Lifetime Apple / Mac user - thinking of jumping to Windows - need advice.

I wouldn't make the move just yet. If you're on iPhone and Mac you will be disappointed, very disappointed by what MS is currently offering you. W10 will, (I think) be worth switching to in the near future, but EVERYTHING about W10 is either unfinished, buggy, broken or a combination of all three. This will get better with time, but it simply ain't there yet.
I was going to post something else but I realized there is no point in conversing with Steve's flock. Same thing over and over. Windows Baaaaad...
Next year you can completely replace your iPhone and mac with a windows phone and windows PC. Now it's still early days. Especially with the continuity features possibly coming with the new big update (REDSTONE)
I was going to post something else but I realized there is no point in conversing with Steve's flock. Same thing over and over. Windows Baaaaad...
So you decided to insult everyone INSTEAD of conversing, good move, *****...
Well instead of actually trying to help the OP (which I did) a lot of the responses in this thread are "Windows sucks". Not really very helpful.

And as far as insults go, I'm not in a Mac forum bashing Apple, am I?
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@ Wajeeh...I don't mind learning a new DAW, but I'm just wondering how much something like FL would have compared to Logic Pro X. Logic has a ton of sounds, loops, and that new intelligent drummer feature is something I've really liked using and would hate to leave unless another DAW also had something similar, as good, or better. Also, I have the Komplete Ultimate suite for additional sounds, loops, effects, etc. Would this work on the Windows platform, or would I have to get the Windows version of Komplete?
I think you should be able to use Komplete on Windows, though I would ask NI once. All WAV samples and VSTs work on Windows (obviously :P) And I think Ableton is worth the learning curve.
Also I'm sorry that this thread has become another Mac v PC spam thread
I'm trying out windows on a bootcamp partition on my Macbook Air. I like it just fine except for the trackpad. It just doesn't work well in Windows. The other thing that is nitpicky for sure is that some parts of the interface look Windows 10 and other parts look like an older version of windows. UI consistency is not good. Font face rendering on Windows has always been problematic as well. They don't do anti aliasing well. Probably not an issue for some but it drives me crazy. My windows phone I love to death though. I think they got that OS right.

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