Life After Having WP7

Well, I can tell you that my iPhone 4 and Focus Flash are nearly identical in overall dimensions. All dimensions. So they could have used a widescreen format and maintained the same form factor. To me, there is a lot of wasted space on the face of the iPhone.

Yup. I agree. So much wasted space. It was awesome when 3.5" was OMGHUGE! But now... meh.
Is screen size really all that important honestly? I can work just as well with a 3.5" as I can a 4.5"...
Is screen size really all that important honestly? I can work just as well with a 3.5" as I can a 4.5"...

I dunno, with WP7, I feel 4.3" is just perfect, but as small as 4" will do. Apple iOS, I feel it could be a lither larger.

Android, I feel... below 4" is too small.

While I basically just said: I prefer 4"=<, the exact wording reflects my thinking on each one. I probably am a bit more knee jerk, but after a HTC Aria... never again with small displays, lol.

argh, I cannot find better wording for my opinion on this :(
Better wording: the OS' ability to display useable information influences what I think screen size should be. IMO, WP7 is best served by 4.3" or so. Android, NOTHING below 4" Not a single millimeter. Apple: I feel they are limited in what they can do in their OS by the decision to stay at 3.5"

Also, something I did NOT take into account are the different screen aspect ratios.... but still, assume Android has 16:9, WP7 has 16:9.5, and Apple has the ~16:11.
I feel what you're saying bro. But hey, we all have WP7 cor a reason, and we can't argue with the screen results :D
how did it get stolen?

someone stole it off my Desk at work when i went on a Smoke break. and so many people work in my building , its impossible to know who it was. :( even with *find my phone* it gave me like a 20mille radius ( where it so happens that half the employs live ) and dint have strong enough proof to accuse any one :(
someone stole it off my Desk at work when i went on a Smoke break. and so many people work in my building , its impossible to know who it was. :( even with *find my phone* it gave me like a 20mille radius ( where it so happens that half the employs live ) and dint have strong enough proof to accuse any one :(

ouch yea, my phone goes with me everywhere i go. I'm never more than 2 feet away from it at any time.
ouch yea, my phone goes with me everywhere i go. I'm never more than 2 feet away from it at any time.

im like that now lol, i learned my lesson , i even have a burglar alarm on my phone

* if it moves it rings at the loudest volume* hehe

APP Name: Burglar Alarm (obviously HAHA )
has anyone else ever gotten rid of their windows phone or picked up something else and just ended up missing it?
No but I most assuredly would miss it although I think I'm going to get th focus s for a penny and then my focus will be my backup.
I've thought about going back to an iPhone, but then I used my iPad or iPod touch, saw the grid, and thought "wow, this is boring as ****."

Mangos taste better than apples!
^^^ win.

I thought about a droid for a bit when I get my upgrade, just because I like to mix it up. After using my friends focus...not a chance in ****.
someone stole it off my Desk at work when i went on a Smoke break. and so many people work in my building , its impossible to know who it was. :( even with *find my phone* it gave me like a 20mille radius ( where it so happens that half the employs live ) and dint have strong enough proof to accuse any one :(

They should print stuff like "*** breaks will get your stuff nicked" on cigarette packets along with health warnings :)
Good point. I would like to bring up, the iPhone display is among the most "fat" aspect ratios. 960x640 (~ 16:11 or something around that). Vs the common qHD on android phones of 960x540 (16:9). Also vs the 800x480 (~16:9.5).

So maybe if they made the screen narrower and taller, it would be "larger MOAR INCHEZ," lol :P Based on rough quesstimate math, it's about the same area as an 3.8" 800x480 display, and nearly the same surface area as a 960x540 4" display :)

Resolution has nothing to do with screen area. A iPhone 3.5" screen has a surface area of 5.25" sq. A 3.8" screen, regardless of resolution, has a surface area of 6.27" sq., and a 4.3" screen a surface area of 7.998" sq. The Titan's 4.7" screen has a surface area of 9.56: sq. The Titan's screen has 82% more viewing area than an iPhone.
has anyone else ever gotten rid of their windows phone or picked up something else and just ended up missing it?

I was thinking of getting a Vivid because of the LTE support. Went to look at it twice, once at an ATT store, once at Best Buy. Both times the phone crashed in my hand and had to restart. ATT I tried to open one of the native apps (don't recall which) and at Best Buy I hit the home button. That kept me from switching.
Resolution has nothing to do with screen area. A iPhone 3.5" screen has a surface area of 5.25" sq. A 3.8" screen, regardless of resolution, has a surface area of 6.27" sq., and a 4.3" screen a surface area of 7.998" sq. The Titan's 4.7" screen has a surface area of 9.56: sq. The Titan's screen has 82% more viewing area than an iPhone.

That is not exactly true. For the sake of what I think is being discussed here. Screen resolution has a direct correlation to the aspect ratio, which in turn affects the dimensions of the screen. In this way, resolution does also affect screen area because of their relationship to one another.

This is exactly why Samsung can fit a 3.7" display into a form factor that is almost exactly the same as the iPhone 4. I had both (returned Flash for a Focus S) and did a direct comparison. The overall dimensions are so close it's scary. The width of the screens are almost identical but the Flash is taller in portrait mode.

Also, just measuring the viewing area could be misleading as well. If you have a large screen at a low resolution, you could actually fit less information on the display than a smaller screen with a higher resolution.

I do get your point, but I think he was just trying to say that aspect ratio can adversely affect screen size. In marketing, we all know reality is not as important as how it looks or sounds. Just look at all the people who claim that WP7 needs a dual-core to be competitive. That is truly being a slave to marketing. A little research sometimes goes a long way.

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