Leaving Xbox,been here since day 1....

Well, it is not irrational to be upset that they failed many times and lack exclusives compared to the competition. No one is asking them to dump unlimited amount of cash into a failing project.
It is about being upset about these continous failures.
I asked you a question that you want ignored. Are MS responsible for the failure of kinect? Are they responsible for all their failed projects? Are they responsible for the lack of games comparing to the competition?

Are they responsible or is it the fault of the consumers?

Do you think consumers should keep dumping money into MS products after being disappointed by their failures?

"And again, your claim that Microsoft hasn't invested as much money as Sony into gaming is unsustaintiated. Your "numbers" above are missing one thing... dollars."
You do know that you can invest in other things than money? It is the overall investment into making games as we see the end products.

Let's not try to play with words. You know what I mean.
None of us have the budget of these video games. What we do have is the number of exclusives/console exclusives for each consoles. And if we compare the number of AAA or indies, the sheer number of games and upcoming games XB1 is clearly behind.
I hope you're not trying to imply that MS has done more than Sony this gen because if that's the case then they managed their resources really badly because the end result shows PS4 is easily dominating.
But another question you avoided, Are you satisifed with no non-Forza AAA console exclusive in more than 32 months? Are you satisfied with what XB1 produced in the last 2-3 years compared to PS4?
The only thing insane here is how people expect others to be loyal to a brand/company even though they are not satisfied by their products and by the effort they put into their products and provide support to their customers.
The insanity is how people expect others to be loyal to companies no matter what and not look at the competition...

I find these people strange. At this stage I'm asking myself the question. Is their priority gaming or the interests of a company/brand...
I find the real "fanboys" here to be the folks defending MS' abandonment of everything Consumer for the sake of sheer profits.

Granted, yes, they are a business, and businesses need to make money. But they are basically printing money with Azure! All this guy is saying is take some of those BILLIONS in cash reserves and finish what you bloody started!. Properly support the areas of your ecosystem that are non-"intelligent edge" and "hybrid cloud".

MS right now almost seems ashamed of its rich history in Consumer.
I plonked down my money on a PS4 Pro/God of War bundle 2 weeks ago because there are literally 2 exclusives I want on Xbox One. I ended up poking around the PS store and I now have 16 games. Not all of them are exclusive, but enough are that I'm quite pleased with my purchase and am very much no longer in a rush to get an Xbox One, no matter how much I'd like to play Sunset Overdrive.
Edit: I also got a Switch with 13 games a few months ago, so combine that with my still-barely-holding-on desktop PC and I'm pretty OK with where I'm at game wise.
To OP.
It's not because MS want to disappoints WinPhone fan, there's no WinPhone fan to disappoint. You are the minority.
Juts like how Sony dropped PSV and how MS dropped Kinect years ago. No user no dev no user no revenue therefore no future. It's a more complex loop than chicken & egg.
No matter how MS try to push, try to keep WinPhone on life support, you'd be naive, irrational or crazy to think WinPhone can have a future.
It's a 4th OS (3rd mobile OS) in the market. It's not a Win10PC. It started with 0 dev + 0 user base and the market's already occupied by iOS and Android.
Why would you want to code & QA for 4 OSes instead of 3 and there's no users? Why would user wants to use a OS with no much dev support?
You are the minority and MS holds the statistics.

* Is WinPhone a Windows? Can you do XPA on WinPhone? Can you do XPA on these new WoA?

Same as people who defend "PSV is till alive". 1) didn't know 2) troll 3) knew but choose to deny 4) knew but as a fan, must defend. Choose your number.
You are the minority and Sony holds the statistics.

The reason why MLB game's not coming to xbox has already been answered, so...

MS don't investing enough for their customers? Don't think you know this industry.
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I've used PlayStation all my life. When this gen came out, I decided to give Xbox a shot because it was more media-centred.

Last year I went back to PlayStation.
The Xbox not only lost most of its media functionalities but the UI got worse and worse with more and more ads spamming me left and right.
I had it with the sh*t UI. So I went back to Sony.

And now I remember why I never left Sony until the XBone. Not only is their UI much better and not filled with ads, the game catalogue is vastly vastly superior.
I still have my XBone and XBoneS. But I have no intention of ever buying another Xbox again, neither now nor in the next generations...unless Microsoft takes a 180º turn on their approach to UI and customisation and improves their gaming catalogue.
I have an XBOX One and my son has a PS4. If it wasnt for Halo and Gears of War, XB1 probably wouldn't still be my choice.

When I was using a Lumia, a Surface, a W10 PC in my office, and an XB1, it made sense because it was all one app store and I used my MS account to pay for everything, but, now I use Android and an iPad, so my XB1 seems somehow less necessary...
And now I remember why I never left Sony until the XBone. Not only is their UI much better and not filled with ads
That's weird...
I only see 2 or 3 static image on my xbox's home tab, one tells you to grab your gold member benefits one is random promotion.

On the ps4.
"What's New" tab starts loading ads on its own, if you stayed till the loading ends, there goes ads for you (bandwidth is spent even if you move away quickly).
Also, on the main dashboard, sometimes games-you-don't-own hidden-in with your recent activity.
the Xbox one has never had a real MLB game like "The Show".
Microsoft, based in a MLB city has to know every child-adult in their city has to own a playstation to play MLB.
I called Xbox support and they said that the last 360 game made by 2k is backwards compatible,showing again how out of touch Microsoft is.
They killed off the phone OS of my choice, they killed off the bands months after i bought 2, they killed off mixradio and groove music, so im severing my ties with any new Microsoft purchases until i see a change that shows they care about consumers.
I've never owned any playstation console so will see how it goes, Microsoft exclusive games dont really excite me enough to stay at this point
There is RBI BASEBALL 2018 and Super Mega Baseball, but you know 2K can't make another MLB game because of licensing and that's not Microsoft's fault. You got to understand if there isn't a game on the Xbox one X or S that Satisfies you then maybe you need a PS4. I personally love my Xbox one S and X, which there are plenty of games to play and enjoy from all types.
Not really. If Microsoft owned naughty dog and Santa Monica Studios I'll be a happy camper. Outside of that I'm good
the Xbox one has never had a real MLB game like "The Show".
Microsoft, based in a MLB city has to know every child-adult in their city has to own a playstation to play MLB.
I called Xbox support and they said that the last 360 game made by 2k is backwards compatible,showing again how out of touch Microsoft is.
They killed off the phone OS of my choice, they killed off the bands months after i bought 2, they killed off mixradio and groove music, so im severing my ties with any new Microsoft purchases until i see a change that shows they care about consumers.
I've never owned any playstation console so will see how it goes, Microsoft exclusive games dont really excite me enough to stay at this point

Microsoft has to make the Xbox One appeal to everyone, everywhere it's available and with Baseball only really being popular in the US and Japan it's not really a focus for Microsoft. This doesn't mean that they should ignore MLB fans though and I totally agree that Microsoft needs to address this issue.
That's weird...
I only see 2 or 3 static image on my xbox's home tab, one tells you to grab your gold member benefits one is random promotion.

On the ps4.
"What's New" tab starts loading ads on its own, if you stayed till the loading ends, there goes ads for you (bandwidth is spent even if you move away quickly).
Also, on the main dashboard, sometimes games-you-don't-own hidden-in with your recent activity.

Exactly, the PS4 has ads as well it's just they are sneaky about it. At least Microsoft put them where you can see them so really Microsoft are more up front with their ads than Sony.
I ordered a PS4 yesterday. I've always been a multi-platform gamer, mainly because I like all the games. my preference is Xbox though because I just like the brand. I am dissatisfied with the lineup but on the other hand I'm impressed with the platform and how many features it gets. I'll gladly come back, when the games are there.
Not at all. I just a console based on how much I PLAY the games on it not by what other people think. Fact is the games they do release end up getting as lot of my time so far from frustrated. I get 2017 delays were terrible but I enjoyed Halo wars 2 very much so my time was accounted for.

I suspect they will do more in near future but i'm good. As usually the PS4 is my sometimes console where as I will continue to play most of my games on Xbox.
That's weird...
I only see 2 or 3 static image on my xbox's home tab, one tells you to grab your gold member benefits one is random promotion.

On the ps4.
"What's New" tab starts loading ads on its own, if you stayed till the loading ends, there goes ads for you (bandwidth is spent even if you move away quickly).
Also, on the main dashboard, sometimes games-you-don't-own hidden-in with your recent activity.

- 2 ads to the left of the "recently used", right in front of you.
- 2 ads on top of it which tell you useless stuff like "Get assistance here" or "Join Club X" or "Person Y is Z points ahead of you".
- Then another ad right next to those two.
- 1 ad at the bottom of the Guide
- A ton of ads after the pins for consoles, accessories, Gold etc (these you can remove...but they eventually show up again in the next update).
- Ads in the Store (where they belong)

Oh and never mind if you already pay for Gold. The ads will STILL be there nagging you to buy something you already have.

- 1 section - What's New" - wich you only see if you turn off completely the console (instead of using rest mode) AND click down on it do pull up the panel.

And "games-you-don't-own hidden-in with your recent activity."...do you mean on the "What's new" section? The Store promotions? 'cause that's the only things I see when I purposefully open that.
Exactly, the PS4 has ads as well it's just they are sneaky about it. At least Microsoft put them where you can see them so really Microsoft are more up front with their ads than Sony.

What you mean to say is: Sony hides the ads away from you, Microsoft spams you with them whether you like it or not.
This thread is a fairly dramatic response. Microsoft is putting money exactly where it belongs...Xbox live. That is the best way for Microsoft to keep going. Everyone that is focused on the negative, well then that is all you are going to see and it will be because of this that Microsoft "fails". I for one do not want them to fail. My mentality is not to just tuck tail and run on the remote discussion on that Microsoft is struggling. Do they need better exclusive single player games. Sure. We all want the world. Microsoft owns the multiplayer space though.

I will agree that Microsoft has a tendency to just quit on something that has a cult following but not the overall market share. For example the Kinect. As much as I hated that decision, developers did not really adopt the Kinect. From a business decision it made sense. However Microsoft isn't dismissive or inattentive to the fans. They have invested heavily in the backwards compatibility and preserving the art of games. In fact they will be setting a precedence in the future by making sure that every console forward will have a robust forward and backwards compatibility. If Sony doesn't follow the same model they may loose the next generation war. Microsoft is doing amazing things and to abandon them because you don't have a baseball game (yeah I know or God of War) is silly.

Before you call me an Xbox fan boy recognize that I have all the consoles and play them all equally. Actually Nintendo is my favorite company overall, despite the fact that they have made some absolutely bone headed decisions, but I support them. Yes Sony has amazing single player games, but if they didn't have those then people would be abandoning Sony. I for one appreciate the diversity on the console arena and would never want a company to be a monopoly. I like variety.
To OP.
Juts like how Sony dropped PSV and how MS dropped Kinect years ago.

MS don't investing enough for their customers? Don't think you know this industry.
The difference is 1) how many games MS made for kinect v2? How many games Sony made for PSV?
PSV is 7 year old hardware. Yes, the support has dropped compared to the past but PSV continue to get a lot of games and if you don't want to admit that you're just being dishonest.

MS doesn't make enough games compared to their main competition. You don't need to "know this industry" to see this.
Microsoft has to make the Xbox One appeal to everyone, everywhere it's available and with Baseball only really being popular in the US and Japan it's not really a focus for Microsoft.
So what's better, try make loads of different type of games to try to appeal to as many people as possible or just do almost NOTHING and just focus on the usual Halo, Forza and Gears?

I think making niche or smaller games along with the big games is actually vital.

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