I think andromeda should have live tiles. Dor its purpose I would even suggest phasing out both the start menu and desktop environment. Replace this with a single expandable desktop, that has startmenu and lives tiles functionality and can be exoanded both horizontally or vertically for both scroll directions. I think the live tiles could even use an upgrade in personlization, expand the choice of live tile sizes and expand their functionality with interactive live tiles. Windows 10 supports 4 sizes 1x1, 2x2, 2x4 and 4x4. The size choice should have 4x2, 4x8, and 8x8, 1x2, and 2x1, 1x4, and 4x1.
I think andromeda will matter most in obility and cloud by having the data you need directly on hand at your finget tips. No more endless app switching and searching through endless files not remembering the file name. See the new desktop canvas as one big cork board to pin your favorite app links, tile info or recent files in a list at a glance on your screen. And be able to interact with them. Start an instant timer from the tile by pressing a button on a tile. Pauze/play/skip a track with a button on the player tile, find instant weather data from another city simply by swiping your favorite places from the tilr. Instant message with a contact or group simply from the tile, any easily switch between conversations simply by having conversation tiles side by side. No more back and forth switching between threads. Just skip over from tile to tile at a glance. See images better with tile slideshows in a larger tile format, and scroll images directly from the tile. Start your day with a to do or reminders stickynote tile you typed or handwrote directly on the live tile. Or see live dynamic data on the live tile such as Wi-Fi connection strength, temperature changes of your pc or iot device etc. All info at a glance with live tiles. Get in get out done. I can see the functionality help support and expand productivity better by viewing more relevant information at a glance from a single dashboard. Micromanaging the information you really need. All greater productivity can be done in a focussed manner within the app itself.
Mobility means more effectively and efficiently managing a lot of information coming your way. We are already bombarded with a lot of information and data on a daily basis. I see project andromeda aid in that as a valuable asset to develop for. I think live tiles are part of that story. If not, its just another windows device.