Why is there such a lack of GREAT Apps in the marketplace? By great apps I'm talking about apps that are popular on other mobile platforms that everyone who doesn't own a WP7 device has. Example.. There is no Yahoo! Fantasy Football app. I am the only one at work who doesn't have the app. Why? Because Windows Phone doesn't have it. I recently told a co-worker i had NFL Sunday ticket. He asked me if I was going to watch the games on my phone with the Sunday ticket app. I had to say no due to there being no such app in the windows market :/ His reply to that was, "what kind of phone do you have? Is it a smart phone??" Wow I felt embarrassed. I know mango is coming out soon but i don't see the new OS having anything to do with GREAT Apps being developed and without any awesome apps whats the main draw for WP7? I'm really close to jumping on the Android ship.. anyone have any input?