Lumia 1520 irresponsive screen

Thanks! Does uninstalling glance get rid of the function completely or will it retain the function but you can't the settings?
Removing the Glance and Touch Apps appears to have fixed the problem for me while at work.

Once at home again I'll try a Factory Reset without updating those two to check if this might be an option too but for now It'll do.
I had similar problem with my Samsung i937, plus battery drain and over heat issue. What I found out is that defective charge cable and dust in device's USB charging port caused these problems. At the first, I clean the dust from phone's USB port that solved problems for few days then back again. At the end, I bought a new Samsung USB cable from the store and cleaned phone USB port one more time then problem solved.
I have also been dealing with the same issue on my 1520. Every morning when I take it off the charger it's completely unresponsive, and its started to do the same thing sporadically throughout the day. This is completely unacceptable, as I need my phone to work when I pick it up.

I have tried a factory reset, with all the work that entails, without updating touch and glance, only to wake up to a frozen phone this morning. I tried uninstalling touch and glance using the date trick, and while they're now off the settings list, I still very clearly have a glance screen active when the phone is locked.

I'm at my wits end with this and will likely be calling att this after noon to return it under warranty. This is absurd, and it has already consumed far too much of my time as is.
Although, I suspect official support will be limited as 8.1 is not "officially" released for the 1520 yet. Has there been any word on when that might be?
So, I've gone back to wp8 from 8.1 and I'm still having a similar problem. I suspect at least in my case this is hardware related. I'm going to call att very soon to return under warranty.
That's strange. I never had the issue with WP8.... So I'm hoping the problem will be solved with the official WP8.1 update.
And otherwise I will contact Nokia (or Microsoft?) soon...
This could of happen with any device and that's the chance you take on ebay. Open it up and check the connections.
I changed the date then I uninstalled touch & glance but that did not help. My screen is acting like I am touching it when I'm not. Bing starts up by itself. Some times I can just turn the screen off and then back on. Other times I have to power off then back on to clear the problem.

Is there any word on a fix for this? I tried a soft rest, uninstall glance and touch but it still keeps on doing it. It just starts apps out of nowhere especcialy bing search and voice search.
I did not buy my phone from eBay. I bought my 1520 from AT&T. My phone was fine for 5 months before the touch problem started.

Is there any word on a fix for this? I tried a soft rest, uninstall glance and touch but it still keeps on doing it. It just starts apps out of nowhere especcialy bing search and voice search.

Did you try turning off battery saver?
The only things I could found where disabling touch and glance wich I did. The result was the same. Today I reverted back to WP8 but the problem still exsists. But I think it is less. Could this mean that it really is a hardware malfunction?
I'm now resetting my phone on a daily basis from in being completely unresponsive. Has there been any word when an "official" 8.1 rollout is supposed to occur?
I also have to restart my phone everyday due to it locking up and the screen being unresponsive. Usually more then 3 times a day. I don't know why this problem is happening. It started about 2 weeks ago. I'm on dp 8.1 . Need a fix badly. Don't want to urgently need to use the phone and its suddenly frozen. It can be idle in my pocket and I pull it out and its frozen. Not good.
I was having the same problem and hopefully I may have found an answer. For me it was switching to a different SD card. Nearly every time I had to restart my phone I kept receiving an error telling me scan my SD card. After doing this more than a few times I finally decided to try a new SD card and voila no more screen lock ups. Now this is not yet conclusive for it has been less than 48 hours since the switch but in that time I have not had to restart my phone which I was doing nearly every morning.

Sent from my T100TA using Tapatalk
My touch was so bad that just about every time I went to unlock my 1520 the touch would mess up. Most of the time the touch would not work and if I did not turn the screen off the phone would start stuff on it's own like search, add to my alarm, take screen shots and other weird stuff.

About 5 hours ago I took my 2gb Microsd card out and put my 16gb card back in. So far my touch problem has not happened. Could it be that the Microsd card was the problem? I will know by the end of the day tomorrow. I will post back tomorrow.


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