LG Optimus Impressions?


New member
Nov 8, 2010
I plan on picking one of these up from TELUS in Canada! Seems to have gotten amazing reviews so far.... Good build, amazing battery, solid unit overal! Anyone have one and can comment?


New member
Nov 9, 2010
LG Optimus Switzerland (Swisscom)

I plan on picking one of these up from TELUS in Canada! Seems to have gotten amazing reviews so far.... Good build, amazing battery, solid unit overal! Anyone have one and can comment?

I had mine for a week now and it works flawlessly. The only gripes i have are, missing support for multiplpe google calendar and c&p. But both should come in the near future.

Typing is very good, the screen is nice even though it is a little out-dated (tech-wise), and i like the the buttons, good to reach and they have a nice "click" to them when pressed. The powerbutton is on the small side. And if u hold the phone in your right hand, u might press the camera button by accident.

Overall I am very pleased with the phone and do not regret buying one of these.

Oh and the "Play To" App from LG is GREAT!!!! Works super smooth with my Receiver.

Sorry for typos.

Hope that helps



New member
May 1, 2008
Its solid, I dropped mine from my lap getting out of the car and it barely has a scratch. A friend got the Focus and it felt like a toy to me, too light.

My biggest complaint is there are no accessories for it. I would love to have a dock at work for charging and easy music control. The only cases I've found have been belt holders.

Bluetooth works well. As do the Play To and Panoramic Photo apps.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Thanks for the review cheif7 and gabe. Very helpful for us people up north (in Canada).

Thanks again.


Nov 29, 2010
I picked one up from Telus and unlocked it to use on Fido. I'm actually really happy with this phone. The build quality is solid, has a nice weight to it, and the aluminum back is a very nice touch. I thought the push buttons would bother me as I had only played with the HTC Surround prior which has capacitive buttons, but the push buttons work quite well.

My only gripe is the position of the USB connector, though it's odd spot seems to be a common trend for WP7 devices. No one ever though of releasing docks for these things in the future when they designed them.

The only other issue is that since the phone is now unlocked, it doesn't contain network profiles for Rogers or Fido, so MMS won't function, and the phone needs to have data roaming turned on as it's not operating on Telus. It does contain a network profile for Bell, so if you're thinking of unlocking it and using it on Bell, you shouldn't have these problems.

Mr Mystery

New member
Nov 29, 2010
I picked one up from Telus and unlocked it to use on Fido. I'm actually really happy with this phone. The build quality is solid, has a nice weight to it, and the aluminum back is a very nice touch. I thought the push buttons would bother me as I had only played with the HTC Surround prior which has capacitive buttons, but the push buttons work quite well.

My only gripe is the position of the USB connector, though it's odd spot seems to be a common trend for WP7 devices. No one ever though of releasing docks for these things in the future when they designed them.

The only other issue is that since the phone is now unlocked, it doesn't contain network profiles for Rogers or Fido, so MMS won't function, and the phone needs to have data roaming turned on as it's not operating on Telus. It does contain a network profile for Bell, so if you're thinking of unlocking it and using it on Bell, you shouldn't have these problems.

I'm with Rogers, yes it doesnt have Rogers profiles on it, however I do not have data roaming enabled and data still works fine for me (no MMS)


Nov 29, 2010
I'm with Rogers, yes it doesnt have Rogers profiles on it, however I do not have data roaming enabled and data still works fine for me (no MMS)

Interesting, data will only function on mine with Data Roaming enabled. The roaming icon is always on at the top of the screen.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I live in Brazil and I never wanted to buy a LG cellphone, but I bought the LG Optimus 7 because it was the only WP7 device available at the Brazilian version of eBay.

But after 10 days, my impressions are the best. The phone is very well built, all the pieces and buttons are "fit" and the metal-made (aluminium I guess) battery cover gives an even more solid feel to the phone.

As told before, I live in Brazil, and here there's no sight of the official WP7 launch date, so mine is from Orange France and I had no problem to unlock it. I just ordered a unlock code on a website and that's it, everything is working properly with my local carrier (Oi), only the MMS is missing, but I don't care much about it.

Did you guys in Canada with MMS problems had ever tried the "secret" MFG application?
I think this thread on XDA Developers could help:
MFG application: full access (reg, tethering, dev menu, diag menu) - xda-developers

Best regards


New member
Feb 3, 2011
I've had the LG Optimus 7 for about a month now, I've really enjoyed the phone and the Windows Phone 7 OS. my only gripe is where the USB port is on the phone.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I bought myself one for XMas and I cannot be more pleased with it.
Sturdy and with a battery that gets you through the day if you don't go overboard on usage... :)
I was so lucky as to get an original LG protective cover which gives it an overall rubber protection that gives a finer grip IMHO. All the buttons function just perfect, and integration with my Windows 7 Pro laptop was a breeze, better still, an hurricane, as it only took both 37 seconds! to find themselves and pair so that the laptop can be the phone bluetooth headset and the phone can be a media player for the laptop.

It really is a nice a speedy phone and I've managed to get a few frowns from iPhone toting colleagues of mine when I show them around... :)

Can't go wrong on this one.

Greetings from Portugal!

Adolfo Martins


New member
Feb 23, 2011
I upgraded from an LG Dare. I know living in the dark ages of phones. I love this phone have been very happy with it. Xbox live to MMS have all worked flawlessly for me. Overall look and feel of the phone is perfect not to heavy and not to light. I do have quips with the lack of screen protectors and cases and what not for the phone. Even on-line searches pull up next to nothing.

Few features would love added for my tastes. I would love an audible alert when I receive an msg over live. A few more color selections for the themes. Minor stuff really.

So far applied a Gel Skin with a custom print I found on-line and couldn't be happier.



New member
Apr 17, 2011
LG Optimus on Telus - highly recommended phone

i have the LG Optimus on Telus and love it.

i tried the Optimus Quantum (Bell) with physical keyboard and preferred the LG from Telus bettter. reason the keyboard version is noticeably heavier and the bulkier with pull out keyboard.

it seems to run even better with NODO update (april 2011) ...marketplace works faster.
superfast, stable, l have 75 apps on it works perfect. i highly recommend NEED FOR SPEED (Xbox) it is so worth the $5! that really shows off the phones graphics...

the LG on the highest brightness setting makes iPhone user go 'WTF'!
keyboard is excellent. sound quality is very good especially on speaker phone.
only gripe is i am a heavy user and need to charge 1-2x a day.

1 thing i really love about the WP7 operating system...
if you use hotmail ... the calendars, emails, notes, contacts... sync in seconds automatically!
so if you are on the computer updating any of those 4 or more functions and as well if you are on the phone its updated in the cloud/computer in seconds. NO SYNCHING NEEDED!
gotta love that!

anyone try an 'extended battery' for the phone?


New member
Apr 20, 2011
I got mine last saturday and I have to say it's one thing to see the phone on pictures and videos and another one is using it. It's a very good looking piece of tech and feels great on the hand.

LG has some good free apps like Panorama mode and weather ( Not live titles though). One thing that I like is that the screen while it's not amoled or anything fancy looks pretty clear on the hot sun.


New member
Apr 20, 2011
One griped though. Is next to impossible to find a decent cover for this phone jeez.


New member
May 19, 2011
I love my HD7 mainly for the screen size but the build quality, feel and screen on my Optimus 7 beats the HD7.
I never thought I would say that about an LG device as previous Windows Mobile devices by LG were always classed as second rate. Looks like they have learned from their mistakes and stepped up to the line with this one.
Also there are far more LG apps than HTC with some quite useful ones thrown in.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Mine got delivered today... after updating to NoDo and a few hiccups with contact sync, everything's working perfectly. The screen on this is great, as well as the build quality. Feels really solid.

I'm just super impressed with the speed and stability of Windows Phone. It blows everything else out of the water (even iOS). The UI design is awesome - the whole OS is just super fun to mess around with, but it never gets in your way. Gonna wait till Mango, it'll just make it so much sweeter.

The speaker isn't amazing for music (like most phones) and the USB cover is a bit flimsy, but they're really small issues that aren't dealbreakers on an awesome phone like this one. Does anyone else's Windows button wobble around a bit?

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