Life After Having WP7

Lol, I love Apple, and would of bought an iPhone 4 (I don't like the 4S for some reason!?), but the small screen is actually a turnoff. High resolution, low screen real estate. Sort of how I prefer 14" 1366x768 display over 11.6" 1366x768 display :(

That, and except for sharper texts, I feel the 3.5" display forced Apple to basically waste space on the ultra-high resolution of the Retina display.
I've had the iPhone 4 since day 1 and now I've had the Titan for a week. I love both of them but if I had to get rid of one, it would definitely be the iPhone. It's a great phone, and I highly recommend it to anyone who asks, but I've had an iPhone for 4 years and the interface hasn't really changed much in that time. Now I just find it boring and Windows Phone is exactly what I'm looking for.
I've had the iPhone 4 since day 1 and now I've had the Titan for a week. I love both of them but if I had to get rid of one, it would definitely be the iPhone. It's a great phone, and I highly recommend it to anyone who asks, but I've had an iPhone for 4 years and the interface hasn't really changed much in that time. Now I just find it boring and Windows Phone is exactly what I'm looking for.

I'll have to agree here. For the majority of the past years, I've been using iPhones. Tried a few phones in between such as Blackberries and Palm Pre (best OS software at the time before HP acquired, but lacked hardware). Always went back to the iPhone.

Bought a used Focus over a week ago and used it for a week when I got some water damaged to the battery so I had to use the iPhone 4 that I kept around. Was not happy at all. I loved the screen on the Focus. The colors and deep blacks. The completely different OS. I'll be getting my replacement battery tomorrow and can't wait to get back into the Focus and WP7. I'll still have the iPhone 4, as a back up and music player lol

Not hating on the iPhone or iOS but after many years, I'd like to try something completely new and WP7 was it. I'd still recommend an iPhone to anyone who has never owned one but I'd also suggest a WP7 of course.
I'm surprised that Apple hasn't changed the look of the OS very much at all since its inception. The word on the street is that next year will finally bring a significant overhaul to iOS.

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