Leaving Xbox,been here since day 1....

Heck yes I am. I initially bought an Xbox along with a PS4 hoping Microsoft would release some AAA exclusives to compete with Sony. Instead what we got were all mostly features such as BC, updated UI etc... which I care nothing for. Even worse then they introduced Play Anywhere bringing Xbox Exclusives to PC, which makes my purchase even more redundant because I already own a 4K capable gaming PC. It's been a very long while since I've turned on my Xbox, and I plan on giving it away.
Hmm in the end its your choice, I'm perfectly happy with the XBOX and yes I hope that we get more exclusives soon and other cross platform games but who doesn't?
I don't usually comment on these Vs threads since it just becomes vitriolic quickly. Though since it was thrust on the front page of Windows Central i figured I'd add my two cents.

I've always used my Xbox for more than gaming, so it suits me fine. Been on it since the OG.
In my case there are too many games to play, between recent titles, backwards compatible, and free games with gold. I just don't have the time.

I was disappointed by some decisions made to ace features I enjoyed and i voiced them in appropriate forums, but i still enjoy the whole package offered.

Personal tastes can always skew decisions regardless of other data, so I'm not sure how valid a measure of the entire industry that is.

I guess maybe a monopoly in the in the industry would suit some.

Each to their own i suppose.

To the OP you have Android Central for all your PlayStation news and tips. They are all about it there, because Android users apparently don't Xbox and use only Chromebooks.
the Xbox one has never had a real MLB game like "The Show".
Microsoft, based in a MLB city has to know every child-adult in their city has to own a playstation to play MLB.
I called Xbox support and they said that the last 360 game made by 2k is backwards compatible,showing again how out of touch Microsoft is.
They killed off the phone OS of my choice, they killed off the bands months after i bought 2, they killed off mixradio and groove music, so im severing my ties with any new Microsoft purchases until i see a change that shows they care about consumers.
I've never owned any playstation console so will see how it goes, Microsoft exclusive games dont really excite me enough to stay at this point

It is absolutely not backwards compatible!! I tried that!!

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