New member
- Apr 23, 2014
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As a point all OSes have some form of "Loading/Resuming" WP is just designed in a way that makes it more apparent that it's loading the app. Switching apps on my Nexus 5 often brings up a blank white screen or just an app header with the loading circle while it's bringing everything back into memory.
Firmware should speed things up but I wouldn't expect a massive improvement.
1) The MAIN thing that will affect this perception is whether the apps you use have implemented "Fast Resume". This was a new thing in WP8 (I think -- can't remember if that was the release we added it in) and an ISV has to "flag" their app to support it. This might involve testing and in a few apps it involves more work than just testing. SO ... ping the ISVs if you're feeling that apps come up slow. MOST PEOPLE don't say this.
2) A lot of people ask about TRANSITIONS and they assume the transitions "add time" to getting to the app. We've worked hard to make that NOT THE CASE. What we've done is made the transitions happen "while the app is loading" so they give you something to see that fills the time but does NOT slow it down. (OK, maybe a tiny, imperceptible bit.) We would NOT NOT NOT gratuitously make millions of people wait longer to show a turnstile.. we show you the turnstile while you'd be waiting anyway.
-Joe Belfiore