn in to a bad memory, I fear they have not turned over every stone after finding the big issue, and something may linger. Hope I am wrong though.

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Jan 9, 2011
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Yeah, that's what mine did. I just asked Jay what was the deal with that, on the Official WPCentral thread.


Jay just posted on his Twitter...

''For those wondering, your live tile is still working, there's just no story been published as live-tile worthy at this time''

So it seems the live tile reverts to the default after a certain time.


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Feb 7, 2011
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At least part of the issue will be resolved with Mango, but not sure of they fully understand all of the issues that exist. So while I am hopeful this wil turn in to a bad memory, I fear they have not turned over every stone after finding the big issue, and something may linger. Hope I am wrong though.

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At the very least it is a step in the right direction and yes I hope you're wrong about any lingering issues :p


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Dec 6, 2010
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Crap!!! So my registry editor doesn't work anymore. So I'm stuck having to do a factory restore every time this **** happens, which can happen any given time without warning. How is this not a critical issue and they are not releasing a fix. So all in all, live tiles don't work worth a ****, SMH.

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