In all honesty, I very rarely see duplicates of apps, although I will confess that I don't routinely search for every app under the sun; I just get the ones that I'll actually use often.
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I will never get an Iphone. I can not stand Apple. Never have liked them and never will. I want Windows Phone to succeed. My frustration isn't with the OS. I like it, aside from the Live Tiles not working properly and the lack of Apps. but as for that claim about the market place, look at the apps in there. what is the point of growing the market with useless apps that are pointless and mostly put out for advertisement purposes.
Fair enough.. but you dont need to search for every app under the sun in order to see what is going on in the market place. Next time you get a chance look at the new or free section and you will see what I am talking about.. many are by the same developers and are all more or less the same as far as style goes.
I do think that Don'tHate has a point though. It could be worthwhile hopping over to the Droid or iPhone while the app store picks up...
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And I have considered that but i really was hoping that it didn't come to that. I love Microsoft and I really hope the flood of awesome apps happens for WP7. I really hope soon there is an Android or Iphone user complaining over why there is no certain app for their platform that WP7 has. great app.. look I mean c'mon.. where are the apps like "High Noon" or "Words with Friends" or "Hanging with Friends".. There are many apps that arent being developed for WP7 and that upsets me. I dont get to enjoy these apps and play online with my friends and family because there seems to be no intrest in WP7. I want to know why that is. Everyone knows that before WP7 release last year it was panned by many and claimed DOA. Has the lack of development in great apps proved those assumptions right?
I understand your issue about app but in this case you' not entirely correct. The app you're referring to requires you to have Directv. I have Uverse I can watch everything on my phone including Redzone our Sunday Ticket and the app comes with every phone. You have a WP, the app is on the tile page there for all to see. BTW WP is never going to have Sunday Ticket it is a Directv thing only for at least ten more years. Redzone was allowed to be created by the NFL after a Congressional inquiry in the issue a few years ago:excl: besides I get Redzone as part of the HD upgrade package along with a few other preminum channels for 7 bucks.Why is there such a lack of GREAT Apps in the marketplace? By great apps I'm talking about apps that are popular on other mobile platforms that everyone who doesn't own a WP7 device has. Example.. There is no Yahoo! Fantasy Football app. I am the only one at work who doesn't have the app. Why? Because Windows Phone doesn't have it. I recently told a co-worker i had NFL Sunday ticket. He asked me if I was going to watch the games on my phone with the Sunday ticket app. I had to say no due to there being no such app in the windows market :/ His reply to that was, "what kind of phone do you have? Is it a smart phone??" Wow I felt embarrassed. I know mango is coming out soon but i don't see the new OS having anything to do with GREAT Apps being developed and without any awesome apps whats the main draw for WP7? I'm really close to jumping on the Android ship.. anyone have any input?
Microsoft needs to contact these companies, not users. A MS rep's contact would speak louder than 10 people emailing to ask for Words for Friends or whatever nonsense we all want.