L640 Heating issue

Dragan Balatinac

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Jul 26, 2015
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Hello kind people of the internet, to make a long story short, i've got a new lumia 640 today and it is heating in the right area when you turn it around. Battery draining is a thing too. Is there a fix to this, because I don't wanna give my phone away, I fell in love with it.

PS: I'm not playing any games, just normal (facebook, instagram, twitter etc.)

Marko Marjanovic

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Feb 12, 2015
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Pozdrav, gospodine Balatinac;
The problem with new phones is that they need time to set things right.
I assume you get yourself brand new 640, boot up, log on, set things up and then your phone start to heat up? Am i right?
If i am, then no lose sleep over it. That's normal. Give it some time and after a week or so if it still heat try to soft then hard reset, also disable all background apps.
Warranty is your last option.
I have 1520, 830 and 630 and not mention first week of heating but even now, after mnths and mnths they still get warm (except 1520, that one burn my hand and melt my ex's heart!).
Enjoy your new device!

Dragan Balatinac

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Jul 26, 2015
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Pozdrav prijatelju. :)
Ja sam uzeo novi telefon pre nedelju dana crni 640, i mislio da je defektan i vratio ga. Mucio one ljude u Saturnu da mi zamene i na kraju su mi dali nov. Kada sam primetio da i ovaj se greje tako na gluposti kao sto su facebook i instagram, izgubio sam svu nadu. Sada si mi dao malo nade da ce se ipak sve vratiti u normalu :)

Hello friend :)
I got a brand new black matte lumia 640 last week and i thought it was defect and I got a new one. Annoyed the crap out of people in Saturn to give me a new one, so they gave me. When I discovered right of the bat that this ones heats too when using stupid stuff like facebook and instagram (low cpu apps) I lost all hope. You my friend gave me some hope on that.

I would also like to hear others people opinions too.
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Marko Marjanovic

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Feb 12, 2015
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,,Fejs" je veoma nezgodan, ,,mesendzer" za isti i ,,vacap"(ako ga koristis, naravno). To su veoma neoptimizovane aplikacije. Probaj da ih koristis bez rada u pozadini, ali svejedno moras da prihvatis tu sudbu da se jednostavno greju.
Ps. Ja jedva jesam :wink"

,,Facebook" and ,,Messenger" are bad optimising apps, ,,What's app" too..you can try using them without ,,background" agent, but still phone will get warm. You'l get use to it..or it will drive you mad.
Ps. I did, bearly :wink:


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Jul 20, 2015
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Malim da je Marko upravu. Svoju 640 Sam uzeo 16.07., tj. prime nekih 10ak Dana, I na samom pocetku se grijala nevjerovatno, skoro da je bill nemoguce drzati je u ruci, iako nisam koristio nista do IE, fb, messenger ... Nada no sada to nije slucaj, primojetno se zagrijava samo kada igram Asphalt 8 I sl. Sve u svemu, ne bi trebao nesto posebno da brines.

I think Marko was right. I bought my 640 on 07.16., that is about 10 days ago, and in very beggining it was starting to heat up at incredibly high temperatures, it was almost impossible to hold it in your hands, all that without playing games. Luckily, that's no longer a case, only time when you can tell it's pretty much heated up is when you play games such as Asphalt 8 etc. Considering everything, I'd say you got nothing to worry about.

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