I know I haven't been as active as some people here, but I want to thank everyone here for being such amazing sports.
This is by far, and I mean by FAR, one of the more amazing forums I've been a part of. The majority of people here tend to be more level headed, enthusiastic, and supportive than in some places I have been a part of. And besides that, for Windows Phone news, this place couldn't be beat. I refreshed this almost every day to catch up on what was going on. WPCentral is a great site, and that is more than reflected in its members.
WP7 is a great OS, and maybe I'll return to it in the future if WP8 takes off. I think the platform has a lot of merit that simply hasn't been recognized by consumers yet. If Microsoft can kick this thing into high gear, I believe it'll only get better with time. Personally, though, I'm moving onto a droid (The HSPA+ version of the Motorola RAZR to be more specific). As much as I love the simple and fluid design of WP7, I can't stand its woefully neglected Live service and the archaic hardware it's running on. Nor can I stand the unfortunate lack of apps. There are so many apps I use on the family iPad on a daily basis, many of which Droid also offers but WP7 never seems to receive (like the RBC Banking app).
Hopefully I'll find myself here again in 2-3 years time, as I love MS and I hope to return if things improve. In the mean time though, thanks again for the great website and forums. I can only hope whichever Droid site becomes my favorite place to lurk is as great as this one was