I've had the iPhone 4 since day 1 and now I've had the Titan for a week. I love both of them but if I had to get rid of one, it would definitely be the iPhone. It's a great phone, and I highly recommend it to anyone who asks, but I've had an iPhone for 4 years and the interface hasn't really changed much in that time. Now I just find it boring and Windows Phone is exactly what I'm looking for.Lol, I love Apple, and would of bought an iPhone 4 (I don't like the 4S for some reason!?), but the small screen is actually a turnoff. High resolution, low screen real estate. Sort of how I prefer 14" 1366x768 display over 11.6" 1366x768 display
That, and except for sharper texts, I feel the 3.5" display forced Apple to basically waste space on the ultra-high resolution of the Retina display.