Let other people upload their files to my shared folder without letting them asscessing it.


New member
Jun 15, 2014
Does anyone have a solution for that my problem. I use OneDrive so much and now I want to make a folder such that I can let other people to upload their files into it but don't want them to be able to access it.
Thanks Laura for your help. You know I should have some searching before hance, and I've tried this way or that way including your suggestion but they didtn't work.
People who has permission to just view can access (to download other files in folder) and cannot upload , for those who have modified permission, they can do any thing. While I just want them to be able to upload to it folder only, they shouldn't have ability to download other files in that folder.
My problem seems to be somewhat crazy, but I think some people also need that feature for specific purpose.
Have you found and answer? I am also looking for the same thing you are and if you have would you mind sharing?
You want people to be able to put things in a shared folder, but not see what else is already there.

I'm afraid that's not doable.

What you can do is create a folder tree, and create a separate folder for each user with appropriate permission for that user. Then just give each user their unique link to their folder. A specific user can see what's in their folder, but in theory it's only what they uploaded themselves (or something you put there for them to find).
You want people to be able to put things in a shared folder, but not see what else is already there.

I'm afraid that's not doable.

What you can do is create a folder tree, and create a separate folder for each user with appropriate permission for that user. Then just give each user their unique link to their folder. A specific user can see what's in their folder, but in theory it's only what they uploaded themselves (or something you put there for them to find).

Further to this, it is possible to configure your system to get all of these files into a single folder, if that is what is required for your purpose.

As stated above you can give individuals access to single folders, if there is a sensitivity issue you should still do this. Beyond that, set up a simple script which monitors the root folder containing each user's share and move everything it finds into a single directory, to which your invitees have no permission, without copying the folder structure. That script just needs to reside on a system which is often (or preferably always) on.
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