[L920] Dying a slow death :(


New member
Jul 22, 2010
I purchased my 920 when they first came out and have loved every minute of it. There is absolutely nothing out there right now that I see as a viable upgrade, including the 1520 because AT&T castrated it by removing Qi and Data Sense. Besides, While I like the features of the 1520 model, I really don't care for the 6 inch screen. My plan has been to give MS a chance to wow me in the spring with a release of something truly worthy of replacing my 920. Unfortunately that may not happen. I've noticed that as my phone gets older, it's battery is losing it's ability to hold charges for long periods. As an example, I started my day at 6:30 this morning with a full charge and by 10:00 AM, I was down to just 60% battery left. And I wasn't doing anything more strenuous than reading email and checking Facebook. No games. No music. No videos. I'm afraid that my 920 isn't going to make it till a new phone comes along.

Anyone else seeing their 920s dieing the slow death and are unsure about their options in the future? If MS doesn't produce another high end flagship phone come spring, what do you plan to do about replacing your aging 920?
Unfortunately, I'm seeing bad battery performance on my 920...

I'm kind of in the same boat about a replacement... My 1520 screen shattered and I have since been using my old 920. Debating getting the screen fixed on the 1520 (if I can find it for cheap enough), swapping the 920 battery myself, or just suffering through having to charge the 920 all the time. I'm not up for an upgrade, but even if I was, I'm wanting to hold out for something newer.
I haven't had much by way of battery performance decline in my 920. I have a wireless charger at home and I put in on there overnight. I also have a charger at work just to keep it topped off during the week. However, on weekends I get a full day's use and rarely get below 40% left by the end of the day. I don't do much by way of video but I do stream music and use it for the other normal tasks, including navigation. Maybe I have been lucky. Right now I'm planning to see what rolls out with Windows 10.
Can't you just get the battery replaced? I don't think its Surface-level unrepairability and cost we're talking here.
That seems to be the only issue, so go for it. Not like you have a warranty to worry about now.

(My 920 is relatively young at a bit over a year old.)
Can't you just get the battery replaced? I don't think its Surface-level unrepairability and cost we're talking here.
That seems to be the only issue, so go for it. Not like you have a warranty to worry about now.

(My 920 is relatively young at a bit over a year old.)

That's what I am doing this weekend. I am just going to order a new battery and put it in myself since my 920 is long out of warranty. It seems easy enough looking at videos online.
this kind of happens with batteries which is why i think replaceable batteries (user-replaceable) is simply plain common sense, and why the 830 is such an appealing device; or would be if it were 1080p.
Im in the same boat as well. I've had my Lumia 920 since December 2012. Battery life is disapointing and gets uncomfortably hot whenever I play games on it. I have to charge it overnight and charge it again before I leave work or else it wouldn't last until me the evening. The only windows phone available in Canada at the moment are the Lumia 830's and lower I'm sure the 830 is a marvelous phone, but I want a flagship. I I've considered getting a unlocked Lumia 1520 off eBay because it still is an amazing device and gets great reviews, but I also want to wait and see if there is a new flagship Microsoft Lumia device. However I have no idea what will be available in Canada or how quickly they will come to market. Just a frustrating waiting game at this point, but if my phone dies I may not have a choice.
That battery is super easy to replace. You can do it yourself. You just need to order another and get a T5 screw driver. There's a great youtube video on how to disassemble a 920. The battery is at the very beginning.
I agree with Vira... I've replaced batteries on a few 920s. After having done so, I think non-replaceable battery (at least for 920) is not a big deal at all.

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